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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

British Education Index

 CD-ROM - International Bibliography of Book Reviews of Scholarly Lterature on the Humanities and Social S

 CD-ROM International Bibliography of Periodical Literature on the Humanities and Social Sciences

 Contents Pages in Education


 Educational Research Abstracts Online

 ERIC - Educational Management

 Family and Society Studies Worldwide (FSSW)

 IBZ: International Bibliography of Periodical Literature

 International Bibliography of Book Reviews of Scholarly Literature on the Humanities and Social Sciences

 Music Index

 Online - International Bibliography of Book Reviews of Scholarly Literature on the Humanities and Social

 Online - International Bibliography of Periodical Literature on the Humanities and Social Sciences

 Psychological Abstracts


 RILM Abstracts of Music Literature


Instructions to Authors

Psychology of Musichas a fully web-based system for the submission and review of manuscripts. All submissions should be made online at the POM SAGETRACK website

Note: Online submission and review of manuscripts is now mandatory for all types of papers.

Peer Review Policy

The journal operates a strictly blinded peer review process in which the reviewer's name is withheld from the author and the author's name from the reviewer. The reviewer may at their own discretion opt to reveal their name to the author in their review but our standard policy practice is for both identities to remain concealed.

Peer Review Process: Each manuscript is reviewed by at least two referees. All manuscripts are reviewed as rapidly as possible, and an editorial decision is generally reached within 3 months of submission

New User Account

Please log onto the website. If you are a new user, you will first need to create an account. Follow the instructions and please ensure that you enter a current and correct email address. Creating your account is a three-step process that takes a matter of minutes to set up. When you have finished, your User ID and password is sent via email immediately. Please edit your user ID and password to something more memorable by selecting 'edit account' at the top of the screen. If you have already created an account but have forgotten your details, type your email address in the 'Password Help' to receive an emailed reminder. Full instructions for uploading the manuscript are provided on the website.

New Submission

Submissions should be made by logging in and selecting the Author Center and the 'Click here to Submit a New Manuscript' option. Follow the instructions on each page, clicking the 'Next' button on each screen to save your work and advance to the next screen. If at any stage you have any questions or require the user guide, please use the 'Get Help Now' button at the top right of every screen. Further help is available through ScholarOne's?Manuscript Central customer support at +1 434 817 2040 x 167.

To upload your files, click on the 'Browse' button and locate the file on your computer. Select the designation of each file (i.e. main document, submission form, figure) in the drop down next to the browse button. When you have selected all files you wish to upload, click the 'Upload Files' button

Review your submission (in both PDF and HTML formats) and then click the Submit button.

You may suspend a submission at any point before clicking the Submit button and save it to submit later. After submission, you will receive a confirmation email. You can also log back into your author centre at any time to check the status of your manuscript.

Please ensure that you submit editable/source files only (Microsoft Word or RTF) and that your document does not include page numbers; the Psychology of Music SAGETRACK system will generate them for you, and then automatically convert your manuscript to PDF for peer review. All correspondence, including notification of the Editor's decision and requests for revisions, will be by email.

If you would like to discuss your paper prior to submission, or seek advice on the submission process please contact the Managing Editor, Raymond MacDonald, at the following email address: Raymond.MacDonald@gcal.ac.uk

Submitting a Revised Submission

Authors submitting revised manuscripts should follow the instructions above to submit through the SAGETRACK system. To create a revision, go to the 'Manuscripts with Decisions' option in your Author Dashboard and select 'create a revision in the 'Action' column. Authors of all revised submissions should, when prompted, provide information explaining the changes in your manuscript as this will be provided to reviewers.

Format of mss: Each manuscript should contain:

(i) 5-8 key words

(ii) main text and word count - suggested target is about 6000-8000 words for articles and 1000-3000 words for research notes. Text to be clearly organized, with a clear hierarchy of headings and subheadings and quotations exceeding 40 words displayed, indented, in the text;

(iii) end notes, if necessary, should be signalled by superscript numbers in the main text and listed at the end of the text before the references;

(iv) references in both the text and end notes should follow Harvard style whereby references should be cited in the text as (author, date: page) and an alphabetical references section follows the text. Examples below:


Surname, X.X. and Surname, Y. (year) Title with Initial Caps: Subtitle with Initial Caps. Place: Publisher.

Article in book

Surname, X.X. (year) 'Title of Chapter', in X. Surname and Y. Surname (eds) Title of Book, pp. xxx-xxx. Place: Publisher.

Journal article

Surname, X.X. (year) 'Title of Article', Name of Journal vol.no.(issue no.): xx-xxx [page range].


Surname, X.X. (year) 'Title of Paper', paper presented at Name of Conference, City, Month of presentation.


Surname, X. (year) 'Title of Article', Name of Journal vol.no.(issue no.), URL (consulted Month, Year): http:/xxxx.xxxx.xx.xx/xxxx/xxxx

Tables: tables should be typed (double line-spaced) on separate sheets and their position indicated by a marginal note in the text. All tables should have short descriptive captions with footnotes and their source(s) typed below the tables.

Illustrations: all musical examples, line diagrams and photographs are termed 'Figures' and should be referred to as such in the manuscript. They should be numbered consecutively. Line diagrams should be presented in a form suitable for immediate reproduction (i.e. not requiring redrawing), each on a separate A4 sheet. They should be reproducible to a final printed text area of 190 mm x 120 mm. Illustrations on disk should be supplied as TIFF or JPEG files at 300dpi or higher. All figures should have short descriptive captions typed on a separate sheet. Further details are available on the journal website or from Journal Production, SAGE.

Authors are responsible for obtaining permissions from copyright holders for reproducing any illustrations, musical examples, tables, figures or lengthy quotations previously published elsewhere. Permission letters must be supplied to SAGE.

Spellings: UK or US spellings may be used with '-ize' spellings as given in the Oxford English Dictionary (e.g. organize, recognize).

Punctuation: use single quotation marks with double quotes inside single quotes. Present dates in the form 1 May 1998. Do not use points in abbreviations, contractions or acronyms (e.g. AD, USA, Dr, PhD).

Proofs and offprints: authors will receive proofs of their articles and be asked to send corrections to SAGE within 2 weeks.They will receive a complimentary copy of the journal and an electronic offprint of their article.

Reviews: Psychology of Music includes a section in which books, video cassettes, CD-Roms and other significant contributions to the field are reviewed. This includes both essay length and shorter contributions. Books for review and manuscripts of book reviews should be sent to: Costanza Preti, Reviews, Psychology of Music, Institute of Education, University of London, 20 Bedford Way, London WC1H 0AL, UK [email: reviews@sempre.org].

English Language Editing Services: Please click here for information on professional English language editing services recommended by SAGE.


Editorial Board

Associate Editors:    Margaret S. Barrett       University of Queensland, Australia

                                Pamela Burnard            University of Cambridge, UK

                                Alexandra Lamont         Keele University, UK

                                Gary McPherson          University of Melbourne, Australia

                                Dorothy Miell               The Open University, UK

                                Petri Toiviainen             University of Jyväskyl? Finland

                                Luke Windsor               University of Leeds, UK

Assistant Editor:      Laura A. Mitchell          Department of Psychology, Glasgow Caledonian University

Book Reviews Editor:                                 Evangelos Himonides  University of London, UK

Editorial Board:        Mayumi Adachi             Hokkaido University, Japan

                                Richard Ashley             Northwestern University, USA

                                James R. Austin            Unversity of Colorado, USA

                                Jeanne Bamberger         Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA

                                Warren Brodsky            Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel

                                Patricia Shehan Campbell   University of Washington, USA

                                Eric F. Clarke               University of Sheffield, UK

                                Annabel Cohen             University of Prince Edward Island, Canada

                                Eugenia Costa-Giomi     University of Texas, USA

                                Ian Cross                     University of Cambridge, UK

                                Jane Davidson              University of Western Australia, Australia

                                Alf Gabrielsson             Uppsala University, Sweden

                                John Geringer               Florida State University, USA

                                Susan Hallam                University of London, UK

                                David J. Hargreaves      Roehampton University, UK

                                GUNTER KREUTZ       Carl von Ossietzky Universitat Oldenburg, Germany

                                Gary McPherson          University of Melbourne, Australia

                                Kacper Miklaszewski     Biblioteca Novodowa, Warsaw, Poland

                                Adrian C. North            University of Leicester, UK

                                Richard Parncutt           University of Graz, Austria

                                Rudolf Radocy             University of Kansas, USA

                                R. Keith Sawyer           Washington University, USA

                                John A. Sloboda            University of Keele, UK

                                Sandra E Trehub           University of Toronto at Mississauga, Canada

                                Graeme Wilson             Newcastle University, U

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