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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

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Instructions to Authors

Ambix welcomes original contributions on the history of alchemy, chemistry and the chemical industry that match the aims and scope of the journal on the understanding that their contents have not previously been published or are currently submitted for publication elsewhere. All submissions will be sent to independent referees. It is a condition of publication that papers become the copyright of the Society for the History of Alchemy and Chemistry and an assignment form will be circulated with proofs.  All editorial correspondence should be sent, via email wherever possible, to the Editor: 

Dr Peter Morris, Science Museum, London SW7 2DD, UK. Email: peter.morris@nmsi.ac.uk

Authors should consider consulting the Editor prior to submission.


Presentation and Style

A Word document should be emailed to the Editor and one complete hard copy should be posted. It should be printed double-spaced with ample margins and not normally exceeding 10,000 words (including footnotes). All pages should be numbered and for each author, a short institutional affiliation should be given. The full name and address to which all correspondence, including proofs, should be sent. The article should contain an abstract of about 150 words. Authors should also supply a short biography of themselves with an address for correspondence and an email address.

Contributions should follow the house-style of the journal. Words should not be hyphenated at the end of a line. Use double inverted commas for short quotations (single for quotations within quotations), but quotations over 50 words should be indented and single-spaced without inverted commas.

In preparing the Word document, there is no need to format articles: please include italics or bold type where necessary, but not style or endnote codes. In the main text, numbering of notes should be indicated by superscript numbers. References and captions should be placed at the end of the file. Please use hard returns only at the end of paragraphs; switch auto-hyphenation off; do not justify text; and do not use automatic numbering routines. Consistency in spacing, punctuation, and spelling will be of help. Although Ambix follows Chicago style, all papers should use British English.


Notes and References        

Contributors should adhere to the journal's house-style in the presentation of numbered references. Within the text, notes should be indicated by a superscript Arabic numeral. Ambix follows the conventions of The Chicago Manual of Style. The following examples cover the most common formats:

1. Margaret Gowing, Independence and Deterrence: Britain and Atomic Energy, 1945-1952 (London: Macmillan, 1974), vol. 2, 431-441. Subsequent references should use Gowing, Independence and Deterrence, vol. 2, 352. Do not use op. cit. and ibid.

2. Noel G. Coley, “Forensic Chemistry in 19th Century Britain,” Endeavor 22 (1998): 143-147, on 144. Standard journal abbreviations (JCS, BJHS) should be used, and use DNB, DSB (etc.) for standard reference works. Subsequent references should use Coley, “Forensic Chemistry,” 145.

3. Mary Jo Nye, “At the Boundaries: Michael Polanyi's Work on Surfaces and the Solid State,” in Chemical Sciences in the 20th Century: Bridging Boundaries, ed. Carsten Reinhardt (Weinheim: Wiley-VCH, 2001), 246-257, on 250. Subsequent references should use Nye, “At the Boundaries,” 253.


Books for Review        

Please send copies and full publication details to the Book Review Editor: 

Professor Ernst Homburg, Department of History, University of Maastricht, PO Box 616, 6200 MD Maastricht, The Netherlands. Email: E.Homburg@history.unimaas.nl.

Books for review should not be sent to the Editor, Dr Peter Morris.


Tables and Illustrations 

Small tables should be incorporated into the document and large tables and figures should be supplied separately with a separate list of captions, including credit for reproduction. In the text there should be a reference for each figure (see Figure 1; Table 1) and preferred position and groupings in the text should be clearly indicated. The Society has no facility for producing artwork, so all illustrations must be provided at the final stage, to a publishable standard at the author's cost, either in the form of glossy prints or high-quality scanned images in CMYK format as good quality TIFF or EPS files, suitable for printing. As a guide, images should be submitted at a minimum input scanning resolution of 300 dpi for full colour; 350/400 dpi for halftones; 800 dpi for simple line drawings; and 1200 dpi for fine line drawings. Please note that the final reproduction quality is dependent on original supply of correct format and resolution. All scanned images should be accompanied by a hard copy print out for reference. Avoid inserting artwork or diagrams into the text file, but for equations, chemical structures or formulae it is acceptable to use packages such as Chemdraw. The author must obtain written evidence of permission to reproduce images (in all formats, in perpetuity and in all geographical regions worldwide) from the copyright owner for the use of any illustrative matter in the journal and will be liable for any fee charged by the owner of the image. The caption should include relevant credit of the permission of the copyright holder to reproduce the image. For more information please see www.maney.co.uk/authors/copyright.

Editorial Board


Dr Peter J T Morris (Science Museum, London,UK)

Deputy Editor:

Dr Jennifer M Rampling (University of Cambridge, UK)

Editorial Advisory Board:

Robert G W Anderson (London, UK)

Bernadette Bensaude-Vincent (Paris, France)

William H Brock (Eastbourne, UK)

John Brooke (Oxford, UK)

Stephen Clucas (London, UK)

Dr Noel G Coley (Sutton, UK)

Matthew Eddy (Durham, UK)

Peter J Forshaw (Birkbeck College, University of London, UK)

Yasu Furukawa (Tokyo, Japan)

Professor Ernst Homburg (University of Maastricht, The Netherlands)

Harmke Kamminga (Cambridge, UK)

Ursula Klein (Berlin, Germany)

David Knight (University of Durham, UK)

Pierre Laszlo (Pinehurst, USA and Senergues, France)

Christoph Meinel (Regensburg, Germany)

Mary Jo Nye (Corvallis, USA)

John Parascandola (Rochville, USA)

Carsten Reinhardt (Regensburg, Germany)

Gerrylynn Roberts (Milton Keynes, UK)

Alan Rocke (Cleveland, USA)

Joachim Schummer (Karlsruhe, Germany)

Anna Simmons (London, UK)

Raymond Stokes (Glasgow, UK)

Georgette Taylor (London, UK)

Anthony Travis (Jerusalem, Israel)

Show full editorial board

Note for authors - notice of intent to digitize back issues of Ambix


Ambix is an internationally recognised, peer reviewed journal and one of the leading publications in its field, which is viewed as an important outlet for current research. Published three times a year, in March, July and November and now available online to institutional subscribers, its remit has always been to facilitate the publication of high-quality research and discussion in all aspects of the history of alchemy and chemistry, including the chemical industry. Recently, its scope has been broadened to cover the history of pharmacy and environmental studies of the chemical industry. The Editor also welcomes articles and shorter pieces about archives and other sources, and from time to time an issue will be devoted to a particular theme, based on a selection of papers presented at an international conference or invited.

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