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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Twentieth Century British History covers the variety of British history in the twentieth century in all its aspects. It links the many different and specialized branches of historical scholarship with work in political science and related disciplines. The journal seeks to transcend traditional disciplinary boundaries, in order to foster the study of patterns of change and continuity across the twentieth century. The editors are committed to publishing work that examines the British experience within a comparative context, whether European or Anglo-American.

Instructions to Authors


New for 2010 – Please note that the journal now encourages authors to complete their copyright licence to publish form online.

Twentieth Century British History now welcomes new article submissions via our on-line submissions website ScholarOne Manuscripts. Articles of between 7,000 and 10,000 words in length (including footnotes) should be submitted according to the instructions for on-line manuscript submission

If you are unable to submit on-line, please contact TCBH’s managing editor (currently Dr Stephen Brooke) to discuss alternative arrangements.

We also welcome archive reports (3,000 to 5,000 words in length) and review articles. Suggestions for book reviews or review articles should go to the Reviews Editor, Dr Lawrence Black,
lawrence.black@durham.ac.uk, in the first instance.

The Editors will notify authors as soon as possible about the acceptability of a paper, but will not enter into correspondence about papers considered unsuitable for publication. Neither the Editors nor the publisher accept responsibility for the views of authors expressed in their contribution. Authors may not submit to Twentieth Centur


The author should provide his/her full name, institutional affiliation and email address with the article. This email address will be reproduced as the corresponding address for the article unless otherwise requested. All article submissions must be accompanied by a short abstract (around 200 words) and four to five keywords. The total word count (including footnotes) should be added at the end of the manuscript.
Copies of any statistical tables, maps, or illustrations should be sent electronically where possible. If this is not possible authors should contact the TCBH managing editor (see above) to make alternative arrangements.


All articles should be presented in A4 page layout, in double spaced typing, with ample margins.
Each page of the typescript should be numbered.
Indent the first line of a new paragraph consistently, except immediately after a sub-heading, when the paragraph should start flush with the left-hand margin. There is no need for extra space between paragraphs. Avoid too many short paragraphs, as well as over-long paragraphs.
Footnotes should be numbered consecutively (1, 2, 3, etc, not i, ii, iii…) and presented in 1.5 or double spaced typing either as endnotes at the end of the article or as footnotes at the bottom of each page. If published, they will appear at the foot of the relevant page.
Book reviews should be presented according to the same layout as articles, though in book reviews there should be no footnotes.


Please use UK English spelling and punctuation and refer to the Concise Oxford Dictionary if in any doubts. Use ‘z’ rather than 's' in such words as 'organize', where there is a choice. Alternative spellings in quoted material, book and article titles should not be changed.


5.1 Quotations

Quotations should be set in single inverted commas (quotation marks) if in the main text, with double quotation marks reserved only for a quotation within a quotation. The full point precedes the closing quotation mark ONLY if the quotation contains a grammatically complete sentence starting with a capital letter.
Quotations over three or four lines long should be indented and separated from the main text by a space above and below, and should not be set within quotation marks. Be sure to indicate by the indentation, or lack of it, of the first word of the matter following the quotation whether it is a new paragraph or a continuation of the paragraph containing the quote.

5.2 Abbreviations and Contractions

Unnecessary abbreviations should be avoided.
No full point should be used after contractions which end with the final letter of the original word (Mrs, Dr, edn, mss, hrs), or after acronyms (TUC, USA). But use for a.m./p.m. Full points are also required after ‘ed.’ (but not eds), ‘vol.’ (though not ‘vols’), ‘no.’ (but not nos), and ms. (but not mss).
The months of the year should be spelled out in full in the main text, but may be abbreviated in tables and footnotes (eg. 8 Nov 1945).

5.3 Capitalization

Capital letters should be used sparingly and for the specific rather than the general. Use 'the king’, but ‘King George V'; ‘the Church’ if the institution; but ‘the state’ (ie., the body politic), ‘the government’.
Offices of state should be capitalized (thus ‘the Prime Minister’, ‘the Home Secretary’), as should government ministries (‘Ministry of Defence’).
Political parties take capitals (‘the Labour Party’, but political movements do not (‘the labour movement’, ‘liberalism’, ‘communism’, ‘capitalism’, etc.).
Radical/radical; Liberal/liberal: capitalize when referring to a political party, lower case when used in a general political sense.
Use lower case for 'the left of the party', 'left-wing parties', 'the women's movement' etc.
Use 'the North', but ‘northern England’, 'south Wales’.
Book, journal and newspaper titles should be capitalized throughout. The titles of journal articles and chapters in books should not be capitalized.

5.4 Apostrophes

Use ’s for the possessive case in English names and surnames wherever possible: Charles’s, Jones’s.
Do not use ’s for plurals of capitalized abbreviations: NCOs, the 1960s (or the Joneses). Do use for lower-case abbreviations: e.m.f.’s, dotting his i’s.

5.5 Hyphens

Hyphens should be applied consistently. Please note the following:
inter-war, not interwar
the working class, but working-class aspirations
the twentieth century, but twentieth-century politics
in the long term , but long-term trends
Co-operative, but cooperation

5.6 Spacing

Dashes should be non-spaced long (--).
Ellipses should be spaced ( … )
Multiple initials in names should not be spaced: thus, G.D.H. Cole, not G. D. H. Cole.

5.7 Other

Please note: i.e. and e.g. not followed by comma.


Numbers in the text should be spelt out up to ninety-nine (except in the case of percentages etc), and appear as numerals from 100 upwards. Numbers appearing at the beginning of a sentence should be spelled out, as should round numbers ('one hundred') or approximate ones ('about three hundred and fifty'). Use ‘per cent’, not ‘%’.
Dates should appear as follows: 8 November 1945
The months of the year should be spelled out in full in the main text, but may be abbreviated in tables and footnotes (eg. 8 Nov 1945). Always use the name of the month, not the number.
The century number should be spelled out in full: the twentieth century
Decades should be presented as follows: the 1930s, not the 1930’s or the Thirties.
Use an oblique stroke for a year, such as a financial or academic year, covering more than one calendar year: 1998/9; the years 1995/6-1997/8.
Write ‘from 1924 to 1928’ not ‘from 1924-8’ and ‘between 1924 and 1928’ not ‘between 1924-8’.


Italics may be indicated by underlining or with an italic typeface. Use for titles of books, newspapers, journals and pamphlets, also films, plays, TV or radio programmes (series title, not episode title), also names of ships. Do not use for manuscripts, exhibitions, or individual episode titles of TV or radio series, where plain text in single inverted commas should be used.
NB: the Guardian, but The Times. For regional newspapers, indicate the locality where not evident from the title, e.g. the Glasgow Herald, but the London Evening Standard.
Foreign words that are not in common usage should be italicized, with a translation following in parentheses if appropriate.


Use Britain/Great Britain only when you intend to include England, Scotland and Wales in the term; do not use it as a synonym for England. United Kingdom refers to Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The British Isles refers to the United Kingdom and the Irish Republic.
Use United States of America or USA rather than America where there is a possibility of ambiguity.
Use the First World War, not the first world war, or World War I.


Books should be cited as follows: author’s full name as it appears on the title page, book title (italicized), place and date of publication (both in brackets). Punctuation should be as in the examples below. In second and subsequent references, author surname and an abbreviated title should be adopted in preference to the use of Ibid. Page references should give the number only, without the preface p.. Book titles should be capitalized throughout.

Kenneth O. Morgan, Labour in Power 1945-1951 (Oxford, 1984).

Morgan, Labour, 72.

Edited collections are indicated by (ed.) for single editors and (eds) for multiple authors, as follows:

Angela V. John (ed.), Our Mothers’ Land: Chapters in Welsh Women’s History 1830-1939 (Cardiff, 1991).

Carl Bridge and Kent Fedorowich (eds), The British World: Diaspora, Culture and Identity (London, 2003).

Chapters in edited collections should be cited as follows: author’s full name as it appears on the contents page, title of chapter in single quotation marks, editor or editors’ full name(s) as they appear on the title page of the collection, title of the collection (italicized), place and date of publication (in brackets), and either full page reference or specific page reference as appropriate. Punctuation should be as in the examples below. The title of the collection should be capitalized throughout, but the title of the chapter should not be capitalized. In second and subsequent references, author surname and an abbreviated version of the chapter title (in quotation marks) should be adopted.

W.D. Rubinstein, `Men of property: Some aspects of occupation, inheritance and power among top British wealthholders’, in Philip Stanworth and Anthony Giddens (eds), Elites and Power in British Society (London, 1974), 144-69.

Rubinstein, ‘Men of property’, 145.

Journal articles should be cited as follows: author's name as it appears in the journal, title of article in single quotation marks, title of the journal (italicized), volume number of journal (Arabic numerals), year of publication (in brackets), and either full page reference or specific page reference as appropriate. Punctuation should be as in the examples below. The journal title should be capitalized throughout, but the title of the article itself should not be capitalized. In second and subsequent references to an article, author surname and an abbreviated version of the article title (in quotation marks) should be adopted.

Andrew Thorpe, ‘J.H. Thomas and the rise of the Labour Party in Derby, 1880-1945’, Midland History, 15 (1994), 111-28.

Thorpe, ‘J.H. Thomas’, 120.

Unpublished dissertations and theses should be cited as follows: author’s name, title of thesis in single quotation marks, degree for which the thesis was submitted (formatted as follows: MPhil, PhD, DPhil, etc), university, date of degree award. Punctuation should be as in the example below.

Matthew Frank, ‘Britain and the transfer of the Germans from East Central Europe, 1939-47’, DPhil thesis, University of Oxford, 2005.

Newspaper references should give the newspaper title (italicized), date, and page number if available.
The Times, 5 November 1952, 6. (alt: The Times, 5 Nov 1952, 6).
Please note: The Times, but Daily Mirror; also London Evening Standard

Official publications:
Parliamentary debates should be cited as follows: Parliamentary Debates (Commons/Lords), volume number, date, column number(s)

Parliamentary Debates (Commons), 163, 8 May 1923, 2166-9

Command Papers should be abbreviated as follows: Cmnd.

Manuscript references should list the following, in this order: Name of archive repository, location, name of manuscript collection (where appropriate), reference or file code used by the collection, document details (including date).

The first reference to the archive repository and/or manuscript collection should be in full, and should specify the short version to be used in any subsequent references (please check with the archive repository for their preferred short form of reference). Please note that the Public Record Office should now be referred to on first reference as The National Archives: Public Record Office, Kew; the standard short form TNA: PRO should then be employed in second and subsequent footnote references.

For website references, list the title of the website, the url, and the date of access.


Authors are welcome to submit illustrations (photographs etc.) to accompany their articles. Please note, however, that it is the author’s sole responsibility to obtain the relevant permissions for reproduction of such illustrations from the copyright holder and to make any payments required by the copyright holder. Only in exceptional circumstances will the journal make a contribution to the costs of obtaining such permissions.
Copies of any statistical tables, maps, or illustrations should be sent electronically where possible. They should be clearly labelled Figure 1, Figure 2, etc. Their approximate placing in the main text should be indicated as follows: [Figure 1 here]


Upon receipt of accepted manuscripts at Oxford Journals authors will be invited to complete an online copyright licence to publish form.

Please note that by submitting an this article for publication you confirm that you are the corresponding/submitting author and that Oxford University Press ("OUP") may retain your email address for the purpose of communicating with you about the article. You agree to notify OUP immediately if your details change. If your article is accepted for publication OUP will contact you using the email address you have used in the registration process. Please note that OUP does not retain copies of rejected articles.

The publisher will supply the author with 25 offprints of his/her paper. In order to obtain these offprints, please ensure that you complete and return this

The publisher will not put any limitation on the freedom of the author to use material contained in the paper in other published works of which he/she is author or editor. It is the author's responsibility to obtain permission to quote material from copyright sources.


To avoid delays in the production of the journal, proofs will be sent out as .pdf attachments. Contributors are therefore requested to include a current working email for this purpose and are asked to return their proofs promptly as instructed. The Editors reserve the right to reject alterations in proof, owing to the high costs involved.


For information about this journal's policy, please visit our Author Self-Archiving policy page.


Twentieth Century British History authors have the option, at an additional charge, to make their paper freely available online immediately upon publication, under the Oxford Open initiative. After your manuscript is accepted, as part of the mandatory licence form required of all corresponding authors, you will be asked to indicate whether or not you wish to pay to have your paper made freely available immediately. If you do not select the Open Access option, your paper will be published with standard subscription-based access and you will not be charged.

For those selecting the Open Access option, the charges for Twentieth Century British History vary depending on the institution at which the Corresponding author is based. See

for details

The above Open Access charges are in addition to any page charges and colour charges that might apply.

Orders from the UK will be subject to a 17.5% VAT charge. For orders from elsewhere in the EU you or your institution should account for VAT by way of a reverse charge. Please provide us with your or your institution’s VAT number.

If you choose the Open Access option you will also be asked to complete an
Open Access charge form online. You will be automatically directed to the appropriate version of the form depending on whether you are based at an institution with an online subscription to Twentieth Century British History. Therefore please make sure that you are using an institutional computer when accessing the form. To check whether you are based at a subscribing institution please use the Subscriber Test link for Twentieth Century British History.

Editorial Board


Dr Stephen Brooke

Department of History
2140 Vari Hall
York University
4700 Keele Street
Canada M3J 1P5

Dr. Claire Langhamer

School of History,
Art History and Philosophy
University of Sussex

Dr. Lawrence Black

Book Reviews Editor

Department of History
University of Durham
43 North Bailey
Durham DH1 3EX


Rodney Lowe

University of Bristol, UK


Virginia Berridge

London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UK

John Davis

The Queen's College, Oxford, UK

Jon Lawrence

Emmanuel College, Cambridge, UK

Nicholas Owen

The Queen's College, Oxford, UK

Sonya Rose

University of Michigan, USA

Sian Nicholas

Aberystwyth University, UK


Antoine Capet

University of Rouen, France

James Cronin

Boston College, USA

Anne Deighton

University of Oxford, UK

Laura Lee Downs

L’Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Social Sciences, Paris, France

Christiane Eisenberg

University of Berlin, Germany

Martin Francis

University of Cincinnati, USA

Chris Hilliard

University of Sydney, Australia

Matt Houlbrook

University of Oxford, UK

David Howell

University of York, UK

Claire Langhamer

University of Sussex, UK

Fred Leventhal

Boston University, USA

Jane Lewis

London School of Economics, Uk

S Paul MacKenzie

Univeristy of South Carolina, USA

Eunan O’Halpin

Trinity College, Dublin, Eire

Kenneth O. Morgan

The Queen's College, Oxford, UK

Kevin Morgan

University of Manchester, UK

Frank Mort

University of Manchester, UK

Susan Pedersen

Columbia University, USA

Andrew Riley

University of Cambridge, UK

Priya Satia

Stanford University, USA

Jean Seaton

University of Westminster, UK

Pat Thane

Institute of Historical Research, London, UK

Andrew Thompson

University of Leeds, UK

Jim Tomlinson

Dundee University, UK

Frank Trentmann

Birkbeck College, London , UK

James Vernon

University of California at Berkeley, USA

Chen Xiaolu

University of Nanjing, China

Ina Zweiniger-Bargielowska

University of Illinois at Chicago

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