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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal
Language Variation and Change is the only journal dedicated exclusively to the study of linguistic variation and the capacity to deal with systematic and inherent variation in synchronic and diachronic linguistics. Sociolinguistics involves analysing the interaction of language, culture and society; the more specific study of variation is concerned with the impact of this interaction on the structures and processes of traditional linguistics. Language Variation and Change concentrates on the details of linguistic structure in actual speech production and processing (or writing), including contemporary or historical sources.
Instructions to Authors

Language Variation and Change 


Language Variation and Change publishes original research reports that are based on data of language  production, either oral or written, from contemporary or historical sources. Articles with substantive content are preferred over those that are solely argumentative; those that synthesize or reanalyze a number of research findings on substantive issues will also be considered. Conforming to scientific methodology, the reported findings should be fully replicable from the information provided.  Contributions may be submitted from all countries. The usual language of publication is English, although articles in French are also welcome. All submissions should be submitted electronically and by postal mail. 


Please send both a Word and PDF version to lvcjournal@psu.edu, and two hard copies to:


Rena Torres Cacoullos

Department of Spanish, Italian and Portuguese

Pennsylvania State University

237 Burrowes Building

University Park, PA 16802


Submission of an article is taken to imply that it has not been previously published or is not being

considered for publication elsewhere. If an author is publishing a related article, this fact should be stated. 


Copyright. Contributors of accepted articles will be asked to assign their copyrights. on certain conditions

to Cambridge University Press, to help protect their material, particularly in the U.S.A. 


Manuscript preparation and style 

Manuscripts should be clearly typed on 8 1/2 x 11 or A4 white bond paper. The inclusion of separate files

containing text, artwork, and appropriate software, along with the soft copy, may facilitate editing. The

entire manuscript - including abstract, endnotes, references, and tables - must be double-spaced and

numbered consecutively. For the initial submission, tables and figures may be included in the running text.

The article should be arranged as follows: 

Title Page ( page 1). To facilitate blind reviews, all indication of authorship must be limited to this page.

Other pages must only show the short title plus page number in the upper right corner. The title page

includes (a) full title, (b) names and affiliations of all authors, (c) mailing address and phone number of the

lead author (d) address to which offprints should be sent (if not the lead author), (e) short title of less than

50 characters. 

Abstract (page 2). Include the full title and the abstract. Abstracts should not exceed 150 words. 

Acknowledgments (page 2). Place below the abstract. Use this section to indicate any grant support,

substantial assistance in the preparation of the article, or any other author notes. 

Text (page 3). Use a 5-character paragraph indent. Do not hyphenate words or justify the right margin.

Underscore material that is to be italicized in print. Glosses should be placed within single quotation marks.

References are to be made in the text (not in the endnotes) by giving in parentheses the name of the author,

year of publication, and, where relevant, the page(s) referred to: (Vincent, 1982:90-91).1f the author's name

is part of the text, the following form should be used: 'Vincent ( 1982) listed several....' For multi-authored

works, only the first citation should list all authors: (Weinreich, Labov & Herzog, 1968). In subsequent

citations, only the first name should be given, followed by 'et al.': (Weinreich et al., 1968). Separate works

referred to in the same parentheses should be listed in alphabetical order; those by the same author should

be separated by commas, and those by different authors by semi-colons: (Lépez Morales, 1981; Vincent,

1981,1982). Initials should be used (before the author's name) only when it is necessary to distinguish

between two or more authors with the same surname referred to in the same article. 



All works referred to in the text must be listed in the reference section, double-spaced and in alphabetical


Examples of references (note the use of punctuation marks within references): 

Cedergren, Henrietta I (1973). Interplay of social and linguisticfactors in Panama. Ph.D. dissertation,

Cornell University. 

López Morales, Humberto. ( 1981). Velarization of /n/ in Puerto Rican Spanish. In D. Sankoff H. I

Cedergren (Eds.), Variation omnibus. Edmonton: Linguistic Research. 105-113. 

Tagliamonte, Sali, & Poplack, Shana. (1980). How Black English Past got to the present: Evidence from

Saman? Language in Society 17:513-533. 

Vincent, Diane. ( 1982). Pressions et impressions sur les sacres au Québec. Montréal: Office de la langue


Endnotes may be used when more than a simple citation is required. Notes should be numbered

consecutively throughout the text and typed together on a separate page preceding the reference section. 

Tables. Tables must appear as a unit following the reference section. Each table should be typed double-

spaced, on a separate sheet, numbered consecutively with an Arabic numeral and a short title. All tables

must be cited in the text. 

Figures. Figures must appear as a unit following the tables. Figures must be ready for photographic

reproduction: for photographs, an 8" x 10" on glossy, or for diagrams, professionally rendered or computer

generated. All labels and details must be clearly printed and large enough to remain legible at a 50%

reduction. Each figure must be numbered consecutively with an Arabic number. Descriptive legends must

be typed together, double-spaced, on a separate sheet preceding the artwork. Artwork should be identified

by number and title on the back and carefully packaged in a protective envelope. All figures must be cited

in the text. 



First proofs will be sent by email to the lead author who will be expected to correct and return them to

Cambridge within 3 days of receipt. 



25 offprints of the article will be provided free of charge to the lead author. Additional offprints may be

purchased if ordered at the proof stage. 

Editorial Board


    Rena Torres Cacoullos

          Rena Torres Cacoullos
Department of Spanish, Italian and Portuguese
Pennsylvania State University
237 Burrowes Building
University Park, PA 16802



     William Labov

       University of Pennsylvania
Department of Linguistics
PA 19104-6305


Associate Editor

      Sylvie Dubois

         Louisiana State University

       Penelope Eckert

     Stanford University

        John C. Paolillo

       Indiana University

          Beatrice Santorini

          University of Pennsylvania

        James Walker

          York University

Editorial Board

      Henrietta Cedergren

         Universit?du Québec ?Montréal

         Sandra Clarke

         Memorial University of Newfoundland

          Gregory Guy

         New York University

        Barbara Horvath

       University of Sydney

          Anthony Naro

       Federal University, Rio de Janiero, Brazil

      Shana Poplack

       University of Ottawa

     Gillian Sankoff

    University of Pennsylvania

     Gunnel Tottie

        University of Zurich

       Peter Trudgill

       University of Friburg

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