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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

The Canadian Journal of Philosophy was founded in 1971 by four Alberta philosophers, John King-Farlow, Kai Nielsen, T.M. Penelhum, and W.W. Rozeboom. Since its founding, CJP has grown into a widely respected philosophy journal with an international reputation. CJP aims to publish the best work in any area of philosophy in French or English. The Journal receives close to 300 submissions every year from an international community of authors, and it uses a distinguished international list of philosophers to referee these submissions. All papers are blindly reviewed and are selected on the basis of whether they make significant, original contributions to the philosophical debates they address. CJP's annual acceptance rate is typically close to 8%.

In addition to its four quarterly issues, CJP publishes an annual Supplementary Volume of invited papers on a topic of current philosophical interest. Published in cooperation with the University of Calgary Press, supplementary volumes are complimentary with a paper subscription to the Journal, and are also available from uniPresses.

CJP is registered in Alberta as a private not-for-profit corporation. It is managed by its Board of Editors.

Instructions to Authors

The purpose of the Canadian Journal of Philosophy is the publication in Canada of philosophical work of high quality, in English or French, and in any field of philosophy. All submissions are given blind editorial review; those of departmental colleagues are externally refereed.

Four copies of submitted manuscripts, double-sided if preferred, should be sent to: Executive Secretary, Canadian Journal of Philosophy, University of Lethbridge, Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada  T1K 3M4. It is preferred that manuscripts be typed double-spaced, including quotes and footnotes. In general, the Canadian Journal of Philosophy follows The University of Chicago Manual of Style. Footnotes should be numbered consecutively and assembled on separate pages at the end of the manuscript. Manuscripts should be prepared for blind review, which means they should contain no self-identifying references in either text or footnotes. Manuscripts will not be returned unless return postage is prepaid by cheque, money-order, reply coupons, or Canadian stamps.

Manuscripts may also be submitted electronically in Word or WordPerfect to

Authors will receive, without charge, 25 copies of their articles. Additional offprints may be ordered when the proofs are returned to the publisher.

All enquiries of an editorial nature should be directed to the Executive Secretary at the above address.

Avis aux auteurs
The Canadian Journal of Philosophy a pour objet la publication canadienne, en langues anglaise ou française, d'études philosophiques de haut niveau, quel que soit le domaine philosophique auxquelles elles appartiennent. Les communications sont évaluées dans l'anonymat de leurs auteurs; celles que soumettent les collègues départementaux sont référées un comite de lecture extérieur.

Les manuscrits, en quatre exemplaires, doivent être adressés La Secrétaire la Rédaction. Canadian Journal of Philosophy, University of Lethbridge, Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada  T1K 3M4. Soumettre de préférence des manuscrits (citations et notes comprises) dactylographiés double interligne, en prenant pour guide, dans la mesure du possible, The University of Chicago Manual of Style. Les notes doivent suivre la numérotation continue et figurer sur des feuilles indépendantes en annexe au manuscrit. Les manuscrits devraient être prépar  pour l'évaluation anonyme par les pairs. Il ne doit pas par conséquent contenir aucune référence, que ce soit dans le texte ou dans les notes, qui pourrait servir identifier l'auteur. Les textes non insérés ne sont rendus qu'en cas de prépaiement des frais de poste par chèque, mandat, coupons-réponse, ou timbres canadiens.

Les manuscripts peuvent également être envoyés par courrier électronique en Word ou Wordperfect Marda Schindeler

Les auteurs recoivent gratuitement 25 tirés-part de leur article. Ils sont priés, s'ils désirent en obtenir un plus grand nombre titre onéreux, en informer l'imprimeur lors de renvoi des épreuves.

Toute question de nature éditoriale doit être adressée la secrétaire administrative.

Editorial Board
Editorial Board Coordinator
David Hunter -
Ryerson University

Executive Editors
Matt Bedke
- University of British Columbia
Ingo Brigandt - University of Alberta
Bryson Brown - University of Lethbridge
Emily Carson - McGill University
Bruce Hunter - University of Alberta
Rahul Kumar - Queen's University
Colin Macleod - University of Victoria
Mark Mccullagh - University of Guelph
Patrick Rysiew - University of Victoria
Amy Schmitter - University of Alberta
William Seager - University of Toronto
Ori Simchen - University of British Columbia
Sarah Stroud - McGill University

Book Review Editor
Bruce Hunter -
University of Alberta

Editorial Office
Marda Schindeler -
Executive Secretary
Jason Poettcker -   Editorial Assistant
Email:  cjp@philosophy.ryerson.ca

Administrative Editor
Michael Stingl - University of Lethbridge, Secretary and Treasurer

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