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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

The Journal of Australian Studies (JAS) is the journal of the International Australian Studies Association (InASA). In print since the mid-1970s, in the last few decades JAS has been involved in some of the most important discussion about the past, present and future of Australia. The Journal of Australian Studies is a fully refereed, international quarterly journal which publishes scholarly articles and reviews on Australian culture, society, politics, history and literature. The editorial practice is to promote and include multi- and interdisciplinary work.

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group are pleased to announce the two winning articles of the John Barrett Award 2009.

A man of civic sentiment: the case of William Guthrie Spence
Melissa Bellanta

Australian fellow-travellers to China: devotion and deceit in the People's Republic
Agnieszka Sobocinska

Want to know more about the John Barrett Award? >>



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Instructions to Authors

This journal uses ScholarOne Manuscripts (previously Manuscript Central) to peer review manuscript submissions. Please read the guide for ScholarOne authors before making a submission. Complete guidelines for preparing and submitting your manuscript to this journal are provided below.

Submission Information and Style Guide

The Journal of Australian Studies is a fully refereed international journal which will be published three times per year from the launch of its new series in early 2008. All editorial correspondence should be sent to:

Journal of Australian Studies
University of Queensland
QLD 4072

The current editors of JAS are Dr Maggie Nolan (M.Nolan@mcauley.acu.edu.au) at the Australian Catholic University, and Dr Melissa Harper (melissa.harper@uq.edu.au, +61 7 3346-9454) at the University of Queensland.

The current reviews editor is Dr Catherine Kevin (catherine.kevin@flinders.edu.au, +61 8 8201-5553) at Flinders University, South Australia.


All submissions should be made online at the Journal of Australian Studies ScholarOne Manuscripts site. New users should first create an account. Once a user is logged onto the site submissions should be made via the Author Centre.

Authors should prepare and upload two versions of their manuscript. One should be a complete text, while in the second all document information identifying the author should be removed from files to allow them to be sent anonymously to referees. When uploading files authors will then be able to define the non-anonymous version as “File not for review”.

Authorial details should be placed on a separate document  to preserve anonymity. Include your name, title, postal address, telephone number, and email address.

For articles, include a professional profile of 50-100 words for the Notes on Contributors.

For articles, include an abstract of no more than 200 words.

Articles should not exceed 7,000 words (the preferred size is 5,000-7,000 words including endnotes). Book reviews should normally be 600-800 words and should not contain endnotes.

Your article should be an original piece of work not previously published nor currently being considered elsewhere for publication. It must be the sole work of the author(s) and not involve third parties with a claim to copyright. Permission to reproduce photographs and illustrations is the responsibility of the author(s).

On receipt of an article a formal acknowledgment will be forwarded to the author from ScholarOne Manuscripts. Contributors should note that after the receipt of their article some time will elapse before notification of acceptance or otherwise of the article is made, as articles are sent to referees for assessment.


When an article is accepted for publication the editor will endeavour to give some indication of the issue in which the article will be published.

The final corrected version of the article must be uploaded to ScholarOne Manuscripts in accordance with instructions in the decision letter.

  All articles must conform to the style guide below.


JAS uses a style based upon the Australian Government Publishing Service's Style Manual for Authors, Editors and Printers (5th ed.). Please note: from 2011, JAS will use the Chicago style. Please refer to it where style issues are not covered by the following:


Endnotes containing bibliographic references are the preferred format. Always check your endnotes against the manuscript. Use standard size numbering from 1 to 99 then from 1 onwards again.

When citing a work the following format is used: Author name (with initials or first name before last name), title of work, publisher, place of publication, date, page numbers. Commas separate each item of citation. Where a work is published in book form the title should be in italics. Where an article appears in an edited book or journal single inverted commas around the article title are used with the book or journal title in italics. Use maximal capitalisation for book or journal titles and subtitles but minimal capitalisation for articles.

A book:

Gail Reekie, Measuring Immorality: Social Inquiry and the Problems of Illegitimacy, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1998, pp. 64-7.

A chapter in a book:

Ania Walwicz, 'Look at me, ma - I'm going to be a marginal writer' in Heather Kerr and Amanda Nettlebeck (eds), The Space Between: Australian Women Writing Fictocriticism, University of Western Australian Press, 1998, p. 274. (NB: (ed.) when single editor.)

An article in a journal:

James Jupp, 'An anxious nation fears the worst', Journal of Australian Studies, no. 55, 1997, p. 4.

A thesis:

Masayo Tada, 'Representations of Australia in a Japanese National Newspaper: 1970s — 1990s', MA thesis, University of Queensland, 1998, p. 67.

Other official publications:

New South Wales Parliamentary Papers, (NSWPP), vol 1, second session, 1938-40, Report on Technical Education ... 1937, p. 25.
Victorian Parliamentary Debates, (VPD), vol 183, 1930, Legislative Assembly, p. 2748.
Constitution Amendment Act (Victoria), 1958.


Age, 28 June 1998.
Sydney Morning Herald, 30 June 1998.
Herald-Sun, 29 June 1998.
Courier-Mail, 16 August 1998.

Subsequent references to a work already cited:

Please do not use ibid. or op. cit. Instead, for all consecutive or subsequent references, please use the author's surname, a short tile, and the page number:

Reekie, Measuring Immorality, p. 109.

Use of Capitals:

Capitals are used for proper names, but are otherwise employed as sparingly as possible. When in doubt use lower case.

Personal prefixes and titles:

No capital initial is used for official ranks or titles unless combined with the name of the holder:

the duke; the general; the minister; the prime minister, the assistant commissioner; But Duke of Argyll; General Paul Brown; Mr Kim Beazley.

Titles of institutions, organisations, groups, etc:

No capital is used unless the full title is being given: the society; the ministry; the council; the commission; the government; But the National Trust; the House of Representatives; Parliament (when referring to a specific parliament).

Historical periods of time, eras, events, etc:

No capital initial is used if the term is used in a vaguely general sense: in post-industrial Australia, the children wept ... the second world war, on the home front ... the great depression of the 1930s ...



The Macquarie Dictionary should be followed. NB realise, liberalise, fossilise, etc. — 's' not 'z'.

Abbreviations and acronyms:

Titles, Qualifications, Initials, etc:

No full points are used after initials signifying qualifications, honours or appointments. Omit the apostrophe in plurals. eg. 1920s not 1920's:

Dr; PhD; BSc; FRSA; MP; MPs; QCs.

All abbreviations and acronyms for proper names must be written in full the first time they are used accompanied by their acronym in brackets. Subsequent use of the acronym is then preferable: Australian Labor Party (ALP); University of Queensland Press (UQP).



Where quotations are less than four lines long single quotation marks are employed, with double quotation marks for a quote within a quote. Quotations of more than four lines should be typed as a separate paragraph, indented by 20mm on both sides and appear without quotation marks. Quotations are indented on both sides. A colon should precede indented quotations.

Within the quotation use the style and punctuation of the original. Quotations are to be kept in their original context even if the case is wrong as in 'aborigines'.

If omitting a piece, indicate by ellipsis points ...

If interpolating a work or phrase, indicate by square [ ] brackets.


Full stops - leave one space after before beginning of next sentence.

Colons - leave one space after

Semi-Colons - leave one space after

Dashes - please use em-dashes

Ellipses - please use three dots with a space before the first and after the last

Spacing of paragraphs:

No carriage returns (double spacing) are necessary between paragraphs or footnotes.


In descriptive matter:

Numbers under 100 are spelt out in full. Over 100 use figures. (Note, though, that words and figures are not mixed: 99 to 101, not ninety-nine to 101).
Millions are printed as figures and words when given as round numbers:

12 million: but 12,136,000.

For a sequence of quantities please use figures:

It was reported that 21 children aged 12, 16 children aged 9 and 15 children aged 6 were timed over 50 metres.

Additions to the library's stock included 125 novels, 110 children's books, 5 biographies, 12 travel books and 15 technical manuals.

Where figures are employed use the fewest number possible:

67-9 (not 67-69), 312-20.
But (in teens) 112-14, not 112-4.

Please insert the comma in numbers of more than three figures (1,066) except of course in dates (1066) or mathematical workings.

Collective numbers are expressed as: from 160 to 200.

Percentage as 10 per cent, except where there is frequent use within an article, then 10%.

Distances, dimensions, weights, etc: All numbers appear in figures unless used in a vague and general sense:

For 21 kilometres the road ...
For something like twenty kilometres the road ...

Use words for seventies, the nineties, the forties But not “the 1960s and seventies”:

Use “the 1960s and 1970s” or “the 1960s and 1970s”.

Do not convert miles to kilometres or pounds to dollars. Retain them in their historical context.

In giving a sequence of dates, use the least number of figures as possible:

1971-2 but 1815-17, not 1815-7.

Omit the apostrophe in plurals: 1870s.


These are shown as: 15 January 1970 and the 1870s.

Institutional Names:

Be careful to use correct titles of institutions. University of Sydney - not Sydney University. However, where an institution is intent on being grammatically incorrect in its endeavour to build its status, e.g. use of a capital 'T' for 'the' in, for example, The Gentle Ladies' Secondary College, use lower case for the 't'.

Figures and Tables:

Photos or illustrations must be supplied as separate electronic image files (in .jpg or .tif format) which have been scanned at 300 dpi or better.

Figures, diagrams, tables, charts and maps should be labelled consecutively as Figure 1, Figure 2, etc and placed in the text in their correct positions. They should always have a title and include source or copyright information if applicable. If required, footnotes should be placed immediately below each Figure.

Tables must be formatted in Word using the Table menu commands to create a proper table object. Tables must not be presented as text separated with tabs or by other manual spacing.


Illustrations such as photographs and drawings are not labelled as Figures but should always carry a caption explaining the image and its source, including any copyright information.

Book Reviews:

Book reviews should be 600-800 words and should not contain Endnotes.

The format for the bibliographic details is as follows: Author/Editor Name(s), Book Title, Press, Year, pp. no, pb/hb, price (in AUD$). ISBN no.

For example:

Laksiri Jayasuria and Kee Pookong, The Asianisation of Australia? Some Facts About the Myths, Melbourne University Press, 1999, pp. 114, pb, AUD $16.95. ISBN 0522848540.

Page references to texts in reviews should be in the form (p. 27).


Copyright: It is a condition of publication that authors assign copyright or licence the publication rights in their articles, including abstracts, to InASA. This enables us to ensure full copyright protection and to disseminate the article, and of course the Journal, to the widest possible readership in print and electronic formats as appropriate. Authors retain many rights under the Taylor & Francis rights policies, which can be found at www.informaworld.com/authors_journals_copyright_position. Authors are themselves responsible for obtaining permission to reproduce copyright material from other sources

Editorial Board

Melissa Harper - University of QueenslandMaggie Nolan - Australian Catholic University

Reviews Editors:
Cath Kevin - Flinders University

Editorial Advisory Committee:
Kate Darian-Smith - University of Melbourne
Marilyn Lake - La Trobe University
David Carter - University of Queensland
Jenny Hocking - Monash University

Editorial Board:
Ien Ang - University of Western Sydney
Barbra Baird - Flinders University
Susan Ballyn - University of Barcelona

Nicholas Birns - The New School, New York
Frank Bongiorno - King's College London
Ann Curthoys - Australian National University
Robert Dixon - University of Sydney
Catriona Elder - University of Sydney

Lars Jensen - Roskilde University
Jacqueline Lo - Australian National University
Stuart Macintyre - University of Melbourne

John Maynard - University of Newcastle

Stephen Muecke - University of New South Wales 
Lyndall Ryan - University of Newcastle
Hsu-Ming Teo - Macquarie University
Ariadne Vromen - University of Sydney
Virginia Watson - University of Technology, Sydney

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