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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts is devoted to promoting scholarship on the psychology of the production and appreciation of the arts and all aspects of creative endeavor.

To that end, we publish manuscripts presenting original empirical research, essays that synthesize and evaluate extant research, and papers that propose or expand on the psychology of aesthetics, creativity, and the arts.

Although submissions are encouraged from many disciplines, it is expected that manuscripts will reflect a current understanding of the psychological research in the pertinent field.

Abstracting and Indexing Services Providing Coverage of Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts

Current Abstracts


TOC Premier

Instructions to Authors

Submit manuscripts electronically (.rtf or .doc) via the Manuscript Submission Portal.

In addition to addresses and phone numbers, authors should supply electronic mail addresses and fax numbers for use by the editorial office and later by the production office. The majority of correspondence between the editorial office and authors is handled by e-mail, so a valid e-mail address is important to the timely flow of communication during the editorial process.

Authors should provide electronic mail addresses in their cover letters and should keep a copy of the manuscript to guard against loss. Manuscripts are not returned.

Manuscripts, whether empirical studies, synthesis of research, or theoretical essays, are expected to be under 40 manuscript pages, unless prior arrangement is made with the editors. In addition, PACA accepts brief reports of empirical findings (which may include nonsignificant results that nonetheless contribute to the research literature). Such reports should be no more than 15 manuscript pages, including all references and tables.

Book Reviews

The book review editor is
Dr. James C. Kaufman

Books are generally reviewed by invitation only. Persons interested in writing reviews are encouraged to contact the book review editor, indicating their areas of special competence and interest and providing a vita and sample of their writing, preferably a book review or other publication. Reviewers are sent detailed instructions at the time the reviews are commissioned. Authors of book reviews should submit their papers via the submission portal.

Publishers should send book announcements and two review copies directly to the book review editor. Two copies of each published review will be forwarded to the book's publisher.

Editorial Board


Jeffrey K. Smith
University of Otago, New Zealand

Lisa F. Smith
University of Otago, New Zealand

James C. Kaufman
University of California at San Bernardino

Editorial Board

John M. Baer
Rider University

Mark Batey
Manchester Business School

Ronald A. Beghetto
University of Oregon

Paul Camic
Canterbury Christ Church University, United Kingdom

David W. Carr
University of North Carolina

Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic
Goldsmiths, University of London

Christine Charyton
Ohio State University

Annabel J. Cohen
University of Prince Edward Island

Dale J. Cohen
University of North Carolina Wilmington

Gerald Cupchik
University of Toronto at Scarborough

Greg Feist
San Jose State University

Mary Gregerson
Health, Environment and Performance Psychology

Zorana Ivcevic
Tufts University

Kyung Hee Kim
The College of William and Mary

Aaron Kozbelt
Brooklyn College of the City University of New York

Soonmook Lee
Sungkyunkwan University, Republic of Korea

Anastasiya A. Lipnevich
Educational Testing Service, Princeton, New Jersey

Andrea Livi-Smith
University of Mary Washington

Paul Locher
Montclair State University

Pavel Machotka
University of California at Santa Cruz

Marcos Nadal
University of the Balearic Islands

Weihua Niu
Pace University

Jonathan Plucker
Indiana University

Steven R. Pritzker
Saybrook Graduate School and Research Center

Roni Reiter-Palmon
University of Nebraska at Omaha

Michelle Reitman
Cadenza Music Therapy, Inc.

Ruth Richards
Saybrook Graduate School and Research Center

Mark Runco
University of Georgia

Sandra W. Russ
Case Western Reserve University

Lauren Seifert
Malone College

Paul J. Silvia
University of North Carolina at Greensboro

Dean K. Simonton
University of California at Davis

Jerome L. Singer
Yale University

Pablo Tinio
Queens College

Beau Vallance
Indiana University

Oshin Vartanian
Defence R&D Canada

Will Wadlington
Pennsylvania State University

Student Board

Tori J. Cordiano
Case Western Reserve University

Rodica Damian
University of California, Davis

Marie Forgeard
University of Pennsylvania

Thalia Goldstein
Boston College

Sarah Gottlieb
James Madison University

Michelle C. Hilscher
University of Toronto, Scarborough

Allison B. Kaufman
University of California at Riverside

Haiying Long
Indiana University

Marcianne McHugh
University of Georgia

Emily C. Nusbaum
University of North Carolina at Greensboro

Erika Robinson
University of Nebraska at Omaha

Benjamin Smith
University of Maryland

Kitt Stephenson
Texas A&M University

Christine Szostak
University of Kansas

Darya L. Zabelina
North Dakota State University

Editorial Coordinator

Sharon Ramos
American Psychological Association

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