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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

As the leading authority in its field, the international Journal of Architectural Conservation provides invaluable guidance on policy, practice and technical developments. Encouraging debate on a broad variety of conservation issues, this peer reviewed Journal with its high academic and professional standards fulfils its ambition to illuminate, question and inform.


For conservation research and innovative practice…

Appealing to an international professional and academic readership, with its wide-ranging review of research and innovative practice, it offers a valuable resource on:

Building types

Building materials and their conservation

Recent case studies

Developments in specific construction techniques

Research results from key investigations

The Journal is now been accepted for indexing in Thomson Reuters Web of Science, and will be indexed and abstracted in:

Arts & Humanities Citation Index

Current Contents/Arts & Humanities

This begins with Volume 14, No. 1, 2008.


Instructions to Authors

Contributions are invited for the Journal of Architectural Conservation on any of the above topics. The Editor welcomes submissions written in English from Europe and the rest of the world, provided that they have not been published, nor are currently under review, elsewhere. All papers will be peer-reviewed.



Authors should submit one electronic copy of the paper, including illustrations, and should retain an additional copy for their own reference. Contributions for publication in the Journal of Architectural Conservation should be addressed to:


Jill Pearce
Managing Editor
Journal of Architectural Conservation
Donhead Publishing
Lower Coombe
Donhead St Mary
Dorset   SP7 9LY   UK

Tel: +44 (0) 1747 828422 Fax: +44 (0) 1747 828522

E-mail: jac@donhead.com


Submission of a paper to the Journal is taken to imply that it represents original work, which is not under consideration for publication elsewhere and has not been published previously. Papers and contributions published become the legal copyright of the publisher, unless otherwise agreed. All papers will be critically assessed by the team of Consultant Editors, and then peer-reviewed before being accepted for publication.

Papers should be written in English and be between 2,000 and 5,000 words in total length (including abstract, biography and notes). Shorter/viewpoint papers can be of 750-2000 words in length. Our preferred format is on CD or as a PC compatible file in Word (version 2000 or earlier). Contributors with more recent software should save using an earlier file format. If in doubt please check with the Publishing Manager, Vicky Morland.


The first page should contain: an informative but short title; the author’s name, qualifications and affiliation; a brief biography (30-75 words) and a descriptive abstract (100-200 words). Please also provide full postal and e-mail addresses, telephone and fax numbers for all authors of the paper, identifying the corresponding author. Where a paper has in excess of three authors, the publisher may shorten the list with the use of et al.


Preparation of Manuscript


The Journal uses British English, and the Managing Editor reserves the right to edit to this standard. Because of the interdisciplinary nature of the readership the use of jargon should be avoided. Please note that typists should leave only one space after a full stop. Symbols, abbreviations and conventions in papers must follow the recommended SI Units. Abbreviations must be defined after their first mention, e.g. The Society Protection of Ancient Buildings (SPAB). Do not use automatic features such as endnotes or comments.



Headings should not be numbered, and should be capitalized or marked (heading). Subheadings should be in upper and lower case bold or marked (subheading).



Up to ten illustrations per paper can be accepted, although if the paper requires more illustrations this can be discussed with the publishers. All illustrations must be suitable for black and white reproduction. Illustrations should accompany the typescript separately (i.e. not embedded in the text file). Figures and line drawings should be numbered consecutively (Fig 1, Fig 2 etc.), and submitted in their original form (not photocopies or computer printouts) ready for reproduction. Figure captions should be included within the main text of the paper, together with any acknowledgement to the copyright holder. It is the author’s responsibility to ensure the proper permissions are obtained. 


Digital files of illustrations need to be at least 1800 pixels by 1200 pixels (to give 300dpi at the final reproduction size), and saved as TIF or JPEG files with minimal compression. As an approximate guide, any JPEG files less than 400 KB are unlikely to be suitable for reproduction. The recommended format for digital line drawings is as bitmap files with a resolution of at least 600dpi at the final reproduction size. Digital images can be saved to a CD and posted or emailed to vicky@donhead.com. Only attach one image per email. Do not send electronic images embedded in a Word file. If you would like to check your images for their suitability for publishing, please send a sample file to Vicky Morland.

Tables and graphs should be submitted as an electronic file (Word or Excel) with a hard copy for reference only. The legend (key) and lines or shading must be suitable for black and white printing. If graphs are submitted as JPEG or TIF files they must be in bitmap format with a resolution of at least 600dpi at the final reproduction size

If digital images are not available, photographs can be submitted but it may not be possible to include as many. Photographs should be high quality positives, printed from original negatives, and suitable for black and white printing. The top of the illustration should be marked lightly in pencil on the back. Computer printouts of electronic images cannot be accepted.



References should be numbered consecutively through the text using superscript, then cited in full at the end of the paper in the following style:

for journals:

1. Jones, D. F. and Smith, B., ‘Gauged Brickwork’, Journal of Brick Building, Vol. 4, No. 1, June 1993, pp. 136–157.

for books:

2. Robson, P., Structural Repair of Traditional Buildings, Donhead, Shaftesbury (1999).


If a reference to a website is included, please indicate the date that it was accessed. References should be typed in standard text format with numbers typed manually within the text, not produced using the automatic endnotes function.



Once a final version of a paper has been accepted for publication and the Journal has been typeset, a pdf of the proof will be emailed to the corresponding author and should be returned to the publisher within 3 days of receipt. It is the author’s responsibility to proofread the paper.



It is a condition of publication that authors vest copyright of their papers (including abstracts) to Donhead Publishing. Illustrations will be published with their copyright details. It is the responsibility of the author to obtain permission to include copyright material from other sources (e.g. illustrations or tables). Authors may use the material elsewhere after publication providing that prior permission is obtained from Donhead Publishing Ltd.


Complimentary copies

Authors will receive an electronic version, and three complimentary copies of the issue in which their paper appears, and will be offered the chance to purchase offprints. The electronic version will be sent by email as a PDF; the author is allowed to print up to 50 copies, free of charge, and disseminate them to colleagues. Book reviewers will receive one copy free of charge. Larger quantities may be ordered at a special discount price.


Editorial Board

Consultant Editors


Professor Vincent Shacklock

Elizabeth Hirst
Professor Norman R. Weiss
Professor Peter Swallow

Bob Kindred MBE


Managing Editor: Jill Pearce

Editorial Advisory Board

Alan Baxter Alan Baxter and Associates, Consulting Engineers, London, UK

Dr Stephen Bond Architectural Consultant, UK

Ian Brocklebank Architect and Consultant, London, UK

Professor Peter Burman University of Cottbus, Germany

Professor May Cassar, Centre for Sustainable Heritage, University of London, UK

Rory Cullen The National Trust, UK

John Fidler Simpson, Gumpertz & Heger, USA

Ian Hume Conservation Engineering Consultant, UK

Dr Jukka Jokilehto World Heritage Advisor to ICOMOS

Susan Macdonald Getty Conservation Institute, USA

Professor Frank Matero University of Pennsylvania, USA

Ingval Maxwell Consultant in Architectural Conservation, Edinburgh, UK

Hugh Miller Architect and Planner, Richmond, Virginia, USA

Charles Mynors Barrister and Author, London, UK

Kyle Normandin Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates Inc., Engineers & Architects, USA

David Odgers, Historic Buildings and Conservation Consultant, UK

Dr Jagjit Singh Environmental Building Solutions Ltd, UK


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