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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

The Classical Review publishes informative reviews from leading scholars on new work covering the literatures and civilizations of ancient Greece and Rome. Publishing over 150 high quality reviews and 50 brief notes every year, The Classical Review is an indispensable reference tool, essential for keeping abreast with current classical scholarship.

Instructions to Authors
The Classical Review
The Classical Review publishes informative reviews from leading scholars on new work covering the literatures and civilizations of ancient Greece and Rome. Publishing over 150 high quality reviews and 50 brief notes every year, The Classical Review is an indispensable reference tool, essential for keeping abreast with current classical scholarship.
1. Reviews should be double-spaced on A4. Footnotes should be numbered consecutively, although references should normally be incorporated in the text, not in footnotes, which should be used as sparingly as possible. At the end of the review your name should be given in capitals on the right hand side, your institution (or home town) underlined or italicised on the left.
2. If possible, please send your review as an e-mail attachment to classicalreview@classicalassociation.org. If you use a word-processing package other than Microsoft Word, or if you use a Mac computer, it would be a useful precaution to paste the review into an e-mail message as well as, or instead of, sending it as an attachment. If your review contains Greek or any other special characters, please send a hard copy by post as well, to the address below; otherwise it is not necessary to send a hard copy. Submissions by e-mail will be acknowledged on receipt. If you are unable to send the review by e-mail, please send it by post (together with a computer disk if possible) to Clare Roberts, Secretary, The Classical Association, Senate House, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HU, UK.
3. Quotations in English, Latin, French, etc., should be put in single inverted commas. A quotation within a quoted passage has double inverted commas. Single words or self-contained phrases (such as fait accompli) may be underlined to indicate italics. Material inserted within a quotation is placed in square brackets.
4. References should normally be given in the following form:
R. Syme, The Roman Revolution (Oxford, 1939), pp. 78-9
or op. cit., pp. 78-9.
E. Norden, Die antike Kunstprosa5 I.164-81
or op. cit. I.164-81.
F. Jacoby, FGrHist 328 F 4.
Authors' initials should be stated, at least at their first mention. Abbreviations should not be assigned to books unless they are generally familiar (e.g. OCD2 omitting full points).
R.P. Winnington-Ingram. "The Danaid Trilogy", JHS 81 (1961), 141-52
or R.P. Winnington-Ingram, JHS 81 (1961), 141-52.
Both year and volume number should be given.
Abbreviations may follow the style of Marouzeau's L'Annue philologique.
Aristophanes, Birds 135; Homer, Od. 1.1 (not a 1); Cic. Phil. 2.20 (not 2.8 or 2.8.20); Plin. N.H. 9.176 (not 9.83.176 or 9.83); Quint. 10.1.46; Soph. O.C. 225 (retain full points; do not use l. or ll., but, where necessary, line or lines). B.C. should appear after, A.D. before, the number of the year. The following should not be italicised: op. cit., loc. cit, cf., ibid., s.v.
5. It is a condition of publication in the journal that authors assign an exclusive licence to The Classical Association. This ensures that requests from third parties to reproduce articles are handled efficiently and consistently and will also allow the article to be as widely disseminated as possible. As part of the licence agreement, authors may use their own material in other publications provided that the journal is acknowledged as the original place of publication, and Cambridge University Press as the publisher.
(Revised 18/4/06)
Editorial Board

Editorial Board


  • Professor Roy Gibson
  • Department of Classics & Ancient History
    University of Manchester
    Oxford Road
    M13 9PL
  • Professor Neil Hopkinson
  • Trinity College
    CB2 1TQ

Book Review Editor

  • The Book Review Editor
  • Classical Review
    Classical Association
    Senate House, Malet Street
    London WC1E 7HU, UK

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