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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Language Policy is highly relevant to scholars, students, specialists and policy-makers working in the fields of applied linguistics, language policy, sociolinguistics, and language teaching and learning. The journal aims to contribute to the field by publishing high-quality studies that build a sound theoretical understanding of the field of language policy and cover a range of cases, situations and regions worldwide.

A distinguishing feature of this journal is its focus on various dimensions of language educational policy. Language education policy includes decisions about which languages are to be used as a medium of instruction and/or taught in schools, as well as analysis of these policies within their social, ethnic, religious, political, cultural and economic contexts.

The journal aims to continue its tradition of bringing together solid scholarship on language policy and language education policy from around the world but also to expand its direction into new areas. The editors are very interested in papers that explore language policy not only at national levels but also at the institutional levels of schools, workplaces, families, health services, media and other entities. In particular, we welcome theoretical and empirical papers with sound qualitative or quantitative bases that critically explore how language policies are developed at local and regional levels, as well as on how they are enacted, contested and negotiated by the targets of that policy themselves. We seek papers on the above topics as they are researched and informed through interdisciplinary work within related fields such as education, anthropology, politics, linguistics, economics, law, history, ecology, and geography. We particularly are interested in papers from lesser-covered parts of the world of Africa and Asia.

Specifically we encourage papers in the following areas:

Detailed accounts of promoting and managing language (education) policy (who, what, why, and how) in local, institutional, national and global contexts.

Research papers on the development, implementation and effects of language policies, including implications for minority and majority languages, endangered languages, lingua francas and linguistic human rights;

Accounts of language policy development and implementation by governments and governmental agencies, non-governmental organizations and business enterprises, with a critical perspective (not only descriptive).

Accounts of attempts made by ethnic, religious and minority groups to establish, resist, or modify language policies (language policies 'from below');

Theoretically and empirically informed papers addressing the enactment of language policy in public spaces, cyberspace and the broader language ecology (e.g., linguistic landscapes, sociocultural and ethnographic perspectives on language policy);

Review pieces of theory or research that contribute broadly to our understanding of language policy, including of how individual interests and practices interact with policy.

We also welcome proposals for special guest-edited thematic issues on any of the topics above, and short commentaries on topical issues in language policy or reactions to papers published in the journal.

Instructions to Authors

Editorial procedure 

The journal follows a double-blind reviewing procedure. Authors are therefore requested to place their name and affiliation on a separate page. Self-identifying citations and references in the article text should either be avoided or left blank when manuscripts are first submitted. Authors are responsible for reinserting self-identifying citations and references when manuscripts are prepared for final submission.

Length of paper 

Papers should be around 9000 words long.

Manuscript submission 

Manuscript Submission

Submission of a manuscript implies: that the work described has not been published before; that it is not under consideration for publication anywhere else; that its publication has been approved by all co-authors, if any, as well as by the responsible authorities – tacitly or explicitly – at the institute where the work has been carried out. The publisher will not be held legally responsible should there be any claims for compensation.


Authors wishing to include figures, tables, or text passages that have already been published elsewhere are required to obtain permission from the copyright owner(s) for both the print and online format and to include evidence that such permission has been granted when submitting their papers. Any material received without such evidence will be assumed to originate from the authors.

Online Submission

Authors should submit their manuscripts online. Electronic submission substantially reduces the editorial processing and reviewing times and shortens overall publication times. Please follow the hyperlink “Submit online” on the right and upload all of your manuscript files following the instructions given on the screen.

Title page 

Title Page

The title page should include:

The name(s) of the author(s)

A concise and informative title

The affiliation(s) and address(es) of the author(s)

The e-mail address, telephone and fax numbers of the corresponding author


Please provide an abstract of 150 to 250 words. The abstract should not contain any undefined abbreviations or unspecified references.


Please provide 4 to 6 keywords which can be used for indexing purposes.


Text Formatting

Manuscripts should be submitted in Word.

Use a normal, plain font (e.g., 10-point Times Roman) for text.

Use italics for emphasis.

Use the automatic page numbering function to number the pages.

Do not use field functions.

Use tab stops or other commands for indents, not the space bar.

Use the table function, not spreadsheets, to make tables.

Use the equation editor or MathType for equations.

Note: If you use Word 2007, do not create the equations with the default equation editor but use the Microsoft equation editor or MathType instead.

Save your file in doc format. Do not submit docx files.

Word template

Manuscripts with mathematical content can also be submitted in LaTeX.

LaTeX macro package


Please use no more than three levels of displayed headings.


Abbreviations should be defined at first mention and used consistently thereafter.


Footnotes can be used to give additional information, which may include the citation of a reference included in the reference list. They should not consist solely of a reference citation, and they should never include the bibliographic details of a reference. They should also not contain any figures or tables.

Footnotes to the text are numbered consecutively; those to tables should be indicated by superscript lower-case letters (or asterisks for significance values and other statistical data). Footnotes to the title or the authors of the article are not given reference symbols.

Always use footnotes instead of endnotes.


Acknowledgments of people, grants, funds, etc. should be placed in a separate section before the reference list. The names of funding organizations should be written in full.



Cite references in the text by name and year in parentheses. Some examples:

Negotiation research spans many disciplines (Thompson 1990).

This result was later contradicted by Becker and Seligman (1996).

This effect has been widely studied (Abbott 1991; Barakat et al. 1995; Kelso and Smith 1998; Medvec et al. 1993).

Reference list

The list of references should only include works that are cited in the text and that have been published or accepted for publication. Personal communications and unpublished works should only be mentioned in the text. Do not use footnotes or endnotes as a substitute for a reference list.

Reference list entries should be alphabetized by the last names of the first author of each work.

Journal article

Harris, M., Karper, E., Stacks, G., Hoffman, D., DeNiro, R., Cruz, P., et al. (2001). Writing labs and the Hollywood connection. Journal of Film Writing, 44(3), 213–245.

Article by DOI

Slifka, M. K., & Whitton, J. L. (2000) Clinical implications of dysregulated cytokine production. Journal of Molecular Medicine, doi:10.1007/s001090000086


Calfee, R. C., & Valencia, R. R. (1991). APA guide to preparing manuscripts for journal publication. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

Book chapter

O’Neil, J. M., & Egan, J. (1992). Men’s and women’s gender role journeys: Metaphor for healing, transition, and transformation. In B. R. Wainrib (Ed.), Gender issues across the life cycle (pp. 107–123). New York: Springer.

Online document

Abou-Allaban, Y., Dell, M. L., Greenberg, W., Lomax, J., Peteet, J., Torres, M., & Cowell, V. (2006). Religious/spiritual commitments and psychiatric practice. Resource document. American Psychiatric Association. http://www.psych.org/edu/other_res/lib_archives/archives/200604.pdf. Accessed 25 June 2007.

Journal names and book titles should be italicized.

For authors using EndNote, Springer provides an output style that supports the formatting of in-text citations and reference list.

EndNote style


All tables are to be numbered using Arabic numerals.

Tables should always be cited in text in consecutive numerical order.

For each table, please supply a table caption (title) explaining the components of the table.

Identify any previously published material by giving the original source in the form of a reference at the end of the table caption.

Footnotes to tables should be indicated by superscript lower-case letters (or asterisks for significance values and other statistical data) and included beneath the table body.


For the best quality final product, it is highly recommended that you submit all of your artwork – photographs, line drawings, etc. – in an electronic format. Your art will then be produced to the highest standards with the greatest accuracy to detail. The published work will directly reflect the quality of the artwork provided.

Electronic Figure Submission

Supply all figures electronically.

Indicate what graphics program was used to create the artwork.

For vector graphics, the preferred format is EPS; for halftones, please use TIFF format. MS Office files are also acceptable.

Vector graphics containing fonts must have the fonts embedded in the files.

Name your figure files with "Fig" and the figure number, e.g., Fig1.eps.

Line Art

Definition: Black and white graphic with no shading.

Do not use faint lines and/or lettering and check that all lines and lettering within the figures are legible at final size.

All lines should be at least 0.1 mm (0.3 pt) wide.

Scanned line drawings and line drawings in bitmap format should have a minimum resolution of 1200 dpi.

Vector graphics containing fonts must have the fonts embedded in the files.

Halftone Art

Definition: Photographs, drawings, or paintings with fine shading, etc.

If any magnification is used in the photographs, indicate this by using scale bars within the figures themselves.

Halftones should have a minimum resolution of 300 dpi.

Combination Art

Definition: a combination of halftone and line art, e.g., halftones containing line drawing, extensive lettering, color diagrams, etc.

Combination artwork should have a minimum resolution of 600 dpi.

Color Art

Color art is free of charge for online publication.

If black and white will be shown in the print version, make sure that the main information will still be visible. Many colors are not distinguishable from one another when converted to black and white. A simple way to check this is to make a xerographic copy to see if the necessary distinctions between the different colors are still apparent.

If the figures will be printed in black and white, do not refer to color in the captions.

Color illustrations should be submitted as RGB (8 bits per channel).

Figure Lettering

To add lettering, it is best to use Helvetica or Arial (sans serif fonts).

Keep lettering consistently sized throughout your final-sized artwork, usually about 2–3 mm (8–12 pt).

Variance of type size within an illustration should be minimal, e.g., do not use 8-pt type on an axis and 20-pt type for the axis label.

Avoid effects such as shading, outline letters, etc.

Do not include titles or captions within your illustrations.

Figure Numbering

All figures are to be numbered using Arabic numerals.

Figures should always be cited in text in consecutive numerical order.

Figure parts should be denoted by lowercase letters (a, b, c, etc.).

If an appendix appears in your article and it contains one or more figures, continue the consecutive numbering of the main text. Do not number the appendix figures, "A1, A2, A3, etc." Figures in online appendices (Electronic Supplementary Material) should, however, be numbered separately.

Figure Captions

Each figure should have a concise caption describing accurately what the figure depicts. Include the captions in the text file of the manuscript, not in the figure file.

Figure captions begin with the term Fig. in bold type, followed by the figure number, also in bold type.

No punctuation is to be included after the number, nor is any punctuation to be placed at the end of the caption.

Identify all elements found in the figure in the figure caption; and use boxes, circles, etc., as coordinate points in graphs.

Identify previously published material by giving the original source in the form of a reference citation at the end of the figure caption.

Figure Placement and Size

When preparing your figures, size figures to fit in the column width.

For most journals the figures should be 39 mm, 84 mm, 129 mm, or 174 mm wide and not higher than 234 mm.

For books and book-sized journals, the figures should be 80 mm or 122 mm wide and not higher than 198 mm.


If you include figures that have already been published elsewhere, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner(s) for both the print and online format. Please be aware that some publishers do not grant electronic rights for free and that Springer will not be able to refund any costs that may have occurred to receive these permissions. In such cases, material from other sources should be used.


In order to give people of all abilities and disabilities access to the content of your figures, please make sure that

All figures have descriptive captions (blind users could then use a text-to-speech software or a text-to-Braille hardware)

Patterns are used instead of or in addition to colors for conveying information (color-blind users would then be able to distinguish the visual elements)

Any figure lettering has a contrast ratio of at least 4.5:1

Electronic Supplementary Material 

Springer accepts electronic multimedia files (animations, movies, audio, etc.) and other supplementary files to be published online along with an article or a book chapter. This feature can add dimension to the author's article, as certain information cannot be printed or is more convenient in electronic form.


Supply all supplementary material in standard file formats.

Please include in each file the following information: article title, journal name, author names; affiliation and e-mail address of the corresponding author.

To accommodate user downloads, please keep in mind that larger-sized files may require very long download times and that some users may experience other problems during downloading.

Audio, Video, and Animations

Always use MPEG-1 (.mpg) format.

Text and Presentations

Submit your material in PDF format; .doc or .ppt files are not suitable for long-term viability.

A collection of figures may also be combined in a PDF file.


Spreadsheets should be converted to PDF if no interaction with the data is intended.

If the readers should be encouraged to make their own calculations, spreadsheets should be submitted as .xls files (MS Excel).

Specialized Formats

Specialized format such as .pdb (chemical), .wrl (VRML), .nb (Mathematica notebook), and .tex can also be supplied.

Collecting Multiple Files

It is possible to collect multiple files in a .zip or .gz file.


If supplying any supplementary material, the text must make specific mention of the material as a citation, similar to that of figures and tables.

Refer to the supplementary files as “Online Resource”, e.g., "... as shown in the animation (Online Resource 3)", “... additional data are given in Online Resource 4”.

Name the files consecutively, e.g. “ESM_3.mpg”, “ESM_4.pdf”.


For each supplementary material, please supply a concise caption describing the content of the file.

Processing of supplementary files

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In order to give people of all abilities and disabilities access to the content of your supplementary files, please make sure that

The manuscript contains a descriptive caption for each supplementary material

Video files do not contain anything that flashes more than three times per second (so that users prone to seizures caused by such effects are not put at risk)


Please provide a brief vitae/biography consisting of one paragraph, written in the third person, giving details on present position, education, research interests, and some recent publications if relevant.

After acceptance 

During the production phase the following issues need to be clarified and you will receive the article’s proofs.

Open Choice

In addition to the normal publication process (whereby an article is submitted to the journal and access to that article is granted to customers who have purchased a subscription), Springer now provides an alternative publishing option: Springer Open Choice. A Springer Open Choice article receives all the benefits of a regular subscription-based article, but in addition is made available publicly through Springer’s online platform SpringerLink. We regret that Springer Open Choice cannot be ordered for published articles.

Springer Open Choice

Copyright transfer

Authors will be asked to transfer copyright of the article to the Publisher (or grant the Publisher exclusive publication and dissemination rights). This will ensure the widest possible protection and dissemination of information under copyright laws.

Open Choice articles do not require transfer of copyright as the copyright remains with the author. In opting for open access, they agree to the Springer Open Choice Licence.


Offprints can be ordered by the corresponding author.

Color illustrations

Online publication of color illustrations is free of charge. For color in the print version, authors will be expected to make a contribution towards the extra costs.

Proof reading

The purpose of the proof is to check for typesetting or conversion errors and the completeness and accuracy of the text, tables and figures. Substantial changes in content, e.g., new results, corrected values, title and authorship, are not allowed without the approval of the Editor.

After online publication, further changes can only be made in the form of an Erratum, which will be hyperlinked to the article.

Online First

The article will be published online after receipt of the corrected proofs. This is the official first publication citable with the DOI. After release of the printed version, the paper can also be cited by issue and page numbers.

Editorial Board

Editor Emeritus: Bernard Spolsky, emeritus, Bar-Ilan University, Israel

Elana Shohamy, Tel Aviv University, Israel

Kendall King, University of Minnesota, USA

Associate Editors:
Stephen May, University of Auckland, New Zealand
Teresa McCarty, Arizona State University, USA

Book Review Editors and Associate Editors:
Kate Menken, City University of New York, USA
Leigh Oakes, Queen Mary, University of London, UK

Editorial board members:
Muhammad Amara, Beit Berl Academic College, Israel; Jan Blommaert, Tilburg University, Netherlands; Richard Brecht, University of Maryland, USA; Jasone Cenoz, University of the Basque Country, Spain; Florian Coulmas, German Institute for Japanese Studies, Japan; James Crawford, Institute for Language and Education Policy, USA; Abram De Swaan, Amsterdam School for Social Science Research, Netherlands; Joshua A. Fishman, emeritus, Yeshiva University and Stanford University, USA; Sarah Warshauer Freedman, University of California, Berkeley, USA; Durk Gorter, University of the Basque Country-Ikerbasque, Spain; François Grin, Université de Genève, Switzerland; Monica Heller, University of Toronto, Canada; Christine Hélot, University of Strasbourg, France; Kathleen Heugh, Research Centre for Languages and Cultures, University of South Australia; Nancy H. Hornberger, University of Pennsylvania USA; Björn Jernudd, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong; Nkono M. Kamwangamalu, Howard University, USA; Joe LoBianco, University of Melbourne, Australia; Sinfree Makoni, Pennsylvania State University, USA; Anne Marie Mejia, Universidad de los Andes, Colombia; Rajend Mesthrie, University of Capetown, South Africa; Tadhg Ó hIfearnáin, University of Limerick, Ireland; Alastair Pennycook, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia; Ingrid Piller, Macquarie University, Australia; Thomas Ricento, University of Calgary, Canada; Suzanne Romaine, Merton College, University of Oxford, UK; Rita Silver, National Institute of Education, Singapore; Tove Skutnabb-Kangas, University of Roskilde, Denmark; Yasir Suleiman, King?s College, University of Cambridge, UK; Amy Tsui, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong; Guadalupe Valdés, Stanford University, USA; Terrence G. Wiley, Arizona State University, USA; Ruth Wodak, University of Lancaster, UK

We are deeply saddened by the death of Prof Michael Clyne, of Monash University in Melbourne, Australia, on October 29, 2010.

Professor Clyne was an intellectual leader in the field of language policy whose writing and thinking had great influence on the field. As a distinguished member of the editorial board of Language Policy Professor Clyne was an active and involved supporter of the journal. His presence will be greatly missed.

Professor Elana Shohamy receives Lifetime Achievement Award 

Professor Elana Shohamy receives Lifetime Achievement Award

Elana Shohamy will receive the UCLES/ILTA Lifetime Achievement award at the 32nd ILTA/LTRC meeting in Cambridge, UK, in April 2010. Elana is one of the Editors-in-chief of the Springer journal Language Policy and editor of the volume on Language Testing and Evaluation in the Encyclopedia of Language and Education, 2nd edition.aa

Encyclopedia of Language and Education

Language Policy

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