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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

No other journal in the West provides this unique Chinese perspective on Chinese history and historiography. Chinese Studies in History translates papers delivered at major Chinese conferences and those published in such journals as Lishi yanjiu (Studies in History), including significant materials from the Republican period. It also identifies current trends in historical research in China and key topics being explored by Chinese historians.

"Valuable because of its broad approach and interesting coverage of historical questions." C. Martin Wilbur, Columbia University


Instructions to Authors

Please submit material via regular mail in hard copy. Material submitted for consideration will not be returned except upon request.

Your book proposal should contain the following:

  1. A cover letter that introduces the project briefly, including your reason for writing the book and for submitting it to M.E. Sharpe.

  2. A prospectus explaining in greater detail (2-3 double-spaced pages) your rationale for the work:

    1. Two or three paragraphs that describe the book, its approach (including point of view), the scope of the work, the type of book (textbook, scholarly book, general trade, reference book), and the level (particularly if it is a textbook). If yours is a scholarly work, please indicate the specific contribution that this work will make to its field.

    2. Please discuss the market: if yours is a textbook, for what course(s) is the book intended? Is it to be the primary text, or a supplemental text? What prerequisites does that course usually require? Is the course taught at your school? How frequently? What is the usual enrollment?

    3. Your prospectus should also discuss competing works. List two or three other books with which yours might compete, either directly, or in part. If yours is a textbook, please indicate both how your book will be the same as the competing works and how it will differ from other books. If yours is an original, scholarly work, please indicate two or three other significant books that have been written on similar topics.

    4. What is the estimated length of your manuscript (number of double-spaced pages, or number of words)? Will it be illustrated? How many and what kinds of illustrations will it have? (photos, graphs, maps, tables, etc.) What is the present state of your manuscript? How many chapters are written? When do you expect to complete your manuscript? What word-processing software and hardware do you work in? Are your illustrations in camera-ready (publishable) condition?

  3. Please submit a complete outline/Table of Contents of the book, listing first-level headings, with second-level entries, if possible. You may include paragraphs within the outline where appropriate to clarify or expand on a unique aspect of the work.

  4. Please submit a sample chapter or two (if available) that best represent the basic idea, quality, and distinctiveness of your work. If the Introduction is written, submit it as well.

  5. Please provide the names and affiliations (with departmental and/or e-mail addresses, if known) of two or three qualified readers that we may ask to critique your work.

  6. Please include a copy of your curriculum vitae.

Individual acquisitions editor publishing responsibilities are indicated below:

Area Studies (all areas, all disciplines) -- Patricia Kolb, Vice President & Editorial Director

Economics, Business, and Media Studies -- Lynn Taylor, Executive Editor

History and Political Science --- Steven Drummond, Executive Editor

Management, Marketing, and Public Administration --Harry Briggs, Executive Editor

Journals -- (editorial inquires only) Kimberly Martin, Executive Editor, Journal Acquisitions

Sharpe Reference-- Todd Hallman, Executive Editor
                                Peter Mavrikis, Acquisitions Editor

Please send all correspondences to the Editorial Director or to the appropriate Editor c/o:

M.E. Sharpe, Inc,
80 Business Park Drive
Armonk NY 10504

Editorial Board
Editorial Board
Yu-Fa Chang, Academia Sinica (Taiwan); Peng-yuan Chang, Academia Sinica (Taiwan); Chih-p'ing Chou, Princeton University; Michael Gasster, Rutgers University; J. Mason Gentzler, Sarah Lawrence College; Willard P. Gingerich, St. John's University; James P. Harrison, Hunter College, City University; of New York; C.Y. Hsu, University of California at Santa Barbara; Cho-yun Hsu, Chinese University of Hong Kong; Chun-tu Hsueh, The Huang Hsing Foundation (USA); Allen B. Linden, University of New Hampshire; Kwang-Ching Liu, University of California at Davis; Maurice Meisner, University of Wisconsin at Madison; Donald J. Munro, University of Michigan; Andrew J. Nathan, Columbia University; Harold Schiffrin, Hebrew University; Frederick C. Teiwes, University of Sydney

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