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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Interpreting serves as a medium for research and debate on all aspects of interpreting, in its various modes, modalities (spoken and signed) and settings (conferences, media, courtroom, healthcare and others). Striving to promote our understanding of the socio-cultural, cognitive and linguistic dimensions of interpreting as an activity and process, the journal covers theoretical and methodological concerns, explores the history and professional ecology of interpreting and its role in society, and addresses current issues in professional practice and training.

Interpreting encourages cross-disciplinary inquiry from such fields as anthropology, cognitive science, cultural studies, discourse analysis, language planning, linguistics, neurolinguistics, psychology and sociology, as well as translation studies.

Interpreting publishes original articles, reports, discussions and book reviews.

This journal is peer reviewed and indexed in: IBR/IBZ, Language Abstracts, Linguistic Bibliography/Bibliographie Linguistique, LLBA, MLA Bibliography, PsychInfo, Translation Studies Abstracts, Translation Studies Bibliography, European Reference Index for the Humanities, Scopus, Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI), Current Contents/Arts & Humanities (CC/A&H)

Instructions to Authors

Guidelines for Contributors

Contributions should be in English. If not written by a native speaker of English, the text should be checked by a native speaker.

MANUSCRIPTS should be submitted electronically accompanied by two identical hardcopies. The first page of a manuscript should contain the title of the article, the name, affiliation, mail and e-mail address of each author, a self-contained abstract in English (150-200 words) including key words, and a short biographical sketch.

Papers will be vetted by the editors, and peer-reviewed. Comments and suggestions for revisions, where required, will be sent to the author, who will then submit the final version.

Authors are responsible for observing the laws of copyright when quoting or reproducing material. The copyright of articles published in INTERPRETING is held by the Publisher. Permission for the author to use the article elsewhere will be granted by the Publisher upon request providing full acknowledgement is given to the source. Please sign and return the copyright assigment form that will be provided upon acceptance of your article.

Papers should be reasonably divided into sections and, if necessary, sub-sections.

SPELLING should be British English or American English and should be consistent throughout the paper.

Line drawings (FIGURES) and photographs (PLATES) should be submitted separately as reproducible originals or as TIFF or EPS files accompanied by a hard copy. They should be numbered consecutively and appropriate captions should be provided. Reference to any Figures or Plates should be made in the main text and an indication should be given where they should appear approximately.

TABLES should be numbered consecutively and should be referred to in the main text.

NOTES should be kept to an absolute minimum. They should be numbered consecutively throughout the paper. Notes should be listed in a section ‘Notes’ following the main text.

REFERENCES in the text should follow the style: (Anderson 1976: 211).
The REFERENCE section should follow the NOTES and should list all references cited in the main text. The style is based on APA style. References should be listed (1) alphabetically and (2) chronologically. Journal titles should be given in full with page references.

Edwards, A. B. (1995). The practice of court interpreting. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
Bowen, D. & Bowen, M. (Eds.) (1990). Interpreting - Yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Binghamton, NY: SUNY.

Article in book
Anderson, R. B. W. (1976). Perspectives on the role of interpreter. In R. W. Brislin (Ed.), Translation: Applications and research. New York: Gardner Press, 208-228.

Article in journal
Seleskovitch, D. (1962). L’interprétation de conférence. Babel 8 (1), 13-18.

Unpublished thesis
Paneth, E. (1957). An investigation into conference interpreting (with special reference to the training of interpreters). MA thesis, University of London.

Electronic source
Buck, V. (2002). One world, one language? Communicate! [Online] April-May 2002. http://www.aiic.net/ViewPage.cfm/article520 (accessed d month yyyy).

Authors are kindly requested to check their manuscripts very carefully before submission in order to avoid delays and extra costs at the proof stage. Once a paper is accepted for publication, it will be allocated to a forthcoming issue and the author will receive page proofs for final correction by email in PDF format. These must be returned to the Editor with corrections by the dates determined by the publication schedule. Any author's alterations other than typographical corrections in the page proofs may be charged to the author at the Publisher’s discretion.

Authors of main articles will receive a complimentary copy of the issue in which their paper appears.

Manuscripts and all editorial correspondence should be sent to:

Dr. Miriam Shlesinger
Editor Interpreting
Dept. of Translation Studies
Bar-Ilan University

Electronic copies should be sent to both editors:
Miriam Shlesinger
shlesm@mail.biu.ac.il and Franz Pöchhacker franz.poechhacker@univie.ac.at

Editorial Board

Miriam Shlesinger, Bar-Ilan University, Israel
Franz Pöchhacker, University of Vienna, Austria

Associate Editors
Birgitta Englund Dimitrova, Stockholm University, Sweden
Daniel Gile, Université Paris 3 - Sorbonne Nouvelle
Ruth Morris, Bar-Ilan University, Israel
Roda P. Roberts, University of Ottawa, Canada
Cynthia B. Roy, Gallaudet University, USA
Robin Setton, Shanghai International Studies University

Advisory Board
Susan Berk-Seligson, Vanderbilt University, USA
Kees de Bot, University of Groningen, Netherlands
Michael Cronin, Dublin City University, Ireland
Clare Donovan, ESIT, Université de la Sorbonne Nouvelle, France
Annette M.B. de Groot, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
Terry Janzen, University of Manitoba, Canada
Robert Jarvella, Malmö, Sweden
Minhua Liu, Fu Jen University, Taiwan
Jennifer Mackintosh, London, UK
Kirsten Malmkjaer, The University of Leicester
Holly Mikkelson, MIIS, Monterey, USA
Akira Mizuno, NHK Bilingual Center, Tokyo, Japan
Michel Paradis, McGill University, Montreal, Canada
Christopher Stroud, Stockholm University, Sweden
Jorma Tommola, University of Turku, Finland
Patrick Twidle, Directorate for Interpretation, European Parliament, Brussels
Cecilia Wadensjö, University of Linköping, Sweden
Kim Wallmach, University of South Africa, Pretoria

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