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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal
ConradianaSince its founding in 1968, Conradiana has presented its audience with the newest and best in Conrad scholarship and criticism, including reminiscences of eminent Conradians, detailed textual studies, biographical finds, new critical readings, and exciting applications of the newer critical modes.

Instructions to Authors

Style guides

The TTU Press and Conradiana use the following style guides:

        MLA Handbook (8th edition) for issues of citation and formatting;

         Chicago Manual of Style (15th edition) [CMS] for all other issues of style, formatting, etc;

         TTU Press House style for layout, design, and a few variances from MLA or CMS, described below

         The TTU Press and Conradiana follow American usage and spelling, as per the Merriam-Webster Dictionary.


Citing Material

  1. MLA uses a sentence-by-sentence citation format. Even in places where the source might be obvious, a citation is required for each sentence using material from a source.
  2. MLA requires that the author, short title (if more than one source is cited by the same author), and page number be provided in each sentence using material from a source. Therefore a sample citation to Twixt Land and Sea would be (Conrad, Twixt 46); if Conrad's name is mentioned in the text of the sentence the citation becomes (Twixt 46); if Conrad's name and the title of the work are mentioned in the text of the sentence, the citation becomes (46).
  3. Whenever more than one work by the same author is cited, short titles are used in the parenthetical citation. MLA stipulates that the short title is the first substantive word of the work's title. See example in #2 above.
  4. MLA stipulates that citations are to be placed at the ends of sentences (not after the quoted material itself).
  5. When more than one source is cited in a sentence, MLA indicates that all sources are placed in a single parenthetical citation in the order of reference: e.g., (Smith 12; Jones 34, 56). In some instances this can be awkward, as for example when one quotation appears in the first part of a sentence, and the second part of the sentence contains a block quote. In those instances, the copyeditor will recommend splitting the sentence[l1] , so that citations can be more easily understood.
  6. Citations of dramatic works should use Arabic numbers, as in 1.2.35 (not Romans, I.ii.xxxv).


Authority of Sources

  1. Whenever possible, citations to Conrad's works should be to the Dent or
  2. The press requires that sources cited be authoritative. Sources like wikipedia have no editorial overview and can be changed continually; as a result their usefulness to readers trying to access the information provided or cited is limited. Using authoritative sources, authors should verify that all information found in such sources are accurate and cite the more authoritative source.


Formatting Works Cited

  1. TTU Press House Style, in variance to MLA, spells out university and press (for example, Harvard University Press, not Harvard UP).
  2. Cross-referencing. When more than one article is cited from a particular source, Conradiana uses MLA styles for cross-referencing.
  3. Conrad's Collected Letters is consistently referred to in Conradiana as CL.


Use of full names

In the first reference to a proper name, the full name should be provided. If the first reference appears in a quotation, interpolate the missing name or names using square brackets [ ].


Use of foreign phrases

CMS prefers English over foreign phrases, and whenever foreign phrases are used, their translation must follow in parentheses or, if in quoted material, in square brackets. The copyeditor will therefore request either that the foreign phrases be accompanied by translation or that they be replaced with English phrases.


Use of irony

CMS indicates that words in quotes but which are not quoted material ("scare quotes") must be used ironically. All quotation marks around words used for emphasis but which do not indicate irony will be removed at copyediting. Please note that overuse of this device is discouraged.


Use of "Readers"

Readers will always be plural.


Quotation of material from other sources

  1. MLA requires that ellipses not a part of the original quotation be indicated with square brackets: [¡­]. This distinguishes the author's elision of words from any ellipses appearing originally in the source. Copyediting queries will often ask for verification that the ellipses are the author's rather than the source's.
  2. MLA indicates that quotations of 4 lines or more be inset as block quotations. TTU Press will not inset quotations of fewer than 4 lines (as typeset).


Length of Explanatory Notes

TTU Press requires that explanatory notes comprise no more than 10% of the word length of the entire article text. If explanatory notes account for more than the allotted words, the copyeditor will make suggestions for trimming those notes. The author of the essay also has the option of moving essential explanatory material into the essay itself.


If, after the author has trimmed and moved material into the text, the notes still measure more than 10%, the managing editor can request that the press allow 15% for notes. This is a last resort for essays in which both the managing editor and the press editor find the notes essential to the meaning of the article and see no way to reduce the notes further. This is not a common situation, and authors should make every effort to meet the 10% standard on their own.

 [l1]Meaning break into two separate sentences?

Editorial Board

Donald W. Rude, Editor
Ann R. Hawkins, Managing Editor

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