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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Current Issue Covere dyna

Comparative Literature is wholly owned and directed by the University of Oregon.

The oldest journal in its field in the United States, Comparative Literature explores issues in literary history and theory. Drawing on a variety of theoretical and critical approaches, the journal represents a wide-ranging look at the intersections of national literatures, global literary trends, and theoretical discourse. Continually evolving since its inception in 1949, the journal remains a source for cutting-edge scholarship and prides itself on presenting the work of talented young scholars breaking new ground in the field.

Abstractors and Indexers:
Indexed/abstracted in the following: Academic Search Premier, American Humanities Index, Arts and Humanities Citation Index, Current Contents/Arts and Humanities, Humanities Index, MasterFile Premier, MLA International Bibliography, ProQuest, Scopus

Instructions to Authors
  • Comparative Literature welcomes essays that explore intersections among national literatures, global literary trends, and theoretical discourse. Our editors and editorial board are sympathetic to a broad range of theoretical and critical approaches and are strongly committed to presenting the work of talented young scholars breaking new ground in the field. Manuscripts should be double-spaced and should use 12-point type throughout. Notes should be formatted as endnotes, appearing after the text of the essay and before the list of works cited. Ordinarily, manuscripts should not exceed 12,000 words (including notes). Comparative Literature does not publish brief articles (fewer than 7,000 words) or notes, nor do we typically consider unsolicited reviews or review essays. Authors of essays published in the journal receive five complimentary copies of the issue in which their work appears.

    Submissions should be sent as e-mail attachments to George E. Rowe, Editor, gerowe@uoregon.edu. Electronic submissions must be readable on a PC and must be composed in MS Word or in WordPerfect. In addition, all essays must be accompanied by written assurance that they will not be submitted elsewhere until a decision has been reached by the journal's editorial board.

    The review process for submissions involves both an initial screening by our in-house staff and, for essays that pass the initial screening, evaluation by at least two expert readers. In most cases, we are able to reach a final decision regarding publication within 4 months. Essays typically appear in print 12–18 months after they are accepted. Manuscripts will not be returned unless accompanied by return postage.

    Please note that the journal does not send essays to readers for evaluation during June, July, and August.

    Correspondence concerning submissions, editorial procedures, and books for review should be addressed to George E. Rowe, Editor, Comparative Literature, 1249 University of Oregon, Eugene, OR 97403-1249 (phone: 541-346-3975; fax: 541-346-3240; e-mail: gerowe@uoregon.edu). For matters involving production and journal exchanges, please contact Lynne Rossi, Production Editor, Comparative Literature, 1249 University of Oregon, Eugene, OR 97403-1249 (phone: 541-346-4022; fax: 541-346-3240; e-mail: lrossi@uoregon.edu).

  • Editorial Board
  • Editorial Office:
    Comparative Literature
    1249 University of Oregon
    Eugene, OR 97403-1249
    541-346-3240 (fax)

    George E. Rowe, University of Oregon

    Production Editor:
    Lynne Rossi

    Editor Emeritus:
    Steven Rendall

    Associate Editors:
    Michael Allan
    Karen R. Emmerich
    Cecilia Enjuto Rangel
    Lisa Freinkel
    Sangita Gopal
    Leah Middlebrook
    Jenifer Presto

    Book Review Editor:
    Michael Allan

    Editorial Board:
    Carlos J. Alonso
    Jonathan Arac
    Christopher Braider
    Peter Brooks
    Bill Burgwinkle
    Kenneth S. Calhoon
    Rey Chow
    Joan E. DeJean
    Caryl Emerson
    Gerald Gillespie
    Barbara Harlow
    Nicholas Harrison
    David Quint
    Haun Saussy
    Susan R. Suleiman
    David Wellbery

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