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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

 Environmental Archaeology: The Journal of Human Palaeoecology aims to publish contributions on all aspects of environmental archaeology, from methodology to synthesis and theory.

Environmental Archaeology is an international peer-reviewed periodical which welcomes contributions that consider the interaction between humans and their environment in the archaeological and historical past. This broad scope embraces papers covering a range of environmental specialisms within archaeology, such as archaeobotany, archaeozoology (both vertebrate and invertebrate), palynology, geoarchaeology, biological anthropology, as well as more synthetic and theoretical approaches to the past human environment. Assemblage and site reports are not encouraged unless these can demonstrate significant new insights in environmental archaeology. Contributions may take the form of substantial research papers or shorter reports and may include, for instance, new techniques, philosophical discussions, current controversies and suggestions for new research. The journal also provides its readership with critical appraisal of recent academic scholarship through its regular books review section.

Membership of the AEA
Environmental Archaeology is the journal of the Association for Environmental Archaeology (AEA). The Association for Environmental Archaeology was formed in 1979 to provide a wide-ranging means of communication between those working in environmental archaeology and related subjects. Individual members of the Society receive the Journal as part of their membership. For further details of the Society please contact the membership secretary: Dr Nicki Whitehouse, Palaeoecology Centre, School of Geography, Archaeology and Palaeoecology, Queen's University Belfast, Belfast BT7 1NN, UK. Email:


Abstracting and Indexing Services

Abstracting and indexing services that cite Environmental Archaeology include:

Current Abstracts
Environment Complete
Environment Index
Genamics JournalSeek
Royal Historical Society Bibliography
TOC Premier

Instructions to Authors

Editorial policy for Environmental Archaeology, The Journal of Human Palaeoecology (EA) is to publish a wide range of contributions in all fields of environmental archaeology, from methodology to synthesis and theory. These may take the form of substantial research papers (up to 6000 words in length) or shorter reports. Papers may include, for instance, new techniques, philosophical discussions, current controversies and suggestions for new research, as well as conventional research papers. Review papers are welcome as long as they are sufficiently critical and succinct. Comments and replies to papers published in the journal (up to 2000 words) will be included as will book reviews and review articles on important new books or collections of books on related topics.

Articles for EA should be typed well-spaced (1.5 word processor spacing) on A4 paper with at least 30 mm margins. The name(s) and address(es) of the author(s) should be included, as well as an abstract of up to 200 words and up to six keywords. Pages should be numbered and text should not use more than three grades of heading. Articles will be submitted to referees (normally two); authors may, if they wish, suggest suitable referees for their articles, although there will be no obligation to follow such suggestions.

Two hard copies and a 3.5" disk or CD version (preferably in Word for Windows, though Word, Macintosh Word, WordPerfect and, if absolutely necessary, ASCII files can be accommodated - please do not use the ‘track changes' option in Word) of contributions must be submitted to the Editor, from whom an initial acknowledgement will be received. Authors will subsequently be contacted by one of the Associate Editors, who will arrange refereeing and editing. Text proofs of papers will be provided and these should be returned within one week of receipt. Note that authors genuinely unable to obtain access to appropriate word-processing facilities may submit typescripts, which can then be typed by AEA.

Style and presentation
For guidance as to the preparation and presentation of material for publication, inexperienced contributors are referred to the British Ecological Society's booklet A Guide to Contributors to the Journals of the BES, and The Royal Society's General Notes on the Preparation of Scientific Papers (3rd ed., 1974). Authorities must be given to Latin names, either at their first mention or in a comprehensive list, and species lists should follow a named checklist. Taxonomic names above genus should not be italicised.

In the text, references should be indicated by the author's name and the year of publication (with page numbers where necessary), as follows: Percival (1921, 178) or (Hall and Kenward 1980; Paap 1984). References should follow the ‘modified Harvard' convention, as in this volume, and should be listed in alphabetical order (with journal titles in full) at the end of the paper, as below:

Ambers, J. 1994. Stable carbon isotope values for Tofts Ness, pp. 125-8 in Luff, R. and Rowley-Conwy, P. (eds.), Whither Environmental Archaeology? Oxford: Oxbow Books.

Amorosi, T. 1996. Icelandic Zooarchaeology: New Data applied to Issues of Historical Ecology. Unpublished Ph.D. thesis, City University of New York.

Greig, J. 1990. Plant and parasite remains from 16th century pits, pp. 139-49 in Burrows, I. (ed.), Excavations at 5-8 Fore St., Taunton, 1979. Proceedings of the Somerset Archaeological and Natural History Society 132, 95-164.

Hall, A. R. and Kenward, H. K. 1980. An interpretation of biological remains from Highgate, Beverley. Journal of Archaeological Science 7, 33-51.

Rackham, O. 1990. Trees and Woodland in the British Landscape (revised edition). London: Dent.

Where three or more authors are involved, use Davies et al. in the text but all of the authors' names in the list of references. A more detailed style sheet may be obtained from the co-ordinating editor. Footnotes and endnotes should be avoided if at all possible.

These should be supplied for reproduction at either single column (80mm) or double column (166mm) width. Please pay particular attention to any annotations, as these must be legible at the printed size. Drafting (e.g. line width, typography) should take account of the intended reduction. In the text there should be a reference for each figure (see Figure 1; Table 1) and preferred position and groupings in the text should be clearly indicated. Captions for figures and tables should be supplied separately and appended to the disk copy of the text, and labelling on figures should be in a publishable form. Images should be supplied electronically in CMYK format as good-quality TIFF or EPS files, suitable for printing. As a guide images should be submitted at a minimum input scanning resolution of 300 dpi for full colour, 350-400 dpi for half tones, 600 dpi for slides or transparencies, 800 dpi for simple line and 1200 dpi for fine line illustrations. Please note that the final reproduction quality is dependent on original supply of correct format and resolution. Authors wishing to use colour in the print journal should consult the editor in advance of submission, and may be asked to pay any associated additional costs The author must obtain written evidence of permission to reproduce images (in all formats, in perpetuity and in all geographical regions worldwide) from the copyright owner for the use of any illustrative matter in the journal and will be liable for any fee charged by the owner of the image. The caption should include relevant credit of the permission of the copyright holder to reproduce the image.For more information please see

Online Colour
It is possible for colour illustrations to be published in the online version of Environmental Archaeology free of charge. Images submitted in colour will be published in black and white in the printed journal (unless otherwise agreed with the journal editor) but will be posted online in colour. Authors have the opportunity to enhance the appearance of their article, improve its clarity, and heighten its impact by using colour for diagrams, graphs and illustrations. Authors should consider the use of colour within their articles carefully to ensure that meaning is not lost from diagrams when produced in greyscale in the print journal. Authors should bear this in mind when preparing the format of the images for submission and when obtaining permission to use material from third parties. For more information please see

Any reproduction from Environmental Archaeology, apart from for the purposes of review, private research or 'fair dealing', must have the permission of the Association of Environmental Archaeology. Requests for such permission must be addressed to
permissions@maney.co.uk or Permissions Section, Maney Publishing, at the above address, who acts on behalf of the Association. In all cases, acknowledgement must be made to Environmental Archaeology.

Authors who wish to reproduce material from previously published sources or where the copyright is owned by a third party, such as sections of text, tables or images, must obtain written permission from the copyright holder (usually the publisher) and the author(s)/artist(s) of the original material. A line giving the full source of the material should be included in the manuscript. If material from the author's own published work is to be used, permission must still be obtained from that publisher. Copyright is required for use in all formats (including digital), in perpetuity and in all geographical regions worldwide. For more information, please see the copyright advice for authors section of the author section of the Maney website

Proofs of articles will be sent directly to authors for checking and correcting typographical errors only (other alterations can be accepted only at the Editor's discretion and may be charged to the author). Proofs must be returned within 3 days of receipt, otherwise the Editor's corrected proofs will be used. Authors receive a screen-resolution PDF file of the published version. Orders for digital reprints may be made at the time proofs are distributed.

Authors of papers in Environmental Archaeology receive a screen-resolution PDF file of the published version of their article. Orders for digital offprints may be made at the time proofs are distributed. This PDF may be forwarded to co-authors without separate permission being required from the publisher. The PDF cannot be used for commercial purposes. Environmental Archaeology must be cited as the original source of publication and a link to www.maney.co.uk/journals/env should be included with any listing. This PDF may be posted on authors' individual websites or that of their institution. Authors are entitled to make copies of the article for reasonable personal use only. For more information please see Maney's copyright and permissions policy and advice for authors page available in the Maney Author Area
www.maney.co.uk/authors. Authors should note that eprints are produced as screen resolution PDFs, so the printed quality will not match that of the print copies of the journal.

Contributors to Environmental Archaeology are entitled to buy copies of the issue where their article appears at a 20% discount on the RRP. Please follow this link for price information www.maney.co.uk/authors#discount and email subscriptions@maney.co.uk to place your order.

The Editor, Environmental Archaeology, The Journal of Human Palaeoecology, Department of Archaeological Sciences, University of Bradford BD7 1DP, UK. Tel: 01274 233541. Email: I.L.Mainland@bradford.ac.uk

Editorial Board


Dr Ingrid Mainland (Department of Archaeological Sciences, University of Bradford, UK)


Associate Editors:

Matthew Canti (Ancient Monuments Laboratory, English Heritage, UK)

Dr Michael Charles (Department of Archaeology, University of Sheffield, UK)

Professor Kevin Edwards (Department of Geography, University of Aberdeen, UK)

Professor Glynis Jones (Department of Archaeology, University of Sheffield, UK)

Harry Kenward (Department of Archaeology, University of York, UK)

Holger Schutkowski (University of Bradford, UK)



Dr Ralph Fyfe (School of Geography, University of Plymouth, UK)


Book Reviews Editor:

Umberto Albarella (Department of Archaeology, University of Sheffield, UK)


Editorial Advisory Board:

Dr N Benecke (Deutsches Archaölogisches Institut, Germany)

Professor D Davidson (Department of Environmental Science, University of Stirling, UK)

Professor W Groenman van Waateringe (The Netherlands)

Professor H Küster (Institut für Geobotanik, Universität Hannover, Germany)

Dr A Morales (Departamento de Biologia, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain)

Dr D Robinson (Centre for Archaeology, English Heritage, UK)

Professor Mark Robinson (University Museum, Oxford, UK)

Professor Martin Bell (Department of Archaeology, University of Reading, UK)

Dr A C D'Andrea (Simon Fraser University, Canada)

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