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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Aims & Scope

Contemporary French and Francophone Studies proposes to extend French Studies beyond traditional limits. Inviting all critical approaches on the latest debates in French Studies (cultural studies, francophone studies, autobiography, media studies, etc.), the journal provides a forum not only for academics, but for journalists, artists, filmmakers, and writers of fiction and poetry as well. Containing interviews, articles, fiction and poetry, each issue features contributors from across the disciplines. From 5 to 10% of a given issue is in French; the remaining contents are either in English or bilingual form.

The objective of Contemporary French and Francophone Studies is to reflect the enormous vitality and variety displayed by those engaged in the field of French Studies. Editorial policy is designed to foster controversy in a field which is already in significant ideological ferment. Contemporary French and Francophone Studies has attempted to follow this objective in both past issues on popular culture, autobiography, contemporary writers and poets, and will continue to do so in upcoming issues on women, visual arts, travel, writings, translation, and eroticism

Instructions to Authors
Article Submissions
Contemporary French and Francophone Studies/Sites is a thematic review. Each set of two special issues is composed of articles relating to a particular theme. Unfortunately, we are unable to accept articles not relevant to the selected themes for immediate publication. Also, we do not typically publish book/film reviews. However, we welcome articles relevant to the current theme that take an innovative or controversial approach. Interdisciplinary work is also strongly encouraged as are submissions of photography and fiction/poetry.
In order to be considered for publication in one of our special issues, your one page proposal (see guidelines below) must be received by the deadline stated in the call for papers. Once all proposals have been considered by the editors, you will be notified of their final decision and of the deadline for completed texts.
Form and Length
Please keep the following guidelines in mind when submitting your work:
one page abstract detailing the basic argument of the proposed article
title of the article (can be changed)
complete contact information (name, university, postal address, e-mail address)
submit as an e-mail attachment to sites@uconn.edu
Accepted Articles
Articles that do not conform to the guidelines stated below will be sent back to the author for proper formatting.
Because of limited journal space, articles are subject to a maximum length of 3500 words. Texts that run significantly over the prescribed length are subject to cuts at the discretion of the editors. The word limit includes all illustrations, notes, references, and works cited (see below).
Illustrations: If you wish to include illustrations or tables as part of your piece, these will also count toward your word limit. As a general rule of thumb assume that one printed page of illustrations/tables is equivalent to 350 words. **N.B. It is your responsibility to secure proper permissions for any photographs or illustrations you wish to use in
your article. We cannot publish photos or figures for which we do not have express permission to re-print.**
Formatting: Your article text must be properly formatted in order to be accepted. General formatting procedure is Times 12, double spaced, 1" margins. In addition, you must follow MLA guidelines and editorial policies regarding endnotes and works cited (see below).
MLA Style Parenthetical References: All cited material must be referenced using MLA style parenthetical references where the author's name and the page number(s) appear in a parenthetical following the citation. Ex: "Citation" (Smith 1). NO bibliographic or citation information should appear in the end notes.
MLA Style Works Cited: All works cited must appear in the works cited section at the end of the article and all works cited must be listed in proper MLA format with all available bibliographic/publication information.
End Notes: Any notes you wish to include must be in end notes (NO footnotes) and any information in your notes should be simply an extension of the text. NO bibliographic or citation information should appear in the end notes.
We request also that you submit is short (3-5 line) biography/bibliography to accompany your article. This paragraph should include current teaching/research interests, past publications, forthcoming publications, and any other pertinent information about you as the author.
**N.B. All correspondence is electronic. You do not need to send paper copies of your text!**
What happens next?
After you submit your accepted article, our editorial staff will format the text to comply with publisher guidelines, proofread for any errors, and make any cuts if necessary. If any questions arise during this process we will contact you via e-mail for clarification. The majority of changes to be made should be made at this stage of the process. Then, once all the manuscripts are prepared, the issue will be sent to our publishing house for typesetting. A few weeks later we will receive electronic proofs, which we will then send to each individual author (see proof correction guidelines below).
Proof Correction
You will receive the proofs of your article in .pdf format as well as a proof correction symbol sheet. In order to access the proofs and the symbol sheet you will need to have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer. You must read through your article, correct any errors using the proof correction symbols, and then either e-mail us your changes (if they are few and relatively simple) or fax us a copy of your corrected proofs (for more extensive changes). Please note that at this stage only minor changes (spelling errors, typographical mistakes, punctuation, single word substitutions) are allowed. The e-mail you receive with the .pdf attachments will give detailed instructions and guidelines as well as the proof correction deadline for the particular issue in which you are contributing. In general, corrections are due no later than one week after the sending of the proofs.
Complimentary Author Copies
Approximately 1-2 months after the printing of the issue, you will receive one complimentary copy of the issue to which you contributed. These are sent directly from the publisher but, if you do not receive your copy within the time stated, please let us know so that we may inquire on your behalf.
Editorial Board

Editorial Board


Roger Célestin and Eliane DalMolin - University of Connecticut, USA

Editorial Board:

Réda Bensmaïa - Brown University, USA
Jean Bernab?- Universita des Antilles et de la Guyane
Yves Bonnefoy  - Collège de France
Denise Brahimi -
Universita de Paris VII, France
Mireille Calle Gruber
- Universit?de Paris VII - Vincennes, France
Mary Ann Caws - Graduate Center, CUNY, USA
Ross Chambers - University of Michigan, USA
Tom Conley - Harvard University, USA
Joan Dayan - University of Pennsylvania, USA
Isabelle de Courtivron - MIT, USA
Jacqueline Dutton - University of Melbourne, Australia
Charles Forsdick - University of Liverpool, UK

Serge Gavronsky - Barnard College, USA
Leah Hewitt - Amherst College, USA
Denis Hollier - New York University, USA
Lawrence D. Kritzman - Darmouth College, USA
Catherine Liu - University of Minnesota, USA
Abdelwahab Meddeb - Novelist and Critic, Tunisia
Timothy Murray - Cornell University, USA
Panivong Norindr - University of Southern California, USA
John Rajchman - Collège International de Philosophie, France
Mireille Rosello - Northwestern University, USA
Kristin Ross - New York University, USA
Michèle Sarde - Georgetown University, USA
Lawrence R. Schehr - University of Illinois, USA
Michael Sherringham - All Souls College, Oxford, UK

Aminata Sow Fall - Writer, Dakar, Senegal
Susan Rubin Suleiman - Harvard University, USA
Steven Ungar - University of Iowa, USA
Dominique Viart - Universita de Lille III, France

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