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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

The International Journal of Bilingualismis an international forum for the dissemination of original research on the linguistic, psychological, neurological, and social issues which emerge from language contact. While stressing interdisciplinary links, the focus of the Journal is on the language behavior of the bi- and multilingual individual.

Abstracting/Indexing Services:

 ProQuest Information & Learning

Instructions to Authors

Manuscript Submission Guidelines:

The International Journal of Bilingualism is an international peer-reviewed forum for the dissemination of original research on the linguistic, psychological, neurological, and social issues which emerge from language contact. While stressing interdisciplinary links, the focus of the Journal is on the language behaviour of the bi- and multi-lingual individual. Preference will be given to research articles which are firmly based on empirical evidence and which seek to develop innovative analytic models and/or to forge new links between established fields. Original research papers which have considerable theoretical and methodological import, either formulating new hypotheses, or supporting or refuting new or previously established models, will be particularly welcome.

The journal respects the needs and interests of readers at several levels of expertise, from all over the world, and across the spectrum of behavioral and social sciences. In addition to full-length research papers, contributions are accepted in the form of case study reports of laboratory experiments and field observations, short scholarly notes, and critical review articles.

Manuscripts are accepted for review with the understanding that the same work has not been and will not be published, nor is presently submitted, elsewhere; that all persons listed as authors have given their approval for the submission of the paper; and that any person cited as a source of personal communication has approved such citation.

Journal Contributor's Publishing Agreement

SAGE requires the author as the rights holder to sign a Journal Contributor's Publishing Agreement for all articles we publish. SAGE's Journal Contributor's Publishing Agreement is a licence agreement under which the author retains copyright in the work but grants SAGE the sole and exclusive right and licence to publish for the full legal term of copyright. Exceptions may exist where assignment of copyright is required or preferred by a proprietor other than SAGE. In this case copyright in the work will be assigned from the author to the society. For more details, go to the Author Gateway on the SAGE website: http:/www.sagepub.co.uk/journalEditors.nav

Manuscript submission guidelines

Contributions should be written in English and should be typed, double spaced, on single sided A4 or 8.5-inch paper with 1-inch margins. Page one should contain the article title, author(s), affiliation(s), a running head of no more than 50 characters including letters and spaces, and the name and complete mailing address (including fax and email, if possible) of the person to whom correspondence should be sent. Page two should include a 200-word abstract and up to six keywords. A short bio statement (50 words) should be submitted on a separate page. Since all submissions will be peer reviewed anonymously, identifying information should be removed from the body of the paper.

Two print copies of the manuscripts and one electronic copy saved in MicroSoft Word should be sent as email attachment to: ijb@bbk.ac.uk, or Professor Li Wei, International Journal of Bilingualism, Department of Applied Linguistics & Communication, Birkbeck College, University of London, 43 Godron Square, Bloomsbury, London WC1H 0PD, UK. Once accepted for publication, the author(s) will be required to submit a Microsoft Word?file as well as two printed copies, conforming to the stylistic requirements specified below. A PDF of your complete paper will also be required, for use as a typographical reference. The Publisher reserves the right not to publish any articles which do not conform to these requirements. In case of doubt of queries, authors are advised to consult with the Editors before submitting their final manuscript.

Figures, Graphs, Charts, and Tables:Authors must provide numbered A4 high-quality printed originals of all figures, graphs, charts, and tables, that will be clearly legible when reduced to a maximum width of 13cms. Colour material will be printed in grayscale.

Whether or not embedded in the body of the Word?document, figures, graphs, and charts should also be saved separately as TIFF, PDF or Postscript?files, whenever possible, to ensure the best possible print quality. In addition, JPG format is accepted for photographs. Other formats may not be suitable for use. In all cases, the resolution must be at least 300dpi. Embedded tables should be placed at the end of the paper. Please indicate clearly in the body of the article where the above items should be inserted.

Examples: Examples should be set in italic and numbered consecutively. Examples in languages other than English should be set in Romanized script, if available, and in italics; any gloss should be aligned, followed by the English translation in single quotation marks, as in example (11) below. For bi-/multi-lingual examples, use italics for one language, CAPITALS and underlining for the others (in that order), as in example (12):

(11) Ta shibushi yijin shidao le nayo xiao xi

he BE not BE already know PERF. that one news

'Has he heard the news already?'

(12) Women shi FRIEND, si

we BE friend, yes?

'We are friends, right?'

Fonts and symbols:'Times New Roman', 12 point, should be used for general text and 'Symbol' font where required. Phonetic transcription should only be used when the article addresses phonetic issues as its theme, in which case the new 'DoulosSIL' font corresponding to IPA (latest revision) is required (please do NOT use earlier 'SIL' fonts). Any specific language fonts used must conform to the Unicode convention.

Style:With electronic submissions, do NOT use underline to indicate italic style. Instead , use whatever style you intend to appear in the final publication.

Footnotes and Endnotes:Footnotes are discouraged and should only be used for acknowledgements, grant numbers, or other credits. Endnotes should be used sparingly and indicated by consecutive numbers in the text.

Citations:Double quotation marks should be used throughout, except in linguistic examples as shown above, or for enclosing quotations within quotations. Words from languages other than English or words intended to be emphasized should be in italics. The names of all authors should be given when first mentioned in text. For subsequent citations, 'et al.' should be used. Citations of two or more works within the same parentheses should be made in alphabetical order by the first author's surname. Below are examples:

Muysken (1995) proposed a model...;

…the matrix language (Myers-Scotton & Jake, 1995, p. 983);

…the process of shift across languages (Clyne, 1982, 1985; Fishman, 1966; Gal, 1979; Li, Milroy, & Pong, 1992).

References:All sources cited in the text must be included in an alphabetized reference list, and vice versa. The names of all authors should be given in the reference list. Below are examples of entries for a book, a chapter in an edited book, a journal article, a conference paper, and a thesis:

AUER, P. (1997, April). From conversation to language structure: An interpretive perspective on code-switching, codemixing and mixed varieties. Keynote speech given at the 1st International Symposium on Bilingualism, Newcastle upon Tyne, U.K.

CLYNE, M. (1997). Some of the things trilinguals do. International Journal of Bilingualism, 1, 95-116

MOFATT, S. (1990). Becoming bilingual: A sociolinguistic study of communication of young mother-tongue Panjabi-speaking children. Unpublished PhD thesis, Department of Speech, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, U.K.

MYERS-SCOTTON, C. (1993). Duelling languages: Grammatical structure in codeswitching. Oxford: Clarendon Press.

POPLACK, S., & MEECHAN, M. (1995). Patterns of language mixture: Nominal structure in Wolof-French and Fongbe-French bilingual discourse. In L. Milroy & P. Muysken (Eds.), One speaker, two languages: Cross-disciplinary perspectives on codeswitching (pp. 191-232). Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press.

Authors are especially asked to ensure that for each source cited within the body of the article, an accurate corresponding entry exists within the body of the article, an accurate corresponding entry exists within the bibliography. Note that a change may be made for correcting such inaccuracies.

Permissions:Copies of any letters granting permission to reproduce illustrations and tables from other sources, or lengthy quoted passages, must be included with the manuscript.

Page Proofs and Corrections: Page proofs in PDF format are normally sent to the corresponding author as an email attachment. (The free Adobe software required to read these files can be downloaded from http:/www.adobe.com/support/downloads/main.html>). Authors are expected to print out, correct, and return their corrections to the Publisher within one week of receipt. Minor corrections may be sent via email. Authors are responsible for the cost of changes, additions, or corrections other than printer or publisher errors.

Complimentary material:SAGE provides authors with pdfs of their final articles through a system called ArticleWorks. Corresponding or first-named authors will receive an email with a link to their article on Sage Journals Online, and can save the file and forward the link to colleagues a set number of times - mostly 25. Authors can view and print out their PDF as many times as they like. The file needs to be saved as a .exe file and not as a PDF (if the file is saved as a PDF it will ask for a password and authors will be unable to view their article). Authors will also receive a complimentary copy of the journal. A maximum of 5 journal copies will be supplied for multi-authored articles. These will be supplied to the main author.

Through this service authors can also purchase additional hard copy offprints as they are needed as well as further electronic accesses for educational and/or marketing opportunities.

If you would like further information about this service or have a technical query about your PDF offprints please contact us at sageuk@cadmus.com


Editorial Board

Editorial Board:                                 

                          Peter Auer                     International Labour Office (ilo), Europe

                          Hugo Baetens Beardsmore      

                          Kathy Barnhart               Proquest, USA

                          Ellen Bialystok               York University, Canada

                          Kees De Bot                   Groningen University (RuG), Netherlands

                          Li-Rong Lilly Cheng       San Diego State University

                          Eve Clark                      Stanford University, USA

                          Michael Clyne                University of Melbourne, Australia

                          Nancy Dorian                

                          John Edwards                Oregon State University, USA

                          Fred Genesee                 McGill University, Canada

                          Howard Giles                 University of California, Santa Barbara, USA

                          David Green                  University College London, UK

                          Monica Heller                University of Toronto

                          Kenneth Hyltenstam        Stockholm University, Sweden

                          Helia Jordaan                 University of Witwatersrand, South Africa

                          Wolfgang Klein              Max Planck Inst of For & Int Crim Law, Germany

                          Judith Kroll                   Pennsylvania State University, USA

                          George Ludi                   University of Basel, Switzerland

                          Marilyn Martin-Jones      Birmingham University, UK

                          Paul Meara                    University of Wales Swansea, UK

                          Nick Miller                    Newcastle University, UK

                          Lesley Milroy                 University of Michigan, USA

                          Pieter Muysken              Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands

                          Carol Myers-Scotton       Michigan State University, USA

                          Loraine K. Obler            CUNY - City University of New York, USA

                          Michel Paradis              

                          Stephen Pinker               Harvard University, USA

                          Shana Poplack                University of Ottawa, Canada

                          Ben Rampton                 King's College, London

                          Suzanne Romaine           University of Oxford, UK

                          Larry Selinker                New York University, USA

                          Dan I. Slobin                 University of California, USA

                          Catherine E Snow           Harvard University, USA

                          Bernard Spolsky             Bar-Ilan University, Israel


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