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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

College Composition and Communication (CCC) is the journal of CCCC, the Conference on College Composition and Communication. CCC publishes research and scholarship in composition studies that support those who teach writing at the college level. The field of composition studies draws on research and theories from a broad range of humanistic disciplines while supporting a number of subfields of its own, such as technical communication, computers and composition, history of composition, writing center work, assessment, and others. Articles for CCC may stem from any of these fields, and are relevant to the work of college writing teachers and responsive to recent work in composition studies.

Published September, December, February, and June; subscription price includes membership in CCCC*.

*Membership in NCTE is a prerequisite for joining CCCC. The "non-member" subscription fee reflects the price for receiving the journal and does not include membership in CCCC. 

Instructions to Authors

The editorial staff of College Composition and Communication (CCC) invites submission of research and scholarship in composition studies that supports college teachers in reflecting on and improving their practices in teaching writing. The field of composition studies draws on research and theories from a broad range of humanistic disciplines' English studies, linguistics, literacy studies, rhetoric, cultural studies, gay studies, gender studies, critical theory, education, technology studies, race studies, communication, philosophy of language, anthropology, sociology, and others  and within composition studies, a number of subfields have also developed, such as technical communication, computers and composition, writing across the curriculum, research practices, history of composition, assessment, and writing center work.

Articles for CCC may come out of the discussions within and among any of these fields, as long as the argument presented is clearly relevant to the work of college writing teachers and responsive to recent scholarship in composition studies. The usefulness of articles to writing teachers should be apparent in the discussion, but articles need not contain explicit sections detailing applications to teaching practices.

In writing for CCC, you should consider a diverse readership for your article, a readership that includes at least all teachers of college-level writing at diverse institutions and literacy centers, and may include administrators, undergraduate and graduate students, legislators, corporate employers, parents, and alumni. To address such an audience, you need not avoid difficult theories or complex discussions of research and issues or detailed discussions of pedagogy; rather you should consider the interests and perspectives of the variety of readers who are affected by your theories, pedagogies, and policies.

Genre, Format, Length, Documentation. You are encouraged to submit articles in whatever genre and format best fits your purposes, and to use alternate genres and formats if they best express your meanings; similarly, the use of endnotes and subheadings should align with your purposes and meanings. Most articles in CCC run between 4,000 and 7,000 words (or approximately 16-28 double-spaced pages), though articles may be shorter or longer in line with your purposes. All articles should be documented according to the MLA Style Manual and Guide to Scholarly Publishing (2nd ed.).

Research Practices and Citing Unpublished Work. If your article reports the results of empirical or observational research, you need to be attentive to the ethics as well as the validity of your research methods. In any article, if you quote or otherwise reproduce unpublished writing by students or teachers or others, you need to get permission from the writers to do so, even if you use their writing anonymously. Permission forms for citing unpublished work are available from the CCC editor and on CCC Online.

Submission and Review of Articles. Please send three clean copies of an article, along with postage for mailing to two outside readers; also submit your article by e-mail as a Word attachment. Articles will be read blind by outside reviewers, so please make sure that your name does not appear on the title page or first page and that you do not identify yourself in the text or in the list of works cited. Please include your address, phone number, and e-mail address (if you have one) with all submissions.

Interchanges. Responses to articles that raise important issues or different perspectives will be considered for publication in the Interchanges section. Please phrase any differences with the article you are responding to in a tone respectful to the writer and to the profession. Responses usually run between 500 and 2,000 words (approximately 2-8 double-spaced pages). Sets of short related articles may also be submitted to or solicited by the editor for the Interchanges section.

Book Reviews. All book reviews are solicited by the editor. If you wish to review a book, please contact the editor before writing a review.

In Brief. Brief (500-1,500 words) pieces detailing information about laws, institutional or governmental policies, or other events that materially affect the work of college writing teachers may be submitted for the In Brief section.

CCC Online. Articles that are composed in a format for online reading may be submitted for publication on CCC Online. Such articles will be reviewed in the same way as print-format articles. Please contact the editor for submission requirements. CCC Online also publishes parallel electronic materials that complement articles printed in the paper edition of CCC, and responses to articles in an interactive format.

About half of the submissions to CCC are sent to outside readers after the first stage of review by the editorial staff. You should receive prompt acknowledgment of receipt of your piece by either postcard or e-mail, followed by a report on its status from the editor within 16 weeks. The time between acceptance and publication is usually less than a year. Authors receive two copies of the issue in which their work appears. Please feel free to write or call the editor if you have any questions about submitting work to CCC.

Click HERE to read/download a copy of the CCC permission form needed to include the work of others in your submission (especially student work).

Deborah H. Holdstein
Editor, CCC
Department of English
Northern Illinois University
Reavis Hall 216B
DeKalb, IL 60115
E-mail: ccc@niu.edu
Phone: 815-753-0615
Fax: 815-753-0606

Editorial Board

Deborah H. Holdstein, Northern Illinois University

Associate Editor
Collin Brooke, Syracuse University

Copy Editor
L. L. Erwin

Assistant Editors
Teresa L. Bertram
Elizabeth Baldridge
Hannah Bellwoar
Sarah MacDonald
Amanda Cash
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Editorial Assistant
Cheryl Hague

Production Editor
Rona Smith

Editorial Board
Arnetha F. Ball, Stanford University
Gill Creel, Minneapolis Community and Technical College
Roz Ivanic, Lancaster University, U.K.
Johndan Johnson-Eilola, Clarkson University
Shirley Wilson Logan, University of Maryland
Scott Richard Lyons, Syracuse University
LuMing Mao, Miami University
Carolyn R. Miller, North Carolina State University
Peter Mortensen, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Nedra Reynolds, University of Rhode Island
Carol Severino, University of Iowa
John Trimbur, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Victor Villanueva, Washington State University
Nancy Welch, University of Vermont
Smokey Wilson, Laney College

NCTE Division Director, Publications
Kurt Austin

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