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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Artibus et Historiae: The idea of publishing a new art journal was conceived in the late seventies and realized after the International Congress of Art History in Bologna (1979). Thus IRSA Publishing House was brought into being and the first number of Artibus et Historiae came out in 1980.

The International Institute for Art Historical Research (IRSA - Istituto per le Ricerche di Storia dell'Arte), as a publishing house, was founded with its headquarters first in Venice (1979-1982), then in Florence and Vienna, and recently (since 1996) - in Cracow, Poland.

The title of our art journal - Artibus et Historiae - comes from the very private experiences of its founder, Józef Grabski. ARTIBUS is an inscription on the fronton of an old and very prestigious art exhibition hall ("ZACHĘTA", founded in 1860) in his native Warsaw. The second part of the title, ET HISTORIAE, is a tribute paid to the Countess Karolina Lanckorońska, professor in art history and editor of historical sources for the Polish history in her own "Institutum Historicum Polonicum" in Rome, Italy.

The specific sign of IRSA and Artibus et Historiae - a symbolical representation of a winged angel standing firmly on a balance, held in his own hands - comes from a Renaissance painting by Lorenzo Lotto (Portrait of a Man, Collection Doria Pamphili, Rome) and symbolises the Platonic idea of internal equilibrium between the spiritual and the physical aspects of the activities and existence of man.

Artibus et Historiae is a journal dedicated to the visual arts, published by IRSA Publishing House. The lavishly illustrated articles cover a broad range of subjects, including photography and film, as well as traditional topics of scholarly art research.

Artibus et Historiae particularly encourages interdisciplinary studies - art history in conjunction with other humanistic fields, such as psychology, sociology, philosophy, or literature - and unconventional approaches. Thus it is hoped that the current trends in art history will be well represented in our issues.

Artibus et Historiae appears twice a year, in hardback. The articles are in one of four languages: English, Italian, German, or French, at the author's discretion.

Instructions to Authors

Two printed copies and an electronic file with the text of an article for consideration should be sent to the editor (at Artibus et Historiae, see the address below), together with a ca. 100-300-word abstract, list of illustrations and photocopies of illustrations, also in duplicate. Authors are responsible for securing permission to reproduce all illustrations. Please include also your CV.
The author's name should only appear on a separate cover sheet.

Contributions should be sent to:

Artibus et Historiae
Plac Matejki 7/8
31-157 KRAKÓW


Submissions should be illustrated (initial submission with accompanying photocopies of illustrations) and the attached cover sheet should include:

full name and title

institutional address and/or home address

telephone number and fax number (optional)

e-mail address

title of submission

Please ensure that your name does NOT appear anywhere other than on the cover sheet. This is to preserve author anonymity and failure to comply with these guidelines may result in considerable delay to the review process.



Artibus et Historiae publishes only original articles, we do not publish previously published material or material simultaneously submitted to other publishers

Artibus et Historiae is a peer-reviewed journal and articles considered for publication are read by specialist readers, as well as the editorial team

Artibus et Historiae aims to inform potential contributors of a decision within six months of their submission, though (especially in summer) this can be variable

all submitted articles are read by three readers

decisions by the editor are final

once accepted, it can take up to eighteen months for an essay to be published but this also varies (please bear in mind that Artibus et Historiae appears on semi-annual basis; we have only two issues per year)

once accepted for publication, the author must agree to undertake any necessary revisions and to deliver a final copy to the editor by a mutually agreed date

Artibus et Historiae encourages illustrated articles and if necessary may ask authors to supply extra images

all articles accepted for publication will be sent to author at proof stage (preferably, by e-mail, in PDF format)

authors are expected to print out and correct page proofs; corrected galleys must be returned to the editor as soon as possible, no later than within ten days of receipt (unless mutually agreed otherwise)

authors get one (1) bound copy of the journal and fifty (50) off-prints of the paper published in Artibus et Historiae; no further off-prints can be ordered


Artibus et Historiae does not impose a set length for submissions, however the illustrations should not exceed 25–30

Artibus et Historiae encourages fully illustrated submissions but please remember that it is the responsibility of the author to provide both the images and the permission to reproduce them

initial submission should be sent with accompanying photocopies of illustrations

we accept articles written in English (UK English or American English spelling can be used – but consistently throughout the paper; please do not mix both), German, French or Italian (in all cases a summary in English is indispensable)

the title page should indicate the author’s name, institution (if any), address, telephone number and email address

do not put author’s name on any subsequent pages

do not use headers and footers

discs must be clearly labelled

no separate bibliographies; please incorporate all references into endnotes

acknowledgements should be an unnumbered endnote at the beginning of endnotes

please supply an abstract of c. 100–300 words, in English


Instructions to Authors

Editorial Board


PhD in Art History
Co-founder and Director of the International Institute for Art Historical
Research IRSA (founded in Venice in 1979) Editor-in-Chief of

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