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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

The multilingual Czech Literature Portal has the purpose of promoting Czech literature abroad. Its principal aims are to make accessible information on i) happenings in Czech literature as these happen, and ii) authors of the younger (and youngest) generation; it also seeks to provide a forum for the forging of international contacts. It is hoped that scholars and students abroad - and also those whose interest in Czech literature is less academic - will come to view the Portal as an indispensable source. It is not intended that the Portal should take the place of more academic studies. This project was founded by the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic.

As a quasi-official “diplomatic representation" of current Czech literature to the Anglophone internet community, CZLIT.CZ is well aware of the responsibility " both to writers and readers "that its position brings. No dynamic and vital literature, in any language or nation, can survive without disagreements, oppositions, the emergence of sharp personal or group rivalries. And in this respect, Czech literature is or should be no exception. In many respects, the emergence in the past fifteen-odd years of separate cliques and coteries, of distinct allegiances among writers, is an altogether welcome development, erasing the arbitrary and often literally violent division of literary life into “official" and “dissident" camps according to the dictates of Communist cultural policy. At the same time, such diversity of artistic practice and orientation necessarily evades easy summary, and all too frequently is met with the response of a conscious or unconscious favoritism on the part of those whose task it is to act with true impartiality. As much as is possible within the limits of human fallibility, CZLIT.CZ sincerely hopes to avoid the snares of assigning praise or blame according to an author’s associations with a specific group, circle, or literary journal, and to remain open to all interested persons ?authors, translators, critics who have a genuine contribution to make.

In other words: CZLIT.CZ does not intend to serve as the exclusive “sales agent" for specific circles of current Czech writers, nor to act as a critical arbiter for determining which literary phenomena are significant or merely peripheral. Its English version simply yet is it indeed so simple a matter  proposes to offer a general portrait of what is being written and discussed, to allow the literary community a window to the world of those who may never attempt to learn the Czech language but nonetheless have an interest in what this land at the heart of Europe is now writing. And above all: to present, within the inevitably open society of the internet, a clearly delimited yet independent “electronic agora" of those wildly diverse impulses and inspiration that, in the end, are the essential basis of any literature.

Instructions to Authors

Authors and Works

The selection presented here is to serve as a summary of authors: poets, prose writers, dramatists, essayists and writers for children and young people. For the most part, these authors are representatives of literature today; that is to say, they publish books which are "talked about", which are part of a living literary process. For this reason, authors are not included here who in recent years have published no new work (or whose new work is considered to be of marginal interest only), even if these authors have a recognized place in the post-war development of Czech writing. Nor are authors of works of literary criticism and literary history included here: their attentions most often focus on the literature of the past rather than that of the present. The Writer Profiles file seeks to give a picture of the literary present. These partial portraits do not aim to, nor could they, serve the function of published companions to literature. Each pro file provides a potted biography of an author, an evaluation of his/her work to date, and a bibliography of books he/she has published; there is also a link to an extract from the author's work (with bibliographical details).

Editorial Board

This year - for the eighth time - the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic has announced the awarding of a grant in support of translations of Czech literary works abroad.

The financial support embraces all types of fiction (i.e. poetry, imaginative prose, fiction for children and young people, drama) and does not apply to illustrated books, works of non-fiction, academic literature or the publishing of extracts from or parts of translated works. Its principal aim is to support the work of contemporary authors. Applications for awards should be made by the foreign publisher; awards are determined to cover the partial, on occasion complete cost of translation (i.e. the translator's fee).

Awards are made at the absolute behest of the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic on the basis of a recommendation by a committee of experts appointed by the Arts and Libraries Section. To date, grant programmes have provided support to c. 200 titles at a total outlay of more than CZK 11 million, penetrating practically all the countries of Europe and also Korea, China, Vietnam, Canada, the USA and Argentina.

Financial support for the translation of Czech literary works abroad (application form)

Results of grant applications, 1998-2002

Results of grant applications, 2003-2005

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