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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Acta Classica publishes contributions on any aspect of Classical Studies, but also considers submissions on Patristic and Byzantine themes, especially where they relate to Africa.



Instructions to Authors



1.  Acta Classica publishes contributions on any aspect of Classical Studies,

but also considers submissions on Patristic and Byzantine themes, espe-

cially where they relate to Africa.

2.  The Editorial Committee assumes that the submitted contributions are

the original work of the author(s).

3.  Acta Classica is an accredited South African journal. All submissions are

judged anonymously by two referees appointed by the Editorial Com-

mittee. In cases where the referees recommend changes in the manu-

script, authors will be requested to make such adjustments as are

deemed necessary by the Editorial Committee.

4.  Articles should normally not exceed 7 000 words.

5.  Acta Classica also publishes Notes on a specific topic or problem which

should ideally not exceed 1 500 words.

6.  The journal publishes reviews of books, mainly by Southern African


7.  Authors will receive 10 offprints free of charge.




1.  Two hard copies should be submitted, in 1.5 spacing, on one side of A4

size paper, and with ample margins all round. Do not send a computer

disk until requested. Alternatively, an article may be sent by e-mail as an

attached document. For articles containing large amounts of Greek, the

first method, or a combination of the two, is recommended. Please note:

Do not use preset formatting (page size, style-sheet), preset tabs or paragraph-


2.  An abstract (maximum 150 words) of the article must accompany the


3.  The title of the article, author’s name and affiliation should be provided

on a separate page, and the title alone should be repeated on the first

page of the article.

4.  The identity of the author must not be revealed in the manuscript itself.

Acknowledgements or other indications of identity may be included in

the final version.

5.  Footnotes should be numbered consecutively in the text. 


6.  Greek words should be used in their original form. Extra care should

be taken with regard to the form and placing of accents, breathings and

subscript iotas.

7.  Authors are advised to provide a translation of all Greek and Latin,

particularly in the case of lesser-known works. 

8.  Authors will be provided with the reports of the anonymous referees in

the event of changes being recommended. The author must then sub-

mit a final version on computer disk and in print form. Disks will not

be returned. A final version sent by e-mail is also acceptable.

9.  The Editorial Board will communicate by e-mail with the author on all

corrections or problems. A camera-ready copy of the article will be sent

to the author for final checking.

10.  All final corrections are subject to the jurisdiction of the Editorial Com-



Editorial conventions


In order to save time and expense, contributors are requested to adhere as

closely as possible to the following editorial conventions. Deviations required

by specific needs (e.g., the language-medium or nature of the article) are



1.  Italics must be used for the following, in full or abbreviated form: the

titles of books and periodicals; the names of classical works; Greek and

Latin technical terms; foreign terminology (e.g. Sturm und Drang, tour de

force); shorter quotations in Latin, both in the text and in the footnotes.

2.  Single quotation marks must be used for quotations other than Greek

or Latin, the title of an article, chapter or contribution in a book.

Double quotation marks must be used only for an interior quotation.

Where a passage quoted is more than a few lines long, it will be set

without quotation marks as a separate paragraph, in smaller type. Such

quotations should be indented in the manuscript in order to make their

presence clear.

3.  Abbreviations of ancient authors and works should be those listed in

the Oxford Classical Dictionary (2nd or 3rd edition), or the Oxford Latin

Dictionary and Liddell-Scott-Jones’  A Greek-English Lexicon, or the

Byzantinische Zeitschrift. Latin titles, not Greek or English, are preferred

in abbreviations of ancient texts: for instance, Vesp. not Wasps; Carm.

not Odes. References to unfamiliar names and titles of ancient authors and

texts should be written in full. Names written in full in the text may be 


abbreviated in the footnotes. In all cases clarity rather than economy of

space should be the first consideration.

4.  Abbreviations of periodicals  should be those used by L’Année Philolo-


5.  In the citation of ancient texts, Arabic rather than Roman numerals

should be used, and a full stop be placed after book, volume and

chapter numbers. The first letter of titles should be capitalised. Where a

writer’s full name is given, a comma must separate it from the name of

the work. For example, Thuc. 6.71.2; 7.14.3-4; Hor.  Serm. 3.2.275-77;

Vitr. De Arch. 2.3.3; but Themistius, Orat. 3.4 (p. 31.15 ed. Dindorf). If

the edition is rare or unfamiliar, add date and also place: (p. 31.15 ed.

W. Dindorf, Leipzig 1831).

6.  In referring to modern works, either one of two systems can be used.

In both systems, page or column numbers must be given in full. The

use of f. or ff. (or equivalents) should be avoided if at all possible.

Reference to a footnote in a work must be marked by n. followed by

the number of the footnote. Authors should adhere to one of the

following systems of reference:

(a)  Works can be cited in full on their first occurrence, and thereafter by

author, number of note of first appearance in round brackets, and

page number(s). For example:

N.G.L. Hammond, A History of Greece to 322 B.C. (Oxford 1959) 6-12;

subsequently Hammond (note 2) 8.

E. Honigmann, ‘Syria’,  RE (1932) 4A.1549-727; subsequently

Honigmann (note 1) 1601-03.

G.E.R. Lloyd, ‘Plato as a natural scientist’,  JHS 88 (1968) 78-92;

subsequently Lloyd (note 5) 84.

In the case of edited collections, the following format should be


R.J. Hankinson, ‘Determinism and indeterminism’, in K. Algra, J.

Barnes, J. Mansfeld & M. Schofield  (edd.), The Cambridge History of

Hellenistic Philosophy (Cambridge 1999) 513-541.

(b)  A bibliography of cited works can be provided at the end of the

article or note (author/s, initials, date of publication, title, place of

publication, publisher), and references to these works in the text or

footnotes then made by author’s name, date of publication, and page

number(s). For example:

Hammond, N.G.L. 1959.  A History of Greece to 322 B.C. Oxford:

Clarendon Press; referred to as Hammond 1959:6-12.

Honigmann, E. 1932. ‘Syria.’  RE 4A.1549-727; referred to as

Honigmann 1932:1601-03. 


Lloyd, G.E.R. 1968. ‘Plato  as a natural scientist.’  JHS 88:78-92;

referred to as Lloyd 1968:84.

For edited collections, the following format should be followed:

Hankinson, R.J. 1999. ‘Determinism and indeterminism.’ In K. Algra,

J. Barnes, J. Mansfeld & M. Schofield  (edd.), The Cambridge History of

Hellenistic Philosophy, 513-541. Cambridge: University Press.


7.  Readily recognisable works can be cited in brief form:

CIL 15.3579

IG 2215, line 87

ILS 212, col. 2

BMC Imp 3.303 no. 507

TLL 5.1.448, line 41 (use ‘line’ or ‘lines’ rather than l. or ll., which may

be confused with numerals)

Jacoby, FGrH 115 F 153




8.  For cross references within an article where the paging is obviously not

yet known, the page number should be indicated by 00 and the page

number given in the margin of the manuscript.

9.  All quotations and references should be verified against the original

source, and the Editorial Committee does not accept responsibility for

the accuracy of any citations.

10.  The Oxford English Dictionary serves as the guide on matters of spelling

and hyphenation. 


Direct correspondence and  Rig korrespondensie en

manuscripts to  manuskripte aan


The Editor  Die Redakteur

Acta Classica  Acta Classica

School of Languages and     Skool van Tale en Letter-

Literatures    kundes

University of Cape Town    Universiteit van Kaapstad

Private Bag X3, Rondebosch,    Privaatsak X3, Rondebosch

7701, South Africa.      7701, Suid-Afrika.


E-mail / E-pos: david.wardle@uct.ac.za



Address orders and payments to  Rig bestellings en betalings



The Treasurer, Acta Classica, Die Tesourier, Acta Classica,

Department of Classics and  Departement Klassieke en

World Languages,  Wêreldtale,

Theo van Wijk Building 5-31,  Theo van Wijk-gebou 5-31,

University of South Africa,  Universiteit van Suid-Afrika,

P.O. Box 392, Pretoria, 0001,  Posbus 392, Pretoria, 0001,

South Africa.  Suid-Afrika.


Subscription (per annual volume): R50,00 (for South Africa), US$40

(for other countries).

Subskripsie (per jaarlikse band): R50,00 (vir Suid-Afrika), VS$40 (vir

ander lande).

Free to full members of the Classical Association of South Africa.

Gratis aan volle lede van die Klassieke Vereniging van Suid-Afrika

Editorial Board


Editor / Redakteur:

Prof. Louise Cilliers, University of the Free State /  Universiteit van die Vrystaat


Chairperson of the Classical Association / Voorsitter van die Klassieke Vereniging:

Prof. J.C. Zietsman, University of the Free State / Universiteit van die Vrystaat


Editorial Secretary / Redaksionele Sekretaris:

Dr J.F.G. Cilliers, University of the Free State / Universiteit van die Vrystaat


Treasurer / Tesourier:

Prof. P.R. Bosman, University of South Africa / Universiteit van Suid-Afrika


Additional Members / Addisionele Lede:

Prof. W.J. Henderson, University of Johannesburg / Universiteit van Johannesburg

Prof. J.L. Hilton, University of KwaZulu-Natal / Universiteit van KwaZulu-Natal





Prof. David Konstan, Brown University, USA

Prof. Lorna Hardwick, The Open University, UK

Prof. Stephen Harrison, University of Oxford, UK

Prof. Manfred Horstmanshoff, University of Leiden, The Netherlands

Prof. Daniel Ogden, University of Exeter, UK

Prof. John Scarborough, University of Wisconsin, USA

Prof. Betine van Zyl Smit, University of Nottingham, UK




Justice D.H. van Zyl




Prof. J.E. Atkinson

Prof. P.J. Conradie

Prof. W.J. Henderson

Prof. D.M. Kriel

Prof. D.B. Saddington





Prof. F.P. Retief


Cover illustration: Stater, c. 425-420 BCE. Head of the nymph Terina.

Voorbladillustrasie: Stater, c. 425-420 v.C. Kop van die nimf Terina.


Editor / Redakteur:

Prof. Louise Cilliers, University of the Free State /  Universiteit van die Vrystaat


Chairperson of the Classical Association / Voorsitter van die Klassieke Vereniging:

Prof. J.C. Zietsman, University of the Free State / Universiteit van die Vrystaat


Editorial Secretary / Redaksionele Sekretaris:

Dr J.F.G. Cilliers, University of the Free State / Universiteit van die Vrystaat


Treasurer / Tesourier:

Prof. P.R. Bosman, University of South Africa / Universiteit van Suid-Afrika


Additional Members / Addisionele Lede:

Prof. W.J. Henderson, University of Johannesburg / Universiteit van Johannesburg

Prof. J.L. Hilton, University of KwaZulu-Natal / Universiteit van KwaZulu-Natal





Prof. David Konstan, Brown University, USA

Prof. Lorna Hardwick, The Open University, UK

Prof. Stephen Harrison, University of Oxford, UK

Prof. Manfred Horstmanshoff, University of Leiden, The Netherlands

Prof. Daniel Ogden, University of Exeter, UK

Prof. John Scarborough, University of Wisconsin, USA

Prof. Betine van Zyl Smit, University of Nottingham, UK




Justice D.H. van Zyl




Prof. J.E. Atkinson

Prof. P.J. Conradie

Prof. W.J. Henderson

Prof. D.M. Kriel

Prof. D.B. Saddington





Prof. F.P. Retief


Cover illustration: Stater, c. 425-420 BCE. Head of the nymph Terina.

Voorbladillustrasie: Stater, c. 425-420 v.C. Kop van die nimf Terina.

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