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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Aims & Scope

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The Journal of Architecture is jointly published by the
Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) and Routledge, an imprint of Taylor & Francis. It was launched in 1995 and is the longest standing, continuously published, international, refereed publication on architecture based in the UK. Now published six times a year, The Journal of Architecture has become widely recognised as one of the foremost journals in its field in the world. 


Journal issues range from those consisting of a selection of essays on open topics to special guest-edited volumes on particular themes. Subjects covered include writings about individual architects, theoretical texts, design theory, architectural culture, sustainability, technology, everyday building, pedagogy, visual culture, artistic practices and urbanism. The journal also features an extensive book and exhibition review section in every issue.


All material submitted to The Journal of Architecture is subject to rigorous peer review using the ‘double-blind' refereeing process. The Editorial Board, which is enhanced by regional editors in around twenty countries, strongly welcomes contributions from all over the world. It is the express aim of The Journal of Architecture to influence the future of architecture and its reception internationally by publishing innovative contributions on every aspect of architectural endeavour.


‘The Journal of Architecture has become an indispensable forum for emerging research in architecture's history and theory. Its special thematic issues contribute to the confrontation of scholarly perspectives on overlooked problems – a must-read for faculty, doctoral and graduate students, as well as for architects and the general intellectual audience.'

Professor Jean-Louis Cohen, Institute of Fine Arts, New York University, USA

‘Think of Alberti without the Ten Books or Le Corbusier without Vers une Architecture: architectural careers have been built on writing as well as building. We need books and journals to show us what is being built, how, and why. That is why we need solid and reliable organs of debate like The Journal of Architecture where there is room to unfold an argument, review a book properly, or advance a cause that is not immediately fashionable.'

Professor Peter Blundell Jones, School of Architecture, University of Sheffield, UK


'The Journal of Architecture mixes polemic with scholarship and the timely with the perennial without seeking to be sensational. Every issue is, of course, particular. As the coverage gradually builds, we can see emerging a useful instrument of research and correlation, and a vindication of the editors' policy of critical evaluation.'

Emeritus Professor Robert Maxwell, Princeton University, USA

Instructions to Authors

Instructions for Authors

Submission of texts

Texts must be submitted in English, and must consist of original, unpublished work not under consideration for publication elsewhere. Essays should be a minimum of 5,000 words in length and no longer than 8,000 words, except in special circumstances. Text should be sent as an email attachment in MS Worrd or Acrobat PDF format, including all original figures and tables, to Murray Fraser, Department of Architecture, University of Westminster, 35, Marylebone Road, London, NW1 5LS, UK; email: m.fraser@westminster.ac.uk.  Alternatively, the figures and tables can be put all together into one other email attachment that accompanies the text file. Please note that the overall file size of the attachment(s) should not exceed 2MB combined, in order that the material can be emailed easily to referees. Large high-resolution images are not needed for the initial submission as they will only be viewed on computer screen at this stage. If the content and format of the submitted essay is seen as appropriate by the editors, the paper will then be sent out for 'blind review' by two independent referees. Revisions may be required in the light of referees' comments before a decision is made to accept or reject the paper. When a paper has been accepted, please send the text in its final form on an openable disk with illustrations as GIF, TIF or JPG files only to Peter Gibbs-Kennet, Norwich Cottage, Bisley, Gloucestershire, GL6 7AD, UK; email: dli1944@aol.com. Please use an open standard word processing package. Images for this publication stage must be submitted at the highest possible resolution.

Preparation of texts
Clearly written, concise texts should include:

Title page (page 1)
Including: (a) a concise and informative title; (b) the full names and affiliations of all authors; (c) the full postal address, telephone number and e-mail address of the corresponding author.

Abstract (page 2)
A concise and informative abstract of 200 words maximum, summarising the significant points of the paper.

Introduction (page 3)
The introduction should clearly state the purpose of the paper. It should include key references to appropriate work but should not be an historical or literature review.

Notes and references
Where explanatory notes and references are relevant, they should be indicated in the text by a superscript number. A full list of all notes and references should be provided at the end of the paper. Journal references should include all authors' names and initials, year of publication, title of paper, journal titles in full, volume number and first and last page numbers. References to books should include their edition, and all editor(s) and all relevant authors, publisher and place of publication. It is the authors' responsibility to check the accuracy of references. Examples:

(Book) N. Goodman, The Languages of Art (Indianapolis, Bobbs-Merril, 1968), pp. 52-56. 

(Edited Book) P. Keating ‘The metropolis in literature' in A. Sutcliffe, ed., Metropolis 1980-1940 (London, Mansall, 1984), pp. 129-46. 

(Journal) R. Landau, ‘Architectural discourse and Giedion'. The Journal of Architecture, 1 (1996), pp. 59-73.

All illustrations of any kind must be submitted as sequentially numbered figures, one to a page. Although high-resolution images are not required for the initial refereeing stage, if the essay is subsequently selected for publication then all figures and tables will need to be provided at the highest quality in digital format, as mentioned above. Additional high-resolution and colour figures can be uploaded to the Taylor & Francis periodical website for online viewing by readers should the author wish it. When symbols, arrows, numbers or letters are used to identify parts of illustrations they must be clearly identified by a key in the figure legend, rather than in the figure itself. Similarly, internal scales, staining or processing of the figure must be explained where appropriate. Figure legends should be listed sequentially on a separate page. In all cases where the author is not the owner of the copyright of the figures, written permission must be obtained from the copyright holder(s) to reproduce the figures in this journal.

Use only recommended SI units. Numerals should be used for all numbers of two or more digits, and for single digits when attached to units of measure. Abbreviations should be defined in parentheses after their first mention in the text in accordance with internationally agreed rules.

Proofs will be sent to the designated corresponding author via e-mail in PDF format. Any corrections should be returned directly to the publisher within three days of receipt and to Peter Gibbs-Kennet, Norwich Cottage, Bisley, Gloucestershire, GL6 7AD, UK; email:
dli1944@aol.com. Alterations in proofs other than the correction of typesetter's errors may cause delay and extra charges that may be made to the author(s).

Early electronic offprints
Corresponding authors can now receive their article by e-mail as a complete PDF. This allows the author to print up to 50 copies, free of charge, and disseminate them to colleagues. In many cases this facility will be available up to two weeks prior to publication. Or, alternatively, corresponding authors will receive the traditional 50 offprints. A copy of the journal will be sent by post to all corresponding authors after publication. Additional copies of the journal can be purchased at the author's preferential rate of £15.00 per copy.

It is a condition of publication that authors assign copyright or licence the publication rights in their articles, including abstracts, to The Journal of Architecture. This enables us to ensure full copyright protection and to disseminate the article, and of course the journal, to the widest possible readership in print and electronic formats as appropriate. Authors retain a number of other rights under the Taylor & Francis rights policies documents. These policies are referred to at
www.tandf.co.uk/journals/authorrights.pdffor full details. Authors are themselves responsible for obtaining permission to reproduce copyright material from other sources. For further advice on permissions requirements please click here


Editorial Board


Murray Fraser - Department of Architecture, University of Westminster, 35 Marylebone Road, London, NW1 5LS, UK
Peter Gibbs-Kennet 
Biography - Norwich Cottage, Bisley, Gloucestershire, GL6 7AD, UK

Commissioning Editors:

John Allen - Avanti Architects, London, UK
David Dunter - The University of Liverpool, UK
Christoph Grafe - TU Delft faculteit Bouwkunde, Delft, The Netherlands
Hilde Heynen - Katholieke Universteit, Leuven, Belgium


Book Reviews Editors:


Barbara Penner - University College London, UK

Charles Rice - University of Technology, Sydney, Australia

Regional Editors:

Ipek Akpinar - ITU Faculty of Architecture, Istabul, Turkey

Maximiano Atria - Catholic University of Chile, Santiago

Brian Carter - State University of New York, Buffalo, USA

Stella Maris Casal - University of Buenos Aires, Argentina

Maristella Casciato - University of Bologna, Italy

Lilian Chee - National University of Singapore, Singapore
Jean Louis Cohen - Paris School of Architecture, France

Zhong Dekun - Southeast University, China

Vittoria Di Palma - Columbia University, USA

Kim Dovey - University of Melbourne, Australia

Paula Echeverri Montes - Bogota, Colombia

Stephen Fox - Rice University, USA

Oya Atalay Franck - ZHAW, Zurich, Switzerland

Zhang Jie - Tsinghua University, China

Alexander Kudryavtsev - Moscow Institute of Architecture, Russia

Liane Lefaivre - The University of Delft, The Netherlands

Hannah le Roux - University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa

John MacArthur - University of Queensland, Australia

Cristobal Molina - Diego Portales University, Santiago, Chile

John Peponis - Georgia Institute of Technology, USA

Zhang Qinnan - The Architectural Society of China

Michelangelo Sabatini - University of Houston, USA
Hugo Segawa - University of São Paolo, Brazil

Arie Sivan - Bezalel Academy, Jerusalem, Israel

Panayotis Tournikiotis - National Technical University of Athens, Greece

Ola Wedebrunn - The Royal Danish Academy, Denmark

Liss Werner - Berlin, Germany

Lu Yongyi - Tongji University, China


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