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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Founded at Liverpool in 1923 by the influential British Hispanist E. Allison Peers, the Bulletin of Spanish Studies is a learned review dedicated to research into the languages, literatures, histories and civilizations of Spain, Portugal and Latin America. Also known as the Bulletin of Hispanic Studies (1949-2001), the Bulletin of Spanish Studies soon established an international reputation, and is now recognised world wide as one of the front-ranking journals in the field of Hispanic scholarship.

The Bulletin's editors have included E. Allison Peers, founder-editor, Albert Sloman, Geoffrey Ribbans, Harold Hall, Dorothy S. Severin, Ann L. Mackenzie, C. A. Longhurst, James Whiston and Jeremy Robbins. An international committee of Hispanists, set up in 1949, has functioned continuously since that date to advise the Editors of the Bulletin. In 1995 the Bulletin relocated to the University of Glasgow, which is its present editorial and publishing base.

The Bulletin, which had last modified its title in 1949, reverted from Volume LXXIX, 2002 to its original title: Bulletin of Spanish Studies, without loss of editorial continuity, volume-numbering, or breadth of coverage. As its subtitle confirms, the Bulletin continues to publish 'Hispanic Studies and Researches on Spain, Portugal and Latin America'.

Between 1923-1997, the Bulletin was published as a quarterly; then in 1998 it expanded to 5 issues annually; and in 2002, to coincide with the Bulletin's reversion to its original title, another increase, to 6 issues per volume-year, plus supplement, was implemented. In 2004 the Bulletin further expanded in size and frequency, and now publishes 8 issues per year; these 8 issues may include up to 3 special numbers or book-length Hispanic publications. This further expansion enables the Bulletin to publish more research articles and reviews every year, as well as longer works of reference and criticism, and ensures their prompt availability to scholars.

In 2009, exceptionally, besides the usual eight issues, two book-length supplements, consisting of reference-works will be published.


Peer Review Policy

All articles and books published in this research journal have been peer-reviewed by specialists in the appropriate fields. Peer assessors involved in the evaluation processes include members of the Bulletin' international Editorial Board and/or Editorial Advisory Committee (names as published) and also external assessors world-wide, selected for their recognized expertise and standing in the areas concerned.


The Bulletin of Spanish Studies and Taylor & Francis make every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the “Content”) contained in its publications. However, the Journal and Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not necessarily the views of the Editor, the Journal or Taylor & Francis

About the journal

Instructions to Authors

***Note to Authors: please make sure your contact address information is clearly visible on the outside of all packages you are sending to Editors.***

Editorial communications, including articles submitted, books for review and returned proofs, should be addressed to the Editors, The Bulletin of Spanish Studies, 68 Oakfield Avenue, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, G12 8LS. The Editors may also be contacted by e-mail at: CeriByrne@aol.com or BSS@gla.ac.uk.

Articles for publication should be original material not published or under consideration for publication elsewhere, and should not exceed 12,000 words. Review-articles are by invitation only. Unsolicited reviews are rarely accepted. All contributions must be submitted in a form ready for publication. The Editors welcome submitted articles received electronically by attachment. Electronic submissions are particularly welcomed and should be sent as Word (.doc) files or in PDF format. If submitted in paper format, do so in duplicate, typed on one side of the page, double-spaced throughout, with wide margins; if possible, and additionally, please submit your article on IBM-compatible disk. Rejected manuscripts will be returned only on request; by ordinary mail, unless air-mail postage is paid in advance. The Editors do not hold themselves responsible for the loss of manuscripts.

All quotations and references should have been verified. Notes to articles (reviews must not carry notes) should be footnotes where possible, or should appear on a separate page at the end of the text. Avoid in-text note references except to indicate main primary source works. Works cited should be included in the footnotes and not in a separate list. Titles of books and periodicals should be in italics. References should take the form of the following examples:

E. Allison Peers, 'Some Women Mystics of the Seventeenth Century', BHS, XXIX: 116 (1952), 193-201.

Albert E. Sloman, The Dramatic Craftmanship of Calder n (Oxford: Dolphin, 1958), 250-51.

Antonio Machado, Campos de Castilla, ed. with Introduction and Notes, by Geoffrey Ribbans (Madrid: C tedra, 1989).


I.L. McClelland, 'The Mystical "Dark Night" of San Juan de la Cruz As interpreted in Poetic Summary', in Spain and its Literature. Essays in Memory of E. Allison Peers, ed., with an introduction, by Ann L. Mackenzie, Hispanic Studies TRAC (Textual Research and Criticism) 15 (Liverpool: Liverpool U.P., 1997), 103-08


A guide to the Bulletin's house style to be followed for publication is obtainable on request from the Editors: contact ceribyrne@aol.com or bss@gla.ac.uk.

Free article access: Corresponding authors can receive 50 free reprints, free online access to their article through our website (
www.informaworld.com) and a complimentary copy of the issue containing their article. Complimentary reprints are available through Rightslink® and additional reprints can be ordered through Rightslink® when proofs are received. If you have any queries, please contact our reprints department at reprints@tandf.co.uk

Editorial Board

General Editors:

Ann L. Mackenzie - University of Glasgow, UK
James Whiston - Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland
Jeremy Robbins - University of Edinburgh, UK

Associate Editors:

Ceri Byrne - University of Glasgow, UK
Julia Biggane - University of Aberdeen, UK  

Patricia McDermott - University of Leeds, UK


Assistant Editor:

John McCulloch - University of Glasgow, UK

Editorial Advisory Committee:

Richard A. Cardwell - University of Nottingham, UK
Don W. Cruickshank - University College, Dublin, Ireland   
Mar a D ez Borque - Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain
Victor Dixon - Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland
Bradley S. Epps - Harvard University, USA
Peter W. Evans - Queen Mary University, London, UK
Margit Frenk - Universidad Nacional Aut
noma de M xico, M xico
David T. Gies - University of Virgina, USA

C.A. Longhurst - King's College, London, UK
Helder Macedo - King's College, London, UK
Ian Macpherson - Queen Mary, University of London, UK
Melveena McKendrick - University of Cambridge, UK
Ian Michael - Exeter College, University of Oxford, UK
Juan Oleza - Universidad de Valencia, Spain
Paul Preston - London School of Economics and Political Science, UK
Geoffrey Ribbans - Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island, USA
Francisco Rico - Universidad Aut
noma, Barcelona, Spain
Nicholas G. Round - University of Sheffield, UK
J. M. Ruano de la Haza - University of Ottawa, Canada
D. L. Shaw - University of Virginia, USA
Alison Sinclair - Clare College, University of Cambridge, UK
Albert Sloman - University of Essex, UK
Joseph T. Snow - Michigan State University, USA
D. Gareth Walters - University of Swansea, UK
Edwin H. Williamson - University of Oxford, UK

Jason Wilson - University College London, UK

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