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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

2008 Fall cover

If you happen to meet someone who thinks history is boring or irrelevant, hand them this American Heritage to help them see the error of their ways. This issue packs a punch, with some of the most harrowing stories in American history and thought-provoking essays that tell us much about who we are as a people.

Longtime American Heritage readers will remember we helped break the story nationally about the relationship between Thomas Jefferson and his slave Sally Hemings in Fawn Brodie's "The Great Jefferson Taboo" in our June 1972 issue. Ever since, we've kept abreast of the story, running a number of pieces including one by former editor, Richard Snow, whose stepdaughter was a descendant of Hemings and Jefferson. It's a story that resonates and bears looking because it runs right to the heart of how we as Americans think about our history.

I¡¯m pleased that we're continuing this tradition. Annette Gordon-Reed, who published Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemings: an American Controversy in 1997 and is coming out shortly with her definitive book, The Hemingses of Monticello: An American Family, agreed to write an essay in our Viewpoints column about the question that everybody asks her: Did they love each other? It's a fascinating look at the difficulties faced by historians and the dangers of making certain assumptions when evaluating the past.

Also in this issue, Pulitzer-Prize winning historian Edwin Burrows uncovers a shocking story that has lain hidden for nearly 200 years: the fact that many more Americans died during the Revolutionary War from abuse in prison camps than in battle. The British viewed our troops as terrorists and traitors. They waived habeas corpus"an important safeguard against arbitrary imprisonment by the state"and they treated our POWs so poorly that 70 percent of them died, a figure far worse than during the Civil War an Korean conflict. As a result, our founding fathers were instrumental in creating international agreements that set precedents for fair treatment of prisoners. It's something to keep in mind, that our country has been a beacon for principled behavior and the rule of law.

Instructions to Authors
American Heritage Magazine accepts unsolicited proposals from established freelance writers for features and some departments. The following submission form and guidelines have been developed to allow you to provide all of the basic information we need to make an initial determination about your proposal and about you as a writer. Please include the following information, in this form, on one sheet of paper or in the body of an email to jrodibaugh@americanheritage.com. Please do not send attachments. First Name Last Name Email Address Telephone Street Address Apt.  City State/Province Zip/Postal Code - Have you written for American Heritage Magazine or AmericanHeritage.com before- Please list some of your publishing credits. Please include samples or URLs to your published articles or clips. - Indicate the subject area or department that best fits the article you are proposing. Type your specific proposal subject or the title of your manuscript (e.g. The History of the Fountain Pen). Please limit your proposal to approximately 1,000 words.
All unsolicited proposals are sent to us on speculation. In sending a proposal to American Heritage Publishing, you understand that you are sending the information for consideration. This does not constitute an agreement to publish your work. Please do not send full manuscripts.
If you have supporting material or clips of your previously published work available on-line, please include the URLs. If we decide to commission an article, the writer receives full payment on acceptance of the manuscript. If the article is found unsuitable, payment will not be issued, and American Heritage Publishing will revert all rights back to the author. Please use footnotes and annotations as necessary to aid our staff in assessing the accuracy of your article.
All submissions should be on standard (8.5 x 11) typed, double-spaced pages. Each page should contain the author's name, address, telephone number, and e-mail address on the first page, not on a cover letter alone. Submissions must be available in electronic form as well.
Illustrations are not the responsibility of authors, but it is helpful to know what photographic possibilities exist regarding your subject. Photographs published in the magazine are usually obtained by our Illustrations Editor.
American Heritage Magazine is buying first North American serial rights only. We do not consider fiction, poetry, or previously published articles. We have a three-month lead time.
Editorial Board

Edwin S. Grosvenor, Editor-in-Chief

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