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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Clio, an international triennial journal, welcomes submission of scholarly essays on three interrelated topics:

  • literature as informed by historical understandings
  • historical writings considered as literature
  • philosophy of history, with a special interest in Hegel.

Clio does not so much publish in three disciplines as it seeks essays that are themselves interdisciplinary in their arguments. We publish researched essays at the intersections of our three disciplines of emphasis. Our focus is historiography, in reference to any time period and literatures. We do not publish factual expositions of historical events or uncontextualized "readings" of literary texts. Essays should be accessible to an educated audience of interdisciplinary readers.

We are especially interested in scholarship which reflects contemporary theoretical approaches to our traditional focus.

Instructions to Authors

Clio Submission Guidelines
Essays and review articles should present well-focused arguments of approximately 20-30 pages (5,000 - 7,500 words in a Courier 12 font). Conference papers or dissertation chapters must be revised to make fully developed, self-sufficient arguments.

Manuscripts should follow The Chicago Manual of Style , 15th edition (with footnotes kept to a minimum). List name and affiliation on a separate cover sheet, but include only the essay's title on the manuscript itself to facilitate blind reading of submissions.

Electronic essay submissions are preferred . Acceptable file formats include: Word (.doc or docx), WordPerfect (.wpd), or Rich Text Format (.rtf). We also need complete contact information, including preferred email address, and street address. Please send your essay as an email attachment to clio@ipfw.edu

Mailing address:

Indiana University-Purdue University Fort Wayne
2101 E. Coliseum Blvd.
Fort Wayne, Indiana 46805-1499

Accepted manuscripts must be made available on computer diskette, but do not send disk with submission.

Book reviews are solicited by the book review editors.

Guidelines for Essays & Review Articles in Clio


STYLE AND AUDIENCE . Clio follows, with a few exceptions (refer to recent Clio back issues), the Chicago Manual of Style , 15 th edition (2004). Assume an educated, interdisciplinary readership; avoid approaching your subject for a narrowly specialized audience. A thesis or statement of critical intent should appear somewhere in the introduction. Language throughout should be concise, clear, and jargon-free. Usage should be formal rather than familiar; do not use contractions.

DOCUMENTATION . Use Chicago-style footnotes (not MLA "works cited" format). Avoid discursive notes; instead, place material essential to argument in the text itself.

Always identify authors quoted in the text, but do not repeat the titles of works given in the footnotes. In the first mention of an author in the text, use the author's full name; thereafter, use the last name only. Also use the full name in the first footnote.

For sequential notes citing the same work, use a parenthetical citation after an initial footnote. In subsequent notes citing the same work, use the author's last name, a shortened title, followed by a comma, followed by page numbers: (White, Metahistory , 102-03). Do not use "Ibid."; instead, place page references (after the first full citation by note) in the text in parentheses following the quotation. Abbreviate University Pressas UP or U of Chicago P.

To indicate parenthetical references, please include the following sentence at end of the initial footnote: Hereafter cited parenthetically as .

LANGUAGES . While some foreign words or phrases may be utilized in the text (and should be italicized), the article otherwise should be entirely in English. If your text includes quotations in a language other than English, follow with authoritative translations (or your own), in parentheses. Identify the translators in the footnotes. The titles of books and articles in languages other than English, if needed, should be followed immediately by their English translations in parentheses. Adhere strictly to the conventions of any foreign language you use; we depend on you for accuracy. Please use American rather than British spelling, except in quotations.

FORM . Your title should describe the essay's contents. Do not use headnotes or section titles or numbers. Double-space all lines, including indented matter and footnotes. Do not justify the right-hand margin. Prose quotations of ten or more typed lines and poetry of two lines or more should be inset or blocked. For run-in prose quotations, follow normal practices for initial capitalization regardless of the original; for run-in poetry, retain the original lettering always (with spaces before and after the slashes that separate lines). Double-check the accuracy of all quotations.

Electronic essay submissions are preferred. Acceptable file formats include: Word (.doc or docx), WordPerfect (.wpd), or Rich Text Format (.rtf). We also need complete contact information, including preferred email address, and street address. Please send your essay as an email attachment to clio@ipfw.edu

CONTRIBUTOR'S BIO: Please provide, on a separate page, a biographical note of approximately 50 words containing your affiliation, specialization, and most significant publications.

NB: For further guidance, see Clio webpage link with sample journal pages

Clio Guide for Book Reviewers

As much as appropriate, please keep Clio 's interdisciplinary audience in mind as you write. This might well involve giving more basic information about the book (including a brief summary) than would be the case in a review for a journal in a particular discipline. You might find it necessary to explain terms and concepts or even the critical context where necessary.

Do not use footnotes or endnotes in reviews. Citation of the book(s) under review should be made by placing page number(s) in parenthesis at the end of the sentence. For outside sources, place complete citation, including all publication information, in parenthesis.

Begin the review with the title, author (or editor), place of publication, publisher, date, and number of pages (preliminary in Roman and main in Arabic' numerals). For example:

The English Historical Novel: Walter Scott to Virginia Woolf. By Avrom Fleishman. Baltimore : The Johns Hopkins Press, 1971. xix + 262 pages.

End the review by giving your name and the name of your institution and its location on the bottom left side in this manner:

Harriet Gilliam
Northwestern University
Evanston , Illinois

Reviews should be 6-8 pages (1,500 - 2,000 words) for a single book, 10-12 pages (2,500 - 3,000 words) for two books. Please use Courier 12 (non-proportional) font. Please consult with an editor for the length of review essays. (Review essays follow the format for articles, not reviews.)

Electronic essay submissions are preferred . Please send a copy of your review to the editor who commissioned the review: Mihoko Suzuki < MihokoSuzuki@aol.com > or Frank Palmeri < fpalmeri@miami.edu >. Please send the journal's copy to < clio@ipfw.edu >. Acceptable file formats include: Word (.doc or docx), WordPerfect (.wpd), or Rich Text Format (.rtf). We also need complete contact information, including preferred email address and street address.

Notes on contributors: Please provide, on a separate page, a biographical note of approximately 50 words containing your affiliation, specialization, and most significant publications.


Editorial Board
EDITOR-IN-CHIEF:  Rachel Hile Bassett 
EDITORS:  Clark Butler, Bernd Fischer, John Minton   
REVIEW EDITORS:  Frank Palmeri and Mihoko Suzuki
MANAGING EDITOR:  Cathleen Carosella

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