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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

The English-language, fully-refereed, journal Imago Mundi was founded in 1935 and is the only international, interdisciplinary and scholarly journal solely devoted to the study of early maps in all their aspects. Full-length articles, with abstracts in English, French, German and Spanish, deal with the history and interpretation of non-current maps and mapmaking in any part of the world. Shorter articles communicate significant new findings or new opinions. All articles are fully illustrated. Each volume also contains three reference sections that together provide an up-to-date summary of current developments and make Imago Mundi a vital journal of record as well as information and debate: Book Reviews; an extensive and authoritative Bibliography; and a Chronicle, the official record for the previous year compiled from the data supplied by National Representatives in 25 countries.

Contributions Manuscripts and editorial communications should be sent to:
Dr. C. Delano Smith, Imago Mundi, 285 Nether Street, London N3 1PD, UK

Imago Mundi Prize

2009 Winner:
Dr Alfred Hiatt (Senior Lecturer in Old and Middle English Literature at the School of English, University of Leeds, England) for his article
'The Map of Macrobius before 1100', Imago Mundi, 59, no. 2 (2007), 149-176.

2007 Winner:
Dr George Tolias (Institute for Neohellenic Research, The National Hellenic Research Foundation, Athens) for his article
'Nikolaos Sophianos' "Totius Graeciae Descriptio": The Resources, Diffusion and Function of a Sixteenth-Century Antiquarian Map of Greece' Imago Mundi, 58, no. 2 (2006), 150-182.

2005 Winner:
Dr Zur Shalev (PhD Princeton University, 2004), a Visiting Research Scholar, Modern History Faculty, Oxford University, for his article
'Sacred Geography, Antiquarianism and Visual Erudition: Benito Arias Montano and the Maps in the Antwerp Polyglot Bible' Imago Mundi, 55 (2003), 56-80.

For more details on this prize, visit the Imago Mundi Ltd. website at:

Why your library should subscribe to Imago Mundi
Whether or not your library takes Imago Mundi could be up to YOU! Library committees are often asked to cut less valued periodicals. Please speak up for Imago Mundi. There are many good reasons, you can point out, for retaining, or acquiring it. For instance:

Imago Mundi is the journal of record for the history of cartography and the only international scholarly journal solely concerned with the study and interpretation of maps and mapmaking in any part of the world, at any period.

From the outset, Imago Mundi included the key ingredients of every subsequent volume: illustrated scholarly articles, book reviews, bibliography, and chronicle. The last three elements, which together provide an up-to-date summary of current developments, make it a journal of record. The format of the much-admired Bibliography, under its editor Nick Millea, was established in 1976. It is now provided with three indexes, of authors, places and subjects. Chronicle, an organized listing of personal and institutional news, conferences, exhibitions, acquisitions and map sales, was introduced the following year. The Book Reviews Editors, Dr Ronald E Grim and Dr A.S. Bendall, aim to feature a large majority of titles within twelve months of publication. The journal also carries obituaries, reports and short notices.

The present range of refereed articles (usually 8-10 per volume) makes Imago Mundi a genuinely interdisciplinary journal, of relevance to a growing number of university courses, not only in history and geography but also in related subject areas, such as the history of art, ideas, literature and the sciences. Please ensure that Imago Mundi is brought to the notice of colleagues in other disciplines.

If there is end-of-year spending money, it is possible to acquire a full run of Imago Mundi back to 1935.

Peer Review Policy:
All full-length research articles published in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review in the normal manner: by initial editorial screening and by at least two anonymous referees, for whom the author also remains anonymous.

Disclaimer for scientific, technical and social science publications:
Taylor & Francis and Imago Mundi Ltd makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the "Content") contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and Imago Mundi Ltd and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis and Imago Mundi Ltd.


Imago Mundi is abstracted/indexed in:

America: History and Life; B H A Bibliography of the History of Art; British Humanities Index; Current Abstracts; GEOBASE; Historical Abstracts; Humanities International Index; OCLC; Periodicals Index Online; SCOPUS; Thomson Reuters: Arts and Humanities Citation Index®.

Instructions to Authors

Conditions of publication

Work must be original and not already published or accepted for publication elsewhere. If it has been offered elsewhere, the Editor should be informed.

Permission to publish copyright material and to reproduce illustrations in print and online, worldwide, is the sole responsibility of the author.

The cost of illustrations (which should be of the highest possible quality) and any reproduction fees are the sole responsibility of the author.

Imago Mundi Ltd retains the copyright of all material published in Imago Mundi. The opinions of the author are not necessarily those of the Editor or Imago Mundi Ltd.

In the event of editorial disagreement, the Editor's decision is final.

Intending authors

Imago Mundi welcomes scholarly contributions on all areas and periods of the history of cartography. Full-length articles should present the results of original research or a critical reassessment of established ideas relating directly to the history of maps. They should normally be no longer than 5000 words, excluding notes and references. Shorter articles (2000 words, including notes and references) should report significant new discoveries or factual corrections, or shed new light on matters of general importance.

Three paper copies of the text in English (two without author's name) should be sent in the first instance to The Editor, Dr C. Delano-Smith, Imago Mundi, 285 Nether Street, London N3 1PD, U.K, with photocopies of suggested illustrations and a list of captions. An electronic version of the text should also be enclosed on a CD. Low resolution images on a CD are also welcome at this stage for transmission to referees (high resolution images are needed only when the article has been formally accepted for publication). Full-length articles should also be accompanied by a 100-word abstract and a list of keywords. If considered appropriate for Imago Mundi, full-length articles will be forwarded anonymously to two referees, who also remain anonymous, for independent comment. Shorter articles may also be sent to external referees. The email address is: c.delano-smith@qmul.ac.uk.

Accepted authors

Following provisional acceptance for publication in Imago Mundi, authors will be asked to revise their submission in the light of the referees' advice and to conform to Imago Mundi's house style (see below) and to return the revised version by an agreed date, either by e-mail or on a CD. Illustrations should be included, with completed captions (see below). Authors are asked to give their full name (with title), postal address, telephone and fax numbers (as desired) and e-mail address for the bottom of the first page of their article. Authors are also asked to supply a one-line description of their current professional position or status.

Authors should not attempt their own page layout. Notes and References should be endnotes, not footnotes. Separate files should be used for any appendices and for the numbered captions.

Headings and sub-headings, acknowledgements

Imago Mundi asks for headings and, if necessary, one level of sub-heading, in all articles. The use of headings not only serves as a reader aid, but also encourages authors to think hard about the structure and presentation of their argument. Since the text of the article will be set in double columns, all headings should be short. Acknowledgements, if any, are placed at the end of the text, before Notes and References.

General style

Imago Mundi's editorial policy is to aim for clarity of expression, with no ambiguities, and a good prose style in idiomatic English.

All authors should bear in mind as they write that many of their readers will not have English as their first language. For authors not writing in English as their native language (or who are using a translator), the Editor and Assistant Editor are prepared to help render their articles into correct and idiomatic (British) English (a copy of the article in the author's own language may be requested where this could help the editors).

Authors are advised that short rather than long sentences, or a mixture, engage the reader and are easier to read. Convoluted sentence structure, and over-use of parentheses, is best avoided; it is better to make a statement before qualifying it. Unattributed pronouns (its, their, his, she, they etc), too often ambiguous, should be avoided. Starting a sentence with a hanging particle (eg: 'Having printed four revised versions of the map, and having sold six copies of each, his shop was moved to…') is also discouraged.

House Style

Authors' attention to the details noted here will be appreciated:

1. Quotations: Single quotation marks are used for all quotations, except where there is a quotation within a quotation. In this instance, use double quotation marks.

2. Titles: The titles of well-known Classical works are normally given in English without italics (e.g. Ptolemy's Geography).

3. Proper nouns: Give first names as well as surname at the first mention of a person in the text, but normally use the surname only thereafter.

4. Dates: Dates should be given as 25 March 1999 except where quoting original text.

5. Spelling: Use English spelling as given in the Oxford English Dictionary.

6. Upper/lower case: Lower case is used for cardinal directions unless abbreviated: e.g., north, northwestern, but N, with no stop.

7. Numbers: In the text, the century should be spelled out in full (sixteenth century), but in the notes it should be given as a number (eg. 16th century). Numbers less than twenty should always be spelt out, those above twenty given in Arabic numerals (fifteen, 50, 150). The number 'hundred' is usually spelled out (a hundred years ago).


Quotations should be given in the original language and a full English translation provided, normally with the text. Likewise, transliterations should be followed by an English version or equivalent. Please make sure all accents and diacritics are legible. If necessary, highlight them on the paper copy.

Notes and References

Notes and references should be presented as endnotes and numbered consecutively for the whole article. The number of the note should be inserted in superscript at the end of the sentence to which it relates, following the full stop; multiple notes within a sentence are generally unacceptable.

For the first mention of a reference, all bibliographical details should be given in full and without abbreviations. The first name(s) should be given in full wherever possible. For second and subsequent mentions of a work, use the surname only and a shortened form of the title and a reference back to the first note. For example:

Note 1. For the date, see Nigel J. Morgan, Early Gothic Manuscripts (London, H. Miller; Oxford and New York, Oxford University Press, 1982-1988. 4 volumes.), 4:102-3
Note 2. Morgan, Early Gothic Manuscripts (see note 1), 3:100-1

Place of publication should always be given for books, together with the publisher in the case of books printed after 1900. Single quotation marks are used for titles of articles in journals and chapters in books. Titles of books and journals should be in italic. Manuscripts and their location should be cited in full at the first reference. Superscript should not be used for v and r (verso, recto): eg British Library (hereafter B.L.) Add. MS 36,041, fol. 4 (or fols 4-10r). Manuscript is abbreviated MS and the plural is MSS (with no stop in either case). However, note that inclusive numerals do not repeat numbers common to both numbers (eg. pp. 113-14, 117-28) except where the last digit is 0 (eg. 100-101).

For English book titles, all principal words have a capitalized first letter. In German, only nouns are so capitalized. In French, Italian and Spanish, only the first word and proper names are capitalized. In Dutch, all proper nouns and adjectives formed from them are capitalized.

Essential Bibliographical Details

The editors would prefer authors to concentrate on supplying all required bibliographical information rather than worry over-much about details of presentation. Authors should bear in mind that peer and future researchers will need to identify and locate all references. To ensure that each issue of Imago Mundi remains an invaluable research tool, please note:

Names, with forenames, of author, editor(s), and publisher should be given in full.

Titles of books and articles should always include the subtitle.

Place of publication, publisher, year should always be given. For older publications, the year and the place of publication may be sufficient.

Journal titles should be given in full, with subtitle.

For journals: please make sure the year, volume number and part number (the latter only IF each part is paged individually, i.e. if each part starts with page 1.) are supplied. For special numbers, please give the title in full, the number of the special issue, and the name of the society or publishing body in full where relevant.

Matters Relating to Illustration

Editorial Board


Dr Catherine Delano Smith - Senior Research Fellow, Institute of Historical Research, University of London

Associate Editors:

Professor Roger J P Kain - Montefiore Professor of Geography, University of Exeter
Dr Mary S Pedley - Assistant Curator of Maps, William L Clements Library, University of Michigan

Assistant Editor:

Mary Alice Lowenthal

Book Reviews Editors:

Books published in the Americas, Australasia and the Orient:
Dr Ronald E Grim - Book Reviews Editor, Imago Mundi,  Curator of Maps,
Norman B. Leventhal Map Center, Boston Public Library, 700 Boylston Street, Boston, MA 02116, U.S.A.

Books published in Europe, Africa, India and the Middle East:
Dr A S Bendall - Book Reviews Editor, Imago Mundi, Emmanuel College, Cambridge CB2 3AP, UK

Bibliography Editor:

Nick Millea - Map Librarian, Bodleian Library, Oxford

Chronicle Editor:

Tony Campbell - Map Librarian (retired), British Library, London
Ashley Baynton-Williams - Editor of 'Mapforum'


French - Catherine Hoffman - D partement des Cartes et Plans, Biblioth que Nationale de France, Paris, France
Gilles Palsky - Universit
Paris 1 - Panth on-Sorbonne
German - Marcus Heinz - Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, Germany
Jan Mokre -
sterreichische Nationalbibliothek, Vienna, Austria
Spanish - Luisa Mart
n-Mer s - Museo Naval, Madrid, Spain
Sandra Saenz-Lopez Perez - Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Doctoral Theses Editor:

Elizabeth Baigent - Wycliffe Hall, Oxford

Picture Editor:

Damien Bove

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