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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal
About College Music Symposium

The poem "The Rewaking" by William Carlos Williams was first printed in Volume 1 (1961) of Symposium.

Sooner or later
we must come to the end
of striving

to reestablish
the image the image of
the rose

but not yet
you say extending the
time indefinitely

your love until a whole

the violet to the very
Ladies Slipper

and so by
your love the very sun
itself is revived

Purpose and Content

College Music Symposium serves as a vehicle for the dissemination of information and ideas on music in higher education. The content of the publication highlights concerns of general interest and reflects the work of the Society in the areas of music represented on its Board of Directors. Issues of the publication focusing on specific topics may be developed if the need arises. The business matters of the Society are communicated to the membership through other appropriate means, such as proceedings, newsletters, and special reports.

Instructions to Authors
Call for Manuscripts for College Music Symposium

College Music Symposium is a refereed journal which welcomes articles from all areas of the college and university music teaching profession. We are interested in all forms of scholarly articles, but particularly in articles which 1) present important issues within the profession, broadly construed, and 2) illuminate teaching at the post-secondary level. In consonance with our name, "Symposium," we encourage a collaborative approach in which a single issue is looked at from a variety of viewpoints, and in some cases will seek out qualified respondents for submitted articles.

Articles, including figures, drawing, tables, musical examples and references, should not exceed 20 pages in length. The text of the article should be no smaller than 12 points nor larger than 14 points, and footnotes and bibliographical citations should appear the the same font and size as the text. Unusual formats are acceptable when appropriate; for example, interview articles with important figures, translations of useful and important historical articles; and essay reviews of important books, textbooks, videos, films, and computer-based materials.

Submissions should be typed on 8?x 11 inch paper, double-spaced throughout (including block quotations and footnotes) with one-inch margins on all four sides of the hard copy. Please indent all paragraphs, and justigy only the left-hand margin. Footnotes rather than endnotes are preferred. Figures, drawings, tables, and musical examples should appear on separate sheets and must be clearly labeled. Footnote references and bibliography, when included, should begin on separate pages. Four copies of each type-written submission are required which, we regret, cannot be returned. It is strongly preferred that manuscripts be submitted as e-mail attachments providing that they are formatted as wither MS Word or WordPerfect files for Macintosh or Windows.

In order to facilitate blind review, the manuscript or e-mail attachment must be free of identifying marks of any kind and should be accompanied by a cover letter that clearly identifies the manuscript. Symposium cannot consider for publication any manuscript submitted simultaneously to another journal. The receipt of sumbissions will be acknowledged by the editor, and notification of the article's status will normally be given within six months of its receipt.

Upon request, authors should be prepared to provide camera-ready copy of all musical examples, graphs, drawings, illustrations and tables. The editorial format of the College Music Symposium conforms in all respects with guidelines suggested in The Chicago Manual of Style, 15th ed. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press). For footnote and bibliographical citations, authors are referred to Ch. 16 of this work and are asked to adopt the style of citation referred to as the "shortened citation." Articles published with reference footnotes, as distinct from discursive or explanatory notes, must therefore include a separate section entitled "References," under which all sources are cited in full, alphabetized by author's last name. The following are examples of this style for the citation of secondary sources.

Footnote citations, including the first citation:

1. Grout and Palisca, Western Music, 465.
2. Lang, Western Civilization, 750.

Reference citations:

Grout, Donald Jay and Claude V. Palisca. A History of Western Music. 6th ed.
New York: W.W. Norton, 2001.

Lang, Paul Henry. Music in Western Civilization. New York: W.W. Norton, 1941.

By using the shortened form of citation, the use of such older abbreviations as loc. cit. and op. cit. is discontinued. The abbreviation Ibid. is used only when the immediately preceding footnote reference is identical in all details, or differs only in the citation of page numbers. Examples of this practice are as follows:

1. Grout and Palisca, Western Music, 465.
2. Ibid. [same source; same page number]
3. Ibid., 603. [same source; different page number]
4. Lang, Western Civilization, 750.
5. Grout and Palisca, Western Music, 465.

Submissions and correspondence should be addressed to:

Richard Green, Editor
College Music Symposium
Miami University
Department of Music
119 Center for the Perf Arts
Oxford, OH 45056
Email: SymposiumEditor@music.org

Email correspondence with the editor, including the submission fo articles as attachments, should be sent to the following e-mail address with the "Symposium" in the subject line of the e-mail header.

To: SymposiumEditor@music.org
Subject: Symposium

Submissions and correspondence should be addressed to:

Richard Green, Editor
College Music Symposium
Miami University
Department of Music
119 Center for the Perf Arts
Oxford, OH 45056
Email: greenrd@muohio.edu

Email correspondence with the editor, including the submission fo articles as attachments, should be sent to the following e-mail address with the "Symposium" in the subject line of the e-mail header.

To: SymposiumEditor@music.org
Subject: Symposium


Editorial Board

The Editor

The editor is appointed by the President in consultation with the Board of Directors and Chair of the Publications Committee, generally for three volumes. It is the responsibility of the editor to receive and solicit materials for publication, to distribute materials to the Editorial Board for review, to make final decisions on acceptance of articles, and edit them for publication.

Editorial Board

An Editorial Board consists of members appointed by the President in consultation with the Board of Directors, the Editor of Symposium, and the chair of the Publications Committee. The disciplines of music represented on the Board are represented on the Editorial Board; a balance of representation of the disciplines is maintained on the Editorial Board.

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