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期刊名称:CLASSICAL Quarterly


期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

The Classical Quarterly has a reputation for publishing the highest quality classical scholarship for nearly 100 years. It publishes research papers and short notes in the fields of language, literature, history and philosophy. Two substantial issues (around 300 pages each) of The Classical Quarterly appear each year, in May and December. Given the quality and depth of the articles published in The Classical Quarterly, any serious classical library needs to have a copy on its shelves.

Instructions to Authors
The Classical Quarterly
Article submission
Articles should be sent to either Dr Miriam Griffin or Professor Judith Mossman:
Dr Miriam Griffin
University of Oxford
Somerville College
Email: miriam.griffin@somerville.ox.ac.uk
Professor Judith Mossman
Department of Classics
University of Nottingham
University Park
Email: judith.mossman@nottingham.ac.uk
Notes to Contributors
1 One hard copy of an article or shorter note will suffice at initial submission; it may be sent to either editor. Please include a word-count on submission. Initial submission by computer disk, e-mail, or fax is not acceptable. Receipt will be acknowledged. Contributors should retain their own copy, as the editors may wish to annotate a submission and furthermore cannot take responsibility for any loss.
2 The editors' decision whether to publish a submission regularly involves the consultation of one or more referees. This process is of unpredictable length but is completed as quickly as possible; contributors should wait three to four months before enquiring. Contributors are informed when publication is offered. An offer is sometimes dependent upon revision, and fresh hard copy will then be requested. All successful contributors are also asked to supply, if possible, a computer disk of their article or note; a printed form will request details of software used and any special features of the copy, such as drawings or plans, and a word-count; and contributors will be asked to offer an e-mail or fax address for publication. A submission which the editors decline will be returned if possible, especially if the contributor so requests at the start.
3 Both articles and shorter notes should be typed in size 12 font and double spaced on A4 or US letter-size paper and on one side of the paper only. Footnotes should be numbered consecutively, and typed either as such or as endnotes on separate sheets; they should be in size 12 font and double spaced. Greek quotations need not be typed, but every letter must be clear and legible; especial care should be taken over accents and breathings. Transliterated Greek should only be used for words and phrases that are well established in English. Greek names and places should be Latinized as in OCD3: Socrates, Cyzicus.
4 Titles of articles submitted should be capitalized, with titles of works italicized: CLASS MATTERS IN THE DYSCOLUS OF MENANDER. The titles of sections within the article should also be capitalized; sub-headings within sections should be italicized.
5 Quotations should be put in single inverted commas. A quotation within a quoted passage has double inverted commas. Short passages of Latin and other self-contained phrases (such as coup de grâce or fait accompli) should be underlined or italicized.
6 B.C. (or B.C.E.) should appear after the numeral, A.D. (or C.E.) before it. Datesinvolving a change of century (A.D. 637?32) and all B.C. dates (231-24 B.C.)should be written in full. Write "nineteenth century"rather than "9th Century"
7 Use the least number of numerals possible (42, 1961-5) except in the case of the numbers 10-9, which should be given in full (16?9). Give the full extent of an article or passage, not "and f" The following should not be italicized: loc. cit., cf., ibid., s.v.
9 The abbreviations e.g. and i.e. may be used in footnotes but should be expanded in the text to "for example" and "that is"
10 Brief text-references should normally be given in the main text, but lists of references and bibliographical details in the footnotes (and not listed at the end), in the following form:
L. D. Reynolds and N. G. Wilson, Scribes and Scholars: A Guide to the Transmission of Greek and Latin Literature3 (Oxford, 1991), 199?02.
E. Norden, Die antike Kunstprosa5 1.164?1. (Volume numbers in arabic.)Fraenkel on Agamemnon 1314 (pp. 611?3).
W. Closterman, The Self-presentation of the Family: The Function of Classical Attic Peribolos Tombs (Diss., Johns Hopkins University, 1999). Authors?initials should be stated, at least at their first mention. Abbreviations may be assigned to books that will be generally familiar (e.g. OCD3, LSJ, CHCL, FGrH, IG, RE omitting full points). "Op. cit."  should be avoided; instead write (e.g.) Vlastos
(n. 9), 245ff.|or   . . (n. 9) at 249 alternatively works repeatedly cited (only) may be listed at the beginning or end of the article, and names (with dates or short titles, if necessary) used in the notes.
D. M. Balme, "Teleology and necessity"  in A. Gotthelf and J. G. Lennox (edd.), Philosophical Issues in Aristotle's Biology (Cambridge, 1987), 275?5, at 279.
T. C. W. Stinton, "Si credere dignum est"   some expressions of disbelief in Euripides and others   in id., Collected Papers on Greek Tragedy (Oxford, 1985), 236-4.
R. P. Winnington-Ingram, "The Danaid trilogy" JHS 81 (1961), 141-2, at 143. Both year and volume number (in Arabic numerals) should be given. Abbreviations may follow the style of Marouzeau's L'Année philologique.
Aristophanes, Birds 135; Homer, Od. 1.1 (not 1); Lucr. De Rerum Nat. 1.47, Cic. Phil. 2.20 (not 2.8 or 2.8.20); Plin. HN 9.176 (not 9.83.176 or 9.83); Quint. 10.1.46; Soph. OC 225 (do not use l. or ll., but, where necessary, line or lines); Plut. De glor. Ath., 347F48A; Pl. Chrm. 167E4; Arist. Pol. 1333b3-3.
11 Copyright and permissions. Manuscripts submitted will be expected to contain original work and should not have been published in abridged or other form elsewhere. It is a condition of publication in the Journal that authors grant an exlusive licence to The Classical Association. Any requests from third parties to reproduce articles are handled on behalf of The Classical Association by Cambridge University Press. This will also allow the article to be as widely disseminated as possible and will protect the rights of the author and CUP. In granting an exclusive licence, authors may use their own material in other publications provided that The Classical Association is acknowledged as the original authority for publication, and Cambridge University Press is notified in writing and in advance.
N.B. Authors are responsible for obtaining permission from the relevant authorities for the reproduction of any illustration or an extract, for both print and online formats. Authors are responsible for any reproduction costs or permission fees incurred. Authors must ensure that all permission enquiries and copyright forms are completed before sending a manuscript to the Journal. The following is provided as a guide. If there is any doubt, please contact the editors for advice. For a copyright prose work, it is recommended that permission is obtained for the use of extracts longer than 400 words; a series of extracts totalling more than 800 words, of which any one extract is more than 300 words; or an extract or series of extracts comprising one-quarter of the work or more. For poetry: an extract of more than 40 lines; series of extracts totalling more than 40 lines; an extract comprising one-quarter or more of a complete poem.
Editorial Board

Editorial Board


  • Dr Rhiannon Ash
  • Merton College
  • Dr Miriam Griffin
  • Somerville College
    OX2 6HD, UK
  • Professor Judith Mossman
  • Department of Classics
    University of Nottingham
    University Park
    NG7 2RD, UK


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