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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

This quarterly peer-reviewed journal publishes original research articles and book reviews covering all areas of the history of Christianity and its cultural contexts in all places and times, including its non-Western expressions. Specialists and historians of Christianity in general find Church History: Studies in Christianity and Culture, an international publication regularly cited all over the world, an invaluable resource.

Instructions to Authors

Studies in Christianity and Culture
Church History: Studies in Christianity and Culture is edited at Florida State University.
The editors of the journal are Amanda Porterfield and John Corrigan.
The editors invite submissions in all areas of the history of Christianity, including its non-
Western expressions. They request that contributions be grounded in original research,
inform specialists, interest historians of Christianity in general, and defend a clear thesis.
The editors prefer manuscripts running 6,000-11,000 words (or approximately 20-35
pages), not including endnotes. The editors will consider submissions of 70-90 pages for
publication as "extended articles." Persons wishing to submit such manuscripts should
query before sending them.
If the editors decide to publish your manuscript in Church History, they will ask you to
assign the copyright of your work to the American Society of Church History. In return,
the Society will grant you some nonexclusive rights to create derivative works from your
article and to reprint it in works of which you are author or editor.
Church History cannot consider a manuscript if it (a) has been published elsewhere (in
any language), (b) is currently under consideration by another journal, (c) has circulated
in a public electronic forum such as a webpage or listserv, or (d) will be published as part
of a book prior to publication in Church History. If any of these conditions applies to
your article, the editors reserve the right to rescind their acceptance.
Black-and-white illustrations, maps, and tables are welcome. You may include
photocopies of any illustrations when you first submit your article for consideration. If
the editors accept your manuscript for publication, they will ask you to provide cameraready
materials when you send the revised version of your essay. You must provide the
editors with copies of letters of permission from copyright holders or from the individual
or institutional owners of uncopyrighted illustrations.
Additional permissions may be required for the use of archival, interview, and privately
held materials, as well as lengthy quotations from sources still in copyright. For further
information on permissions, see the Chicago Manual of Style, 14th edition, paragraphs
To increase your manuscript's clarity, the editors recommend that you include subheads
that divide your essay into sections. Each subhead should start with a Roman numeral
and should include a short descriptive phrase. For example, "III. Brooks and the Broad

One or more of the editors read each contribution. If they decide that an essay warrants
further consideration, the editors, with the assistance of Associate Editor specialists, may
ask one or more anonymous external reviewers to offer a written assessment of it. When
the reviewers return their assessments, the editors confer about the essay and make a
decision. This process generally takes about five months. The editors reserve the right to
accept or reject any manuscript, even contrary to the recommendation of a reviewer or
without any external review whatsoever.
If your manuscript is accepted for publication, the editorial staff will edit it to conform to
Church History's house style, which generally follows the Chicago Manual of Style, 14th
Church History's house style mandates complete publishing information for all works
mentioned in endnotes. On first citation, please include city and state of publication, short
form of publisher's name, and date-for example, Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 1999.
Include the full name of university presses-for example, Macon Ga.: Mercer University
Press, 1999. You may eliminate the state names for New York, Chicago, Boston, and
other large cities, but not for New Haven, Conn.; Cambridge, Mass.; Ithaca, N.Y., or
Princeton, N.J. Also eliminate the state name if the publisher's name includes the state
name-for example, Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, 1999.
Quotations in foreign languages should not appear in the text. If necessary, translate
quotations into English and include the original in endnotes. If a published English
translation is available but your research has employed the foreign-language version,
quote the English in the text and cite both the English translation and the foreignlanguage
original in endnotes.
After the editorial staff copyedits your manuscript, they will return it to you for review.
This will be the final stage at which you may make changes. Later the editorial staff will
send you one set of galley proofs, at which time you will have 48 hours to mark any
typographical errors. If you do not respond by fax, e-mail, or telephone within 48 hours,
the editors may not be able to incorporate your corrections into the printed version of
your essay.
Please send your manuscript to the address at the bottom of this page. All submissions
must be printed double-spaced in 11- or 12-point font; endnotes must be printed doublespaced
on separate pages following the text. The editors request the following items be
submitted by email attachment in Word, WordPerfect, or Rich Text Format to churchhistory
AT admin DOT fsu DOT edu:
?The manuscript. In order to protect your anonymity during the review process,
your name should appear only on the title page of your essay.
?A 200-word abstract. This is used during the review process and is required. Also,
if Church History publishes your essay, the abstract may be included on the
Church History web page.

Instead of sending your manuscript and abstract by email, you may submit your
manuscript and abstract on 3?inch diskette or cd-rom to the editorial offices at Florida
State University. Hard copies are appreciated, but not required.
Please address any questions to:
D. E. Gene  Mills, Jr., senior assistant to the editors
Church History: Studies in Christianity and Culture
Department of Religion
Florida State University
641 University Way
P.O. Box 3061520
Tallahassee, FL 32306-1520
Phone: 850.644.9038, Fax: 850.644.7225,
Email: church-history AT admin DOT fsu DOT edu

Editorial Board

Editorial Board


  • Dr John Corrigan
  • 206C Dodd Hall
    Florida State University
    FL 32306


  • Dr Amanda Porterfield
  • 208 Dodd Hall
    Florida State University
    FL 32306

Associate Editor

  • Elizabeth A. Clark
  • Thomas Noble
  • Carlos Eire
  • Hugh McLeod
  • Dana Robert
  • Myung Soo Park
  • Enrique Dussel

Senior Assistant to the Editors

  • D.E. Gene  Mills, Jr.
  • Florida State University, USA

Assistants to the Editors

  • Robert Britt-Mills
  • Florida State University, USA
  • Frank Pittenger
  • Florida State University, USA
  • Barton Price
  • Florida State University, USA
  • Brooke Sherrard
  • Florida State University, USA

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