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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Cognitive Linguistics presents a forum for linguistic research of all kinds on the interaction between language and cognition. The journal focuses on language as an instrument for organizing, processing and conveying information. It is devoted to high-quality research on topics such as: the structural characteristics of natural language categorization (such as prototypicality, cognitive models, metaphor, and imagery); the functional principles of linguistic organization (such as iconicity); the conceptual interface between syntax and semantics; the relationship between language and thought, including matters of universality and language specificity; and the experiential background of language-in-use, including the cultural background, the discourse context, and the psychological environment of linguistic performance. Cognitive Linguistics is a peer-reviewed journal of international scope.

Cognitive Linguistics is covered by the following services:

  • Cabell's Directory
  • Celdes
  • CNKI Scholar (China National Knowledge Infrastucture)
  • De Gruyter - Dietrich's Index Philosophicus
  • De Gruyter - IBR (International Bibliography of Reviews of Scholarly Literature in the Humanities and Social Sciences)
  • De Gruyter - IBZ (International Bibliography of Periodical Literature in the Humanities and Social Sciences)
  • EBSCO - Academic Search
  • EBSCO - Communication and Mass Media Complete
  • EBSCO - TOC Premier
  • EBSCO Discovery Service
  • Elsevier - SCOPUS
  • ERIH European Reference Index for the Humanities
  • Gale/Cengage - Academic One File
  • Google Scholar
  • J-Gate
  • Linguistics Abstracts Online
  • MLA International Bibliography
  • Naviga (Softweco)
  • PhilPapers
  • Primo Central (ExLibris)
  • ProQuest - Deep Indexing: Technical Information
  • ProQuest - Illustrata: Arts and Humanities
  • ProQuest - Illustrata: Sociology
  • ProQuest - Linguistics & Language Behavior Abstracts (LLBA)
  • ProQuest - Neurosciences Abstracts
  • ProQuest - Periodicals Index Online
  • PsycINFO
  • SCImago (SJR)
  • Summon (Serials Solutions/ProQuest)
  • TDOne (TDNet)
  • Thomson Reuters - Arts & Humanities Citation Index
  • Thomson Reuters - Current Contents/Arts & Humanities
  • Thomson Reuters - Current Contents/Social and Behavioral Sciences
  • Thomson Reuters - Journal Citation Reports/Social Sciences Edition
  • Thomson Reuters - Social Sciences Citation Index
  • UB Frankfurt - BLL Bibliographie Linguistischer Literatur
  • UB Frankfurt - OLC Linguistik
  • WorldCat (OCLC)

Instructions to Authors

1. Submitting an article for publication
Manuscripts should be submitted electronically. Please e-mail attached files with Subject Header ''Submission for Cognitive Linguistics'' to the Editor-in-chief, John Newman. Platform independent formats (such as .pdf, .ps, and .rtf) are preferred.

Please include your name, full contact details, the title of your paper and the abstract followed by 3-5 keywords in the main body of your message. Please make sure that the manuscript that you attach is anonymous, i.e. there is no indication of its authorship anywhere in the paper. If your manuscript uses fonts with non-Roman script, it is best to use a unicode font to ensure readability. Articles should be in English. Authors whose native language is not English are asked to have their article carefully checked by a native speaker.

2. Peer review
The journal operates a double-blind peer review that usually takes 3-4 months. Submissions are assessed by members of the editorial team and 2 or 3 external reviewers.

3. Formatting and style
Cognitive Linguistics does not require that authors conform to a specific format when submitting articles for review. However, please observe the following conventions:
- Include an abstract of 200 words or less placed before the text body of the manuscript followed by 3-10 keywords.
- The entire text should be double-spaced, with ample margins, and the pages should be numbered.
- We prefer to have figures and tables placed within the text rather than at the end or in a separate file.
- Please submit the paper as a single file rather than sending references, figures etc. as separate files.
- Footnotes are preferred to endnotes.
- Please do not include your name or any identifying information in the text body of the manuscript.
Once accepted for publication, the authors will be required to submit the final version electronically conforming to journal style. Please include an unnumbered (asterisk) footnote which includes your academic affiliation, postal address, and e-mail.
Please see the De Gruyter Mouton journal style sheet for details regarding journal style.

4. Manuscript length
There is no specific limit for article length. Please be advised, however, that reviewers will be instructed to pay careful attention to length-to-content ratios. Brief articles and discussions are encouraged.

5. Proofs
Authors are asked to check their manuscripts very carefully before submitting them in order to prevent delays and extra costs at proofing. Authors will receive PDF proofs for correction which must be returned by dates given in the publication schedule.

6. Offprints
Upon publication, authors will receive electronic offprints (in PDF format) of their contribution. Guest editors of special issues will receive complimentary print copies of the issue.

Editorial Board

John Newman
Department of Linguistics
Faculty of Arts
4-36A Assiniboia Hall
University of Alberta
Edmonton T6G 2E7
e-mail: cogling@ualberta.ca

Associate Editors
Mirjam Fried (Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic)
Stefan Th. Gries (University of California at Santa Barbara, USA)
Laura A. Janda (University of Tromsø, Norway)
Zoltán Kövecses (Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary)
Teenie Matlock (University of California, Merced, USA)
John R. Taylor (University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand)

Review Editor
Martin Pütz
Universität Koblenz-Landau
Seminar Anglistik
Im Fort 7
76829 Landau

Editorial Board
Antonio Barcelona (University of Córdoba, Spain)
Joan L. Bybee (University of New Mexico at Albuquerque, USA)
Paul Chilton (Lancaster University, UK)
William Croft (University of New Mexico at Albuquerque, USA)
Dagmar Divjak (University of Sheffield, UK)
Ad Foolen (Radboud University, The Netherlands)
Dirk Geeraerts (University of Leuven, Belgium)
Raymond W. Gibbs (University of California at Santa Cruz, USA)
Adele E. Goldberg (Princeton University, USA)
Tuomas Huumo  (University of Turku, Finland)
Iraide Ibarretxe (University of Zaragoza, Spain)
Seizi Iwata (Osaka City University, Japan)
Ronald W. Langacker (University of California at San Diego, USA)
Francisco J. Ruiz de Mendoza Ibáñez (Universidad de La Rioja, Spain)
Brigitte Nerlich (University of Nottingham, UK)
John Newman (University of Alberta, Canada)
Klaus-Uwe Panther (University of Hamburg, Germany)
Martin Pütz (University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany)
Günter Radden (University of Hamburg, Germany)
Sally Rice (University of Alberta, Canada)
Hans Joerg Schmid  (Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich, Germany)
Dan Slobin (University of California - Berkeley, USA)
Elizabeth Closs Traugott (Stanford University, USA)
Javier Valenzuela (University of Murcia, Spain)
Arie Verhagen (Leiden University, The Netherlands)
Marjolijn Verspoor (Groningen University, The Netherlands)
Jörg Zinken (University of Portsmouth, UK)

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