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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Colloquia Germanica is an international, peer-reviewed journal in the field of German literary and cultural studies. It is published four times per year by the Narr/Francke/Attempto-Verlag. Its declared goal is to further the collaboration among scholars of German literature and culture from around the globe. In order to facilitate this dialogue, it regularly includes articles and book reviews, review essays and debates in both German and English.

Instructions to Authors

Manuscripts (in German or in English) should be sent in electronic form or via e-mail attachment to: hhoebu@uky.edu (Prof. Harald Höbusch) or lworley@uky.edu (Prof. Linda Worley), Division of German Studies, 1055 Patterson Office Tower, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY, 40506-0027, USA. All submissions will be acknowledged.

The preferred length for articles is between 5,000 and 10,000 words. Longer articles may be accepted at the discretion of the Editors. All submitted articles must be original and not be under consideration by any other journal. Unsolicited articles are referred to specialist readers for anonymous comment before a decision is made on publication. Authors’ attention is also drawn to the information on style and presentation which is given below. Articles which do not conform to the following will be returned for modification before being read.

Submission of Articles

  • Prior to submitting their article (in electronic form or via e-mail attachment), authors should convert all text files to Word for PC if they are using a Mac. For notes and references, please use numbered lists rather than automatic note formats. Tables, images, and maps should be saved in separate files and not embedded in the text. Please note the further guidance given below on notes and references, and on tables, images, and maps.
  • Title, author name(s), and a brief biographical note on each author should be typed on a separate page. An abstract of 100–200 words should accompany article submissions. Authors should supply up to five keywords. Abstracts are not required for Debates.
  • Submissions should be accompanied by a cover letter confirming that the manuscript is original and not under consideration elsewhere. Full contact details for the author(s) should be supplied.


A limited number of explanatory end notes are permitted and these should be indicated serially within the paper. For technical reasons of computer software compatibility, authors should not use automatic note formats, but simply indicate notes with superscript numbers and list the notes as ordinary text at the end of the article, before the references. Endnotes should not be used for bibliographical documentation.


The 3rd edition of the MLA Style Manual (2008) provides the general guidelines as well as specific details for all matters of mechanics and style. As a potential contributor you should draw on this volume, especially if you are used to German conventions. Below is a list of exceptions to the 2008 edition that you should follow. 

  • Words to be italicized in the printed version of the paper should also be italicized in the electronic file. This applies in particular to the titles of books and journals. Italics rather than underlining should also be used for special emphasis, but please do so sparingly, if at all.
  • Only one empty space is to follow all punctuation marks because that too is the way the text of your paper will be printed. This is an important item because many American colleagues have a default setting of two spaces following periods, colons, and semicolons.
  • The opening paragraph of the paper should begin flush with the left-hand margin. No intertitles are permitted. If you want to indicate a major new segment of the paper, an empty line should be created and the start of the first paragraph of that new segment should again be spaced flush with the left-hand margin. The beginning of all other paragraphs should be indented three spaces in keeping with the Francke Verlag’s formatting of the printed journal. All text is to be entered continuously with hard breaks reserved for new paragraphs.
  • All indented quotes should be at least four lines long and set three spaces in from the left margin. Individual bibliographical entries should be continuous. The typesetter will format them by indenting the second and further lines of each entry three spaces.
  • Please use a list of Works Cited and parenthetical page references to it in the main text as well as in the text of the endnotes to provide documentation of sources. If you mention a particular author preceding a given parenthetical reference, the reference itself doesn't need to include the author's name. Create endnotes rather than footnotes. These should be separated from the main text with the italicized word Notes and should precede, not follow, the list of Works Cited.
  • Please do not add the words print, film or web to individual items in your list of Works Cited. Web sources in particular should be documented in terms of their Internet address on the date consulted and the date itself specified.
  • Use one-inch margins, double-spacing, and 12-point font throughout the paper.

Tables, Images, and Maps

Tables, images, and maps should be submitted as separate electronic files, be kept as simple as possible, clearly set out, with adequate headings and source information. Do not place illustration files within the text. Where possible, tables should be created as Word tables, and graphs should be created and saved in Excel. All tables, images, and maps must be numbered consecutively in the order in which they are referred to in the text (e.g. “Table 1 about here”). No table, image, and map must exceed the page dimensions of 125 x 210mm. All images originating from drawing programs (e.g. Illustrator, Freehand, CorelDraw) should be submitted in both the originating program and as .jpg files. Continuous tone images (e.g. photographs) should be saved as .tif files at a minimum of 300dpi. Use Ariel or Helvetica fonts for text within images, ensuring that text size does not fall below 7pt when the illustration is at page size.


Near-final page proofs of articles, review essays, and debates are sent as PDF-files to the author, who must return them within the specified deadline. Requests for changes must be kept to a minimum and the Editors’ decision will be final. Final page proofs are checked by the Editors.


Authors of articles, review essays, and debates receive twenty complimentary offprints. Authors of book reviews receive thirty offprints.

Book Reviews

Book reviews should follow the format and style rules indicated above and should be submitted via e-mail to hhobu@uky.edu. Reviews should not exceed 750 words for single books, or 1,000 words for double reviews. The length of reviews of multiple books or review essays should be arranged with the book review editor.  Book reviews are proof-read internally. Reviewers do not receive a fee, but may normally retain the book. Please consult the Guidelines for the Submission of Reviews for additional details regarding book reviews.


Male or female nouns and pronouns should not be used to refer to people of both sexes. Terms such as “black,” “Asian” or “foreigner” should be used with care to ensure, as far as possible, that those so designated accept these labels or that they are accurate. Terminology with derogatory connotations (e.g. “immigrant” for non-migrants, “colored” etc.) is not permitted.


Attention is drawn to the fact that the acceptance of an article, report or review is conditional upon its author or authors having ensured that it contains nothing which is libelous, defamatory or in breach of copyright. Agreement by authors to the publication of their material necessarily implies acceptance of this condition.

Editorial Board
Gunter Narr
telefone: +49 (0) 70 71 / 97 97 - 0
email: narr@narr.de
Jurgen Freudl
editing/ special subjects: German Studies, Foreign Language Didactics, Translation, Pedagogics/Psychology
telefone: +49 (0) 70 71 / 97 97 - 31
email: freudl@narr.de
Kathrin Heyng
editing/ special subjects: Romance Studies, philosophy, culture and media
telefone: +49 (0) 70 71 / 97 97 - 32
email: heyng@narr.de
Angelika Pfaller
editing/ special subjects: Anglistics, Slavonic Studies, Nordic Studies, Theology
telefone: +49 (0) 70 71 / 97 97 - 30
email: pfaller@narr.de
Brigitte Breuer
public relations/ marketing
telefone: +49 (0) 70 71 / 97 97 - 10
email: breuer@narr.de
Boris Berttram-Franzen
distribution/ internet
telefone: +49 (0) 70 71 / 97 97 - 12
email: berttram@narr.de
Karin Burger
manufacturing/ press
telefone: +49 (0) 70 71 / 97 97 - 21
email: burger@narr.de

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