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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

The purpose of the Catholic Biblical Association is to promote, within a context of faith, scholarly study in Scripture and related fields by meetings of the association, publications, and support to those engaged in such studies. See the appropriate link for a history of the CBA, our Constitution and By-laws, etc. The CBA is a constituent member of the Council of Societies for the Study of Religion.

Instructions to Authors

This style sheet was originally published in the Catholic Biblical Quarterly 65 (Oct. 2003) 682-710. The original pagination is retained here. Clicking on the link below will activate the Acrobat Reader most computers are equipped with and open the PDF file containing the instructions. The "Bookmarks" tabs provides a table of contents which enables you to move any part of the document you wish. You can also search for any word by clicking on the binoculars ikon and typing in the word you want. You can adjust the size of the print with the control Acrobat Reader provides (just above the "Bookmarks" tab); 100% usually makes for easy reading. Hint: you may download the whole "Instruction" file by right clicking on this link and then selecting "Save Link Target As ..."Instructions

Instructions are also available on the World Wide Web at:
1. The manuscript of any article or book review submitted to this journal should
conform to the instructions given here. The manuscript of a book review should also
conform to the supplementary instructions sent to reviewers. If a manuscript departs from
the instructions in major ways, it may be returned to the author for revision before it is
considered for publication.
2. In matters not covered by the specific instructions given below, the prescriptions
of The Chicago Manual of Style (15th edition; Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2003)
and Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary (10th edition; Springfield, MA: Merriam-
Webster, 1993), supplemented by Webster’s Third New International Dictionary of the
English Language, Unabridged (Springfield, MA: G. & C. Merriam, 1967), are normative.
American spelling is used. When a word has two or more spellings, the first spelling in
Merriam-Webster's Collegiate is the one to be used. Spelling of biblical names should be
according to the NRSV unless they are italicized as part of a linguistic argument.
3. The criteria for evaluating inclusive language issued by the National Conference
of Catholic Bishops are observed in this journal. Words like "man," "men,"  "mankind,"
"family of man," or "brotherhood" should not be used generically; for designation of a
generically individual person or a group of people, inclusive terms like "person," "human
being," "people," "human family," or "humanity" should be used instead. Translations
should not be more gender specific than the original text, ancient or modern. An author's
repetition of the word "God" in order to avoid use of the masculine pronoun will be
respected, but if, in an editor's judgment, such repetition becomes tiresome or stylistically
clumsy, it may be changed editorially. As designations of the persons of the Trinity, the
names Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are normally retained. The word "God" should not be
abbreviated; the transliterated Tetragrammaton should be written Yhwh.
4. The manuscript of an article should be submitted in hard copy, without an accompanying
computer disk. An electronic copy will be required later, if the article is accepted
for publication. An author submitting the manuscript of an article should state that it is not
being submitted elsewhere and has not been published elsewhere.
5. If the manuscript wins the approval of the editors of the journal, the author will
be invited to submit an electronic copy of the work for processing by the typesetter. This
e-copy should be composed in software compatible with up-to-date versions of either
Microsoft Word for Windows or Word Perfect for Windows. Authors are asked to make
the following provisions for the sake of the typesetting:
(a) The e-copy may be sent either on disk or, depending on the complexity of the
fonts used, by e-mail attachment.
(b) Transcriptions of text in nonroman alphabets should be made in the family of
specialized fonts available from the Society of Biblical Literature, which are all availableat the SBLWebsite under the "On-Line Resources" when one selects "Fonts." Specialized
fonts are: SPTiberian for Hebrew, SPIonic for Greek, SPEdessa for Syriac, SPAchmim for
Coptic, etc. Alphabets for which no font exists in this family must be transliterated into the
Roman alphabet with diacritical marks, which can be produced with the SPAtlantis font.
N.B. Convenient as it has proved for many scholars, the Nota bene program is not serviceable
for our typesetting process.
(c) Authors who wish to add tables to their presentations should use the "table"
function in Microsoft Word, found in the "Insert–Reference" menu.
(d) Exceptions to these software specifications can be discussed in individual cases,
especially in the presence of special difficulties or where the volume of text transcribed in
foreign alphabets is low.
6. Authors of articles receive an electronic copy of the edited manuscript, which they
are expected to read carefully, check against the original copy, and correct. Proofs are not
sent to reviewers of books.
7. A manuscript must be printed on only one side of 8by-11-inch sheets of good,
white paper, with margins of at least 1inches on all sides of each page. If the 8.27-by-
11.69-inch (21-by-29.7-cm) sheets of A4 paper common outside North America are used,
the upper and lower margins of each page should be increased to at least 1inches. Double
spacing must be used for everything, including the footnotes and any block quotations set
off from the text. Single-line or one-and-a-half-line spacing is not acceptable. The preferred
font for the typing of the manuscript is Times New Roman, in which the symbol
menu will furnish many diacritical marks for transcribing foreign words. Twelve-point type
is preferred; a manuscript printed in type of 10 points or less will not be accepted. Special
material such as tables, figures, and diagrams should be produced on separate pages, and
the place where such material is to be inserted in the text should be indicated clearly
("insert table 1 here").
8. Nothing should come between the first paragraph of an article and the author's
name and address above it. Within the text, however, headings marking sections and subsections
are helpful and desirable. For the style used in headings, see recent issues of this
9. Anything to be printed in italics should be underlined once, even if the printer is
capable of producing italics. Anything to be printed in small capitals (e.g., B.C., A.D., B.C.E.,
C.E., MS) should be underlined twice.
10. The maximum acceptable length of the manuscript of an article is ca. 10,000
words. This amounts to ca. 38 pages of 12-point type when the norms of  have been
followed. Preference will definitely be given to manuscripts shorter than the maximum
acceptable length.

Editorial Board
Submissions are to be sent the the CBQ General Editor, Linda Day, P. O. Box 5139, Pittsburgh, PA 15206

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