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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Spanish in Context publishes original theoretical, empirical and methodological studies into pragmatics and sociopragmatics, variationist and interactional sociolinguistics, sociology of language, discourse and conversation analysis, functional contextual analyses, bilingualism, and crosscultural and intercultural communication with the aim of extending our knowledge of Spanish and of these disciplines themselves.

This journal is peer reviewed and indexed in: IBR/IBZ, European Reference Index for the Humanities, Sociological abstracts, INIST, Linguistic Bibliography, Scopus, Social Sciences Citation Index, Arts & Humanities Citation Index, Current Contents/Arts & Humanities

Instructions to Authors

Manuscripts must be submitted as email attachments to info@spanishincontext.com. Contributions should be approximately 8000 words, including references, and should also include an abstract (100-150 words), a list of keywords, and the author(s) full name and address. Articles should be in English or Spanish. English spelling should be either British or American English consistently throughout. If not written by a native speaker of English or Spanish, it is advisable to have the paper checked by a native speaker.

Authors are responsible for observing the laws of COPYRIGHT when quoting or reproducing material from other sources. The copyright to articles published in Spanish in Context is held by the Publisher. A Copyright Assignment form will be provided by the Editors upon acceptance of your article. Permissions for the author to use the article elsewhere will not be withheld unreasonably, upon written request.

Articles should be reasonably divided into SECTIONS and, if necessary, sub-sections.

TABLES AND FIGURES. All tables, trees and figures must fit within the following page size (if necessary, after limited reduction) and should still be legible at 11.5 cm (≈ 4.5") x 18 cm (≈7"). Suggested font setting for tables: Times Roman 10 pts (absolute minimum: 8 pts). Tables and figures should be numbered consecutively, provided with appropriate captions and should be referred to in the main text in this manner, e.g., “in table 2”, but never like this “in the following table: ”. Please indicate the preferred position of the table or figure in the text.

RUNNING HEADS. It is not necessary to include running heads with your article. However, in case of a long title, please suggest a short one for the running head (max. 55 characters) on the cover sheet of your contribution.

EMPHASIS AND FOREIGN WORDS. Use italics for foreign language, highlighting and emphasis. Bold should be used only for highlighting within italics and for headings. Please refrain from the use of FULL CAPS (except for focal stress and abbreviations) and underlining (except for highlighting within examples, as an alternative for boldface), unless this is a strict convention in your field of research. For terms or expressions (e.g., ‘context of situation’) please use single quotes. For glosses of citation forms use double quotes.

QUOTATIONS should be given in double quotation marks. Quotations longer than 4 lines should be indented with a blank line above and below the quoted text.

EXAMPLES AND GLOSSES. Examples should be numbered with Arabic numerals (1,2,3, etc.) in parentheses. Examples in languages other than English or Spanish should be in italics with an approximate translation. Between the original and the translation, glosses can be added. This interlinear gloss gets no punctuation and no highlighting. For the abbreviations in the interlinear gloss, CAPS or SMALL CAPS can be used, which will be converted to small caps by our typesetters in final formatting. please note that lines 1 and 2 are lined up through the use of spaces: it is essential that the number of elements in lines 1 and 2 match. If two words in the example correspond to one word in the gloss use a full stop to glue the two together. Morphemes are separated by hyphens (1, 2b).
Every next level in the example gets one indent/tab.

(1) Que te sea leve.
That to-you it-is (SUB) light
‘Hope it is easy for you.’

ENDNOTES should be kept to a minimum. They should be numbered consecutively throughout the text in square brackets or superscript. They should be listed in a section 'Notes' following the main text. The notes should not contain reference material if this can be absorbed in the text and list of references.

REFERENCES in the text should be as precise as possible, giving page references where necessary; for example: (Brinton 1996: 37). All references in the text should appear in the list of References. The References should follow the Notes. References should be listed (1) alphabetically and (2) chronologically. Names of journals should be given in full with page references. Authors’ names should be given in the way the authors do themselves, i.e., with full first name(s) and/or initials. Do not abbreviate the names of publishers (other than dropping ‘Ltd.’ etc.) or journals. For states in the US, please do not use the postal abbreviation (not CA, but Calif.) In cases where two or more different papers by an author are cited please provide the references in descending order, that is, starting with the author’s latest publication.
Please pay special attention to the use of capitals, italics and punctuation marks given in the following examples:

Márquez Reiter, Rosina. 2000. Linguistic Politeness in Britain and Uruguay [Pragmatics & Beyond New Series 83]. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Article in book/journal:
Escandell-Vidal, Victoria. 2004. Norms and Principles: Putting social and cognitive pragmatics together. In: Current Trends in the Pragmatics of Spanish, Rosina Márquez Reiter and María E. Placencia (eds), 347-371 [Pragmatics & Beyond New Series 123]. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Authors are kindly requested to check their manuscripts very carefully before submission in order to avoid delays and extra costs at the PROOF STAGE. The first author of a contribution will receive a PDF of first proofs of the article for correction via email and will be requested to return the corrections on a hard copy to the journal editor within 10 days of receipt. Please limit corrections to the essential. It is at the publisher’s discretion not to implement substantial textual changes or to charge the author. If it is absolutely necessary to change larger chunks of text (i.e. more than just a few words), it is best to submit the changes on disk (with identical hard copy). Please contact the journal editor if you cannot handle proofs for your article in electronic format.

Each first named author of main articles will receive a complimentary copy of the issue.
Manuscripts and all editorial correspondence should be sent to the Editors at the following address:

Proposals for book reviews should be sent to:
Dr Francisco Yus
University of Alicante
Filología Inglesa
Apartado 99
E-03080 Alicante

Editorial Board

Executive Editor
Kim Potowski, University of Illinois at Chicago

Rosina Márquez Reiter, University of Surrey
Francisco Moreno Fernández, Universidad de Alcalá de Henares

Review Editor
Francisco Yus, University of Alicante

Editorial Board
Helena Calsamiglia, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona
Rocío Caravedo, Università di Pisa
M. Victoria Escandell-Vidal, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia
Jane Freeland, University of Southampton
Ofelia García, Teachers College Columbia University
Rainer Enrique Hamel, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Mexico
Carol Klee, University of Minnesota
Humberto López Morales, Real Academia Española
Nuria Lorenzo-Dus, University of Wales Swansea
Luisa Martín Rojo, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Ricardo Otheguy, Graduate Center, CUNY
Graciela Reyes, University of Illinois, Chicago
José A. Samper Padilla, Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
Carmen Silva-Corvalán, University of Southern California
Daniel J. Villa, New Mexico State University
Ana Celia Zentella, University of California at San Dieg

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