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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

English World-Wide has established itself as the leading and most comprehensive journal dealing with varieties of English. The focus is on scholarly discussions of new findings in the dialectology and sociolinguistics of the English-speaking communities (native and second-language speakers), but general problems of sociolinguistics, creolistics, language planning, multilingualism and modern historical sociolinguistics are included if they have a direct bearing on modern varieties of English. Although teaching problems are normally excluded, English World-Wide provides important background information for all those involved in teaching English throughout the world.

2012 Impact Factor: 0.682
This journal is peer reviewed and indexed in: ABES, European Reference Index for the Humanities, IBR/IBZ, Language Abstracts, Linguistic Bibliography/Bibliographie Linguistique, LLBA, MLA Bibliography, Sociological Abstracts, Int. Bibliography of Social Sciences, Scopus, Social Sciences Citation Index, Current Contents/Social and Behavioral Sciences; JCR/Social Sciences; Arts and Humanities Citation Index; Current Contents/Arts & Humanities, TSA Online

Instructions to Authors

Contributions, which must be in English, are welcome from all countries and should be submitted to the editor, both electronically and as a hardcopy. One file and one print­out of every submission must be provided. The electronic version can be attached to an email or sent on a diskette (in pdf, rtf or doc format; .pdf is mandatory if an article contains phonetic characters, graphs, maps, or the like), though in the case of an email attachment it is advisable for authors to get in touch with the editor beforehand to avoid misclassification of a message. The printout, to be sent to the editor in the mail, should have the text on A4 or letter size paper, printed on one side only and numbered con­secutively; please note that this manuscript cannot be returned.

At the beginning, after the title of an article and the author’s name and affiliation, arti­cles must be followed by a short abstract and a list of five to ten key words; at the end, the author’s address should be provided. References, graphs, tables and other illustra­tions should be presented on separate pages, following the body of the text. Authors are responsible for observing copyright laws when quoting or reproducing material from other sources. For matters of formatting and reference style, please consult earlier issues of EWW as a model and/or ask the editor for an electronic version of our style sheet.

Submission of an article is taken to imply that it has not previously been published and is not being considered for publication elsewhere. If related research is being published elsewhere, this fact must be stated.

Article submissions are peer-viewed, and every effort is made to come to a decision within three to four months after receipt of a manuscript. Final versions of manuscripts accepted for publication must be prepared according to the style conventions described in our style file and must be delivered in doc or rtf format in addition to a hardcopy. Editors and advisers reserve the right to introduce minor cuts and to amend the phras­ing and punctuation in all articles and reviews accepted for publication. Authors are requested to check their manuscripts very carefully before submitting them, as modifi­cations at the proofs stage are to be avoided. Reviews are normally commissioned and must be sent in by the given dead-line; they must not exceed the space assigned (nor­mally 1000–2000 words). Contributors of articles and reviews are entitled to one free copy of the issue, and they receive a pdf file of their respective contribution.

English World-Wide
University of Zurich
English Seminar
Plattenstr. 47

Instructions to Authors

Editorial Board

Editors Marianne Hundt | University of Zurich
Daniel Schreier | University of Zurich
Senior Consulting Editor Edgar W. Schneider | Regensburg
Editorial Board Lieselotte Anderwald | Kiel
Kingsley Bolton | Singapore
David Britain | Bern
Kate Burridge | Monash
Alexandra D'Arcy | Victoria
David Deterding | Brunei
Dagmar Deuber | Münster
Stephanie Hackert | Munich
Jennifer Hay | Christchurch
Raymond Hickey | Essen
Thomas Hoffmann | Osnabrück
Magnus Huber | Giessen
William A. Kretzschmar, Jr. | Athens, GA
Christian Mair | Freiburg
Robert McColl Millar | Aberdeen
Rajend Mesthrie | Cape Town
Miriam Meyerhoff | Auckland
Pam Peters | Sydney
Benedikt Szmrecsanyi | Leuven
Devyani Sharma | London
Sali A. Tagliamonte | Toronto
Jan Tent | Sydney
Graeme Trousdale | Edinburgh
Bertus van Rooy | Vanderbijlpark
James A. Walker | Toronto
Lionel Wee | Singapore
Walt Wolfram | Raleigh, NC
Editorial Assistant Brook Bolander | Zurich
Nicole Eberle | Zurich
Danae Perez-Inofuentes | Zurich
Lena Zipp | Zurich

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