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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Journal of English Linguistics: The EDitor invites submissions on the modern and historical periods of the English language. JEngL normally publishes synchronic and diachronic studies on subjects from Old and Middle English to modern English grammar, corpus linguistics, and dialectology. Other topics such as language contact, pidgins/creoles, or stylistics, are acceptable if the article focuses on the English language. Articless normally range from ten to twenty-five pages in typescript. JEngL reviews titles in general and historical linguistics, language variation, socio-linguistics, and dialectology for an international audience. Unsolicited reviews cannot be considered. Books for review and correspondence regarding reviews should be sent to the Editor.

Instructions to Authors

The Editors invite submissions of original research focused on the English language, including both modern and historical periods. JEngL normally publishes research on subjects from Old to Early Modern English to modern English grammar, corpus linguistics, sociolinguistics and dialectology. Other topics such as language contact, language ideology, pidgins/creoles, discourse analysis or stylistics are welcome if the article focuses on the English language. Articles normally range from ten to twenty-five pages in typescript (twenty-five to fifty double-spaced). JEngL reviews titles in general and historical linguistics, language variation, sociolinguistics, corpus linguistics, and dialectology for an international audience. Books for review and correspondence regarding reviews should be sent to the Book Review Editor.

Topical collections of articles appropriate to JEngL regularly appear as special issues (up to approximately one hundred printed pages).Special issues typically focus on a particular topic, theoretical innovation, or methodology; contributions should be closely linked and be fully illustrated with particular examples from original empirical research where relevant. Proposals for special issues of JEngL should be sent to the Editors.

Manuscript Submission: Submissions should be prepared according to the Chicago Manual of Style (14th ed.), with endnotes. Submissions undergo double-blind review. Authors should submit electronic Word files, preferealby PC-compatible, by going to the journal’s website at: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/jengl. For submissions with specialized fonts or other graphic materials, manuscripts should be submitted as a .pdf file. All editorial correspondence should be addressed to Anne Curzan and Robin Queen, Editors, University of Michigan, Department of English, 3187 Angell Hall, Ann Arbor, MI, 48109-1003; e-mail: jengl@umich.edu. Submitted manuscripts usually complete the review process within approximately three months.

Unified style sheet for linguistics for citations

These guidelines grew out of discussions among a group of editors of linguistics journals during 2005-2006 and were approved on January 7, 2007. They are intended as a "default, but with discretion to use common sense", to quote David Denison on the matter. Our principles, as elaborated primarily by Stan Dubinsky, are:
1. Superfluous font-styles should be omitted. Do not use small caps for author/editor names, since they do not help to distinguish these from any other bits of information in the citation. In contrast, italics are worthwhile for distinguishing volume (book, journal, dissertation) titles [+ital] from article and chapter titles [-ital].
2. Superfluous punctuation should be left out. Once italic is adopted to distinguish volumes from articles/chapters (as above), then single or double quotations around article titles are superfluous and only add visual clutter.
3. Differing capitalization styles should be used to make category distinctions. Use capitalization of all lexical words for journal titles and capitalize only the first word (plus proper names and the first word after a colon) for book/dissertation titles and article/chapter titles. This is a useful diagnostic for discriminating between titles that are recurring and those that are not. The journal style for capitalization should also be applied to the title of book series. Thus, the citation of a SNLLT volume would be punctuated: Objects and other subjects: Grammatical functions, functional categories, and configurationality (Studies in Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 52).
4. All author/editor first names should be spelled out. Not doing so only serves to make the citation less informative. Without full first names, the 20th century index for Language alone would conflate five different people as ‘J. Smith’, four as ‘J. Harris’, three each under ‘A. Cohen’ and ‘P. Lee’, two each under ‘R. Kent’, ‘J. Anderson’, ‘H. Klein’ and ‘J. Klein’.
5. The ampersand is useful. Use ampersand to distinguish higher and lower order conjuncts, i.e. [W & X] and [Y & Z], as in Culicover & Wilkins and Koster & May. It is relatively easy to see that reference is made here to two pairs of authors here (cf. Culicover and Wilkins and Koster and May).
6. Name repetitions are good. While using a line ____ may save a little space, or a few characters, it also makes each such citation referentially dependent on an antecedent, and the effort of calculating such antecedents is more than what it saved typographically. Each citation should be internally complete.
7. Four digit year plus period only. Extra parentheses are visual clutter and superfluous.
8. Commas and periods and other punctuation. Separate citation components with periods (e.g., Author. Year. Title.) and subcomponents with commas (e.g., Author1, Author2 & Author3). Please note the ampersand (&), rather than the word “and” before the name of the last author, and no comma before the “&”. The use of the colon between title and subtitle and between place and publisher is traditional, but we do not use it between journal volumenumber and pagenumbers.
9. Parentheses around ed. makes sense. Commas and periods should be used exclusively to separate citation components (e.g., "Author. Year."), or subcomponents (e.g. "author1, author2 & author3). Since "ed." is neither a component nor a subcomponent, but a modifier of a component, it should not be separated from the name by a comma:
surname, firstname = author
surname, firstname (ed.). = editor (NOT surname, firstname, ed.)
surname, firstname & firstname surname (eds.) = editors
10. For conference proceedings, working papers, etc. For conference proceedings published with an ISSN, treat the proceedings as a journal: Include both the full conference name and any commonly used acronym for the conference (BLS, WCCFL, etc.) in the journal title position. For proceedings not published with an ISSN, treat the proceedings as any other book, using the full title as listed on the front cover or title page. If the title (and subtitle if there is one) only includes an acronym for the conference name, expand the acronym in square brackets or parentheses following the acronym. If the title does not include an acronym which is commonly used for the conference name, include the acronym in square brackets or parentheses following the conference name. The advantage of including the acronym after the society title is that it makes the entry much more identifiable in a list of references.
11. Use “edn.” as an abbreviation for “edition”, thus “2nd edn.”. This avoids ambiguity and confusion with “ed.” (editor).
12. Names with “von”, “van”, “de”, etc. If the "van" (or the "de" or other patronymic) is lower case and separated from the rest by a space (e.g. Elly van Gelderen), then alphabetize by the first upper-case element:
Gelderen, Elly van
The addition of "see ..." in comprehensive indices and lists might be helpful for clarification:
van Gelderen, Elly (see Gelderen)
13. Names with “Jr.”, “IV.”, etc. Following library practice, list elements such as “Jr.” as a subelement after names, separated by a comma.
Smith, Sean, Jr.
14. Use “In” to designate chapters in collections. This makes the book’s format maximally similar to the standard citation format. This, in turn, would be time-saving when the author or the editor notice that more than one article is cited from a given collection and hence that that book’s details should be set out as a separate entry in the references (and the full details deleted from the articles’ entries).
author. year. chaptertitle. In editorname (ed.), collectiontitle, pagenumbers. publisher.
15. Journal volume numbers. We favor: volumenumber(volumeissue). startingpageendingpage. Thus: 22(1). 135-169. Note the space between volume number/issue and page numbers. Special formatting (e.g., bold for volume number) is superfluous. Issue numbers are a parenthetical modifier (cf. "ed." above) of the volume number. While it is not NECESSARY information for identifying the article, it is extremely USEFUL information.
16. Dissertations/theses. These conform to the already-widespread Place: Publisher format and fit readily into the rest of the standard: Cambridge, MA: MIT dissertation. Instead of archaic state abbreviations, use the official two-letter postal abbreviations. Note that national and other traditions vary in exactly what is labeled ‘thesis’ versus ‘dissertation’ and in distinguishing ‘PhD’ from ‘doctoral’ dissertations.
Cambridge, MA: MIT dissertation.
Chapel Hill: UNC MA thesis.
17. On-line materials. The basic information here — author, date, title — remains the same, and the URL where the resource was found takes the place of publisher or journal. We urge authors to include the date the material was accessed, in parentheses after the URL, since new versions often replace old ones. For a .pdf file, this would be the date of downloading, but for a resource like an on-line dictionary consulted repeatedly, a range of dates may be needed. For additional discussion of handling online citations, authors may want to consult this guide:
Walker, Janice R. & Todd Taylor. 1998. The Columbia Guide to Online Style. New York: Columbia University Press.
Example references
Blevins, Juliette. 2004. Evolutionary phonology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Casali, Roderic F. 1998. Predicting ATR activity. Chicago Linguistic Society (CLS) 34(1). 55-68.
Chomsky, Noam. 1986. Knowledge of language. New York: Praeger.
Coetsem, Frans van. 2000. A general and unified theory of the transmission process in language contact. Heidelberg: Winter.
Franks, Steven. 2005. Bulgarian clitics are positioned in the syntax.
<http://www.cogs.indiana.edu/people/homepages/franks/Bg_clitics_remark_dense.pdf> (17 May, 2006.)
Iverson, Gregory K. 1983. Korean /s/. Journal of Phonetics 11. 191-200.
Iverson, Gregory K. 1989. On the category supralaryngeal. Phonology 6. 285-303.
Johnson, Kyle, Mark Baker & Ian Roberts. 1989. Passive arguments raised. Linguistic Inquiry 20. 219-251.
Lahiri, Aditi (ed.). 2000. Analogy, leveling, markedness: Principles of change in phonology and morphology (Trends in Linguistics 127). Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
McCarthy, John J. & Alan S. Prince. 1999. Prosodic morphology. In John A. Goldsmith (ed.), Phonological theory: The essential readings, 238-288. Malden, MA & Oxford: Blackwell.
Murray, Robert W. & Theo Vennemann. 1983. Sound change and syllable structure in Germanic phonology. Language 59(3). 514-528.
Oxford English Dictionary, 2nd edn. 1989. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Pedersen, Johan. 2005. The Spanish impersonal se-construction: Constructional variation and change. Constructions 1, http://www.constructions-online.de. (3 April, 2007.)
Rissanen, Matti. 1999. Syntax. In Roger Lass (ed.), Cambridge History of the English Language, vol. 3, 187-331. Cambridge & New York: Cambridge University Press.
Stewart, Thomas W., Jr. 2000. Mutation as morphology: Bases, stems, and shapes in Scottish Gaelic. Columbus, OH: The Ohio State University dissertation.
Webelhuth, Gert (ed.). 1995. Government and binding theory and the minimalist program: Principles and parameters in syntactic theory. Oxford: Blackwell.
Yu, Alan C. L. 2003. The morphology and phonology of infixation. Berkeley, CA: University of California dissertation.

Authors who want to refine the use of English in their manuscripts might consider utilizing the services of SPi, a non-affiliated company that offers Professional Editing Services to authors of journal articles in the areas of science, technology, medicine or the social sciences. SPi specializes in editing and correcting English-language manuscripts written by authors with a primary language other than English. Visit http://www.prof-editing.com for more information about SPi’s Professional Editing Services, pricing, and turn-around times, or to obtain a free quote or submit a manuscript for language polishing.

Please be aware that SAGE has no affiliation with SPi and makes no endorsement of the company. An author’s use of SPi’s services in no way guarantees that his or her submission will ultimately be accepted. Any arrangement an author enters into will be exclusively between the author and SPi, and any costs incurred are the sole responsibility of the author.

Editorial Board


Anne Curzan

University of Michigan


Robin Queen

University of Michigan

Review Editor:

Susan Tamasi

Emory University

Editorial Assistant:

Moises Perales-Escudero


Senior Consulting Editors:

Jan Aarts

University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands


John Algeo

University of Georgia


William A. Kretzschmar, Jr.

University of Georgia


Charles F. Meyer

University of Massachusetts, Boston


Fred C. Robinson

Yale University


Robert Stockwell


Consulting Editors:

Michael Adams

Indiana University


Paul Baker

Lancaster University, UK


Rusty Barrett

University of Kentucky


Laurie Bauer

Victoria University of Wellington


Kingsley Bolton

Stockholm University


Laurel Brinton

The University of British Columbia


Kate Burridge

Monash University


Matthew Gordon

University of Missouri


Lisa Green

The University of Texas at Austin


Merja Kyto

Uppsala University, Sweden


Christian Mair

University of Freiburg, Germany


Donka Minkova



Colette Moore

University of Washington


Randi Reppen

Northern Arizona University


Edgar W. Schneider

Universitat Regensburg (Germany)


Elizabeth Traugott

Stanford University

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