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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

The CEA Critic, the scholarly journal of the College English Association, publishes scholarly articles that focus on literary textsfiction, poetry, the various genres of nonfiction prose, and film that we teach in the literature or composition classroom and articles that apply critical theory to what and how we teach. Accepted manuscripts of 15?20 typed pages (in MLA style) will be edited to conform to "house" style, including nonsexist usage.  See submission guidelines at <http://www.as.ysu.edu/~english/cea/ceapub.htm#submit>.

The College English Association holds the copyright to all articles accepted and published in the CEA Critic. (For permission to reprint articles, please contact the editor.)  The College English Association also publishes an online journal/newsletter, the CEA Forum.

Instructions to Authors

Guidelines for Submission to The CEA Critic

If you would like to submit an essay for publication in The CEA Critic, please mail two letter-quality hard copies and a Microsoft Word document on an IBM-formatted floppy disk. Manuscripts should be between 15 and 30 pages typed and double-spaced and should follow MLA style. Place any notes and the list of works cited at the end of your word-processing file do not use the automatic note/reference function of your word-processing program. In other words, type endnotes as you would on a typewriter. Authors are responsible both for the accuracy of quotations and for representing source material fairly. The editorial staff will edit accepted manuscripts according to house style.

The CEA Critic will publish only articles by members of the College English Association. Non-members are welcome to submit but must join the CEA in order for accepted submissions to be published.

Address manuscripts and inquiries about The CEA Critic to the editor:

Daniel Robinson
CEA Publications Editor
Humanities Division
Widener University
Chester, PA 19013

Please do not e-mail submissions, but you may e-mail inquiries to Daniel.Robinson@widener.edu.


Review Process for The CEA Critic

The editor will send submissions to members of the Editorial Board or to other qualified reviewers. The editor, however, reserves the right to reject submissions that he considers inappropriate for The Critic without sending them out for review. Unrevised conference presentations or unrevised graduate term papers are not appropriate for publication in The Critic. Essays on pedagogy or academia are appropriate for The CEA Forum.

Because our journal aims to publish stimulating literary criticism, reviewers will judge how compelling, coherent, scholarly, original, and important the submitted essays are.

The editor will recycle rejected submissions. The College English Association holds the copyright to all articles published in The CEA Critic. For permission to reprint articles, please contact the editor at the address above

Artwork, Photographs, and Permissions

The editors may accept photographs and artwork related to manuscripts. Only sharply focused black-and-white glossy prints can be considered.

Authors are responsible for ensuring that all persons in each photograph have given permission for the photograph to be published. If a manuscript with photographs is accepted for publication, you must submit the signed consent of each person in the photographs. Please include the name of the photographer (if other than yourself) or the source of the photograph so that the editors may give proper credit.

Illustrations should be camera-ready  either computer-generated or drawn on stiff paper with black, non-smudging ink. If text within an illustration requires editing, you must redo the illustration to accommodate those changes. You must also submit the written permission of students whose work is included in manuscripts and of the copyright holder when the article contains copyrighted artwork and/or more than brief excerpts of published material.

Submitting News for The CEA Forum

The CEA Forum welcomes news from CEA affiliates: meeting announcements and calls for papers, books published by members, and changes in affiliate leadership. Items from national or regional associations, including calls for papers and meeting announcements, are also accepted subject to space and time constraints.
  • Short (1,500 words) opinion pieces or suggestions for topics.
  • Announcements of forthcoming meetings and conventions?including call for papers and names(s) of principal speaker(s), if possible.
  • Names of recipients of awards or prizes.
  • Copies of publications produced by your regional chapter.
    Other news you feel worthy of the attention of CEA members.

    Send Forum submissions to the associate editor at the following address:

    Dr. Janine M. Utell
    Humanities Division
    Widener University
    One University Place
    Chester, PA  19013-5792
    Phone: 610-499-4527

    Submitting Letters to The CEA Forum Editor and Longer Articles

    To respond to an idea in any issue of The CEA Forum, e-mail short responses (no longer than 250 words) to the editor(s) at jmutell@mail.widener.edu.

    "Low-tech,"  traditional mail responses are also welcome, as are full-length articles and opinion pieces (1,500?2,000 words).  Please submit full-length pieces for normal manuscript review, following the CEA Forum guidelines.


  • Editorial Board

    Editorial Staff

    CEA Critic Editor:  Daniel Robinson
    Humanities Division, Widener University, One University Place, Chester, PA  19013-5792

    Mail to:
    Dr. Janine M. Utell
    Humanities Division
    Widener University
    One University Place
    Chester, PA  19013-5792
    Phone: 610-499-4527

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