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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Canadian Review of American Studies publishes essays, review essays and shorter reviews whose purpose is the multi- and inter-disciplinary analysis and understanding of the culture, both past and present, of the United States - and of the relations between the cultures of the U.S. and Canada. It invites contributions from authors in, and outside, all relevant scholarly disciplines, in English and French. Canadian orders include membership in the Canadian Association for American Studies.

Instructions to Authors

Instructions for Authors

Canadian Review of American Studies is published three times a year by the Canadian Association for American Studies. The journal publishes articles, review articles, and short reviews whose purpose is the multi- and interdisciplinary analysis and understanding of the culture, both past and present, of the United States—and of the relations between the cultures of the United States and Canada. We invite contributions from authors in all relevant scholarly disciplines related to the study of the United States, in English or in French. All submissions will be given an external, blind review.

Manuscripts should be sent in triplicate to Canadian Review of American Studies, Department of English, Carleton University, 1125 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1S 5B6. It is preferred that manuscripts be typed double-spaced, including endnotes and works cited, and be accompanied by a disk copy. Manuscripts will not normally be returned unless a self-addressed stamped envelope, with Canadian postage, is provided.

Canadian Review of American Studies follows the guidelines laid out in the MLA Handbook, 5th edition (1999), for citations and references.

Article authors will automatically receive ten free offprints and reviewers five free offprints. Additional offprints may be ordered prior to publication through

University of Toronto Press-Journals
5201 Dufferin Street
Toronto, ON M3H 5T8
(416) 667-7810 (Telephone)
(416) 667-7881 (Fax)
(800) 221-9985 (Toll-free fax)

Renseignements a l'intention des auteurs

Canadian Review of American Studies est publiée trois fois par année par l'Association Canadienne des Etudes Américaines. La revue fait paraítre des articles et des comptes rendus de livres. Elle a pour dessein l'analyse interdisciplinaire de la culture Américaine, passée et présente, de même que l'étude entre la culture des Etats-Unis et celle du Canada.

La rédaction invite les chercheurs issus des disciplines pertinentes ?l'études des Etats- Unis soumettre leurs articles en français ou en anglais. Tous ces articles seront soumis une évaluation externe et confidentielle.

Les manuscrits doivent être envoyés en trois exemplaires Canadian Review of American Studies, Department of English, Carleton University, Ottawa (Ontario), Canada K1S 5B6.

Il est préférable que les manuscrits soient dactylographiés double interligne. En principe, les textes ne seront pas retournés, moins qu'une enveloppe suffisamment affranchie pour le Canada n'accompagne l'envoi.

Le format bibliographique de Canadian Review of American Studies est celui du MLA Handbook, 5e édition (1999). Les auteurs recevront automatiquement dix tirés ?part de leurs articles. Des exemplaires supplémentaires pourront être commandés ?l'adresse suivante:

University of Toronto Press-Journals
5201 Dufferin Street
Toronto, ON M3H 5T8
(416) 667-7810 (Téléphone)
(416) 667-7881 (Télécopieur)
(800) 221-9985 (Télécopieur sans frais)

Editorial Board


    Priscilla Walton, English, Carleton University

    Associate Editors

    Sherrill Grace, English, University of British Columbia

    Yuko Matsukawa, English, SUNY Brockport

    Bruce Tucker, History, University of Windsor

    Michael Zeitlin, English, University of British Columbia

    Review Editors

    Michael Dorland, Journalism and Communication, Carleton University

    Christina Simmons, History, University of Windsor

    Editorial Assistant

    Shannon MacRae

    Copy Editor

    Ned Morgan

    Editorial Board

    Martha Banta, English, UCLA

    William Boelhower, American Literature, University of Texas

    Gert Buelens, English, Ghent University

    Jill Conway, History, MIT

    Thadious Davis, English, Brown University

    John Ditsky, English, University of Windsor

    Frances Early, History/Women's Studies, Mount St. Vincent University

    Michael Fellman, History, Simon Fraser University

    Serge Guilbaut, Fine Art, University of British Columbia

    Harry H. Hiller, Sociology, University of Calgary

    Linda Hutcheon, English, University of Toronto

    Michael Hutcheon, University of Toronto

    Victor Konrad, Geography, Foundation for Educational Exchange between Canada and the US

    Rob Kroes, American Studies, University of Amsterdam

    Yves Labergen, Département de sociologie, Universit?de Laval

    Linda Maram, Ethnic Studies, California State University at Long Beach

    John S. Martin, English, University of Calgary

    Robert K. Martin, Études anglaises, Universit?de Montréal

    Jeanne Perreault, English, University of Calgary

    Ernest Redekop, English, University of Western Ontario

    Jean Edward Smith, Political Science, University of Toronto

    David Thelen, History, Indiana University

    Marcia Valiante, Law, University of Windsor

    Mary Helen Washington, English, University of Maryland

    Editorial Office

    Canadian Review of American Studies
    Department of English
    Carleton University
    1125 Colonel By Drive
    Ottawa, ON K1S 5B6
    E-mail: cras@carleton.ca
    Fax: (613) 234-4418

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