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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal
Aims and Scope

The Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies is the leading interdisciplinary journal on Asia, Africa and the Near and Middle East. It carries unparalleled coverage of the languages, cultures and civilisations of these regions from ancient times to the present. Publishing articles, review articles, notes and communications of the highest academic standard, it also features an extensive and influential reviews section and an annual index.
Instructions to Authors
Bulletin of SOAS
BSOAS spans all periods, from ancient times to the present day, of the cultures and civilizations of the Near and Middle East, South Asia, Central Asia, East Asia, South-East Asia and Africa. It publishes articles and shorter communications which are both scholarly and readable on the anthropology, history, religions and philosophies, literatures and languages, music, arts and archaeology, law and related studies of all these regions.
Article submission
Articles should be sent to:
The Editorial Office
Bulletin of SOAS
Thornhaugh Street
Russell Square
email: bulletin@soas.ac.uk
Submission of an article implies that it has not previously been published or accepted for publication elsewhere. All submissions are refereed by specialists in the field. The preferred maximum length for a paper is around 10?2,000 words including notes and bibliography. Articles should be sent, in duplicate, as double-spaced hard copy (including footnotes, which should be given separately at the end), together with an abstract of not more than 150 words. Spelling is British English. On acceptance of articles authors are encouraged to send a disk containing the final version of the text.
References. The preferred style of reference is citation by author and date, e.g. Robinson (2000: 80) including a complete reference list giving full bibliographical details as follows:
Robinson, Chase F. 2000. Empire and Élites after the Muslim Conquest: The Transformation of Northern Mesopotamia. (Cambridge Studies in Islamic Civilization.) Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
A clear system of abbreviations or other critical apparatus should be used for archival and manuscript sources.
The following system of references will also be accepted: a first footnote citation giving full bibliographical data, e.g. M. Boyce, Zoroastrianism: Its Antiquity and Constant Vigour (Columbia Lectures on Iranian Studies, 7, Costa Mesa: Mazda, 1992), 187. Thereafter by short title; op. cit. should be avoided and ibid. used only to refer to the reference immediately preceding.
Titles of books and journals are italicized with initial capitals. Citation by volume and part is in the following form: BSOAS 60/1, 1997, 231?. Titles of articles are roman within single quotation marks.
Illustrations and scripts: line drawings, graphs, etc., should be supplied as good quality originals for scanning. Authors are responsible for clearing copyright permissions and providing the acknowledgement line. Photos and non-roman scripts, including Chinese and Japanese characters will only be accepted
where they are essential to the text. Scripts and characters should be provided as camera-ready copy (e.g. a laser print-out); in case of difficulty please contact the editorial office in the first instance.
Transcription: diacritical marks must be given in full and consistently on all italicized transcriptions. More detailed guidelines on the romanization of various language groups are available from the editorial office.
First proofs of articles and reviews are sent to authors and should be returned by the deadline given. Corrections should be limited to factual and typographical errors.
It is a condition of publication that authors assign copyright to the School of Oriental and African Studies. This ensures that requests from third parties to reproduce articles are handled efficiently and consistently and will also allow the article to be as widely disseminated as possible. In assigning copyright authors may use their own material in other publications provided that the journal is acknowledged as the original place of publication.
Authors will receive 25 offprints of their article and will have the opportunity to order further copies on the order form sent out with proofs.
Editorial Board

Editorial Board


Professor G. R. Hawting
School of Oriental and African Studies
History Department
University of London
Thornhaugh Street, Russell Square
London WC1H 0XG

Editorial Officer

Ms Elizabeth Gant
Bulletin of the School of Oriental & African Studies
SOAS, University of London
Thornhaugh Street, Russell Square
London WC1H 0XG
Email Bulletin@soas.ac.uk

Editorial Board

Dr D. Ali
School of Oriental and African Studies, UK

Professor T. H. Barrett
School of Oriental and African Studies, UK
Email Bulletin@soas.ac.uk

Professor V. I. Braginsky
School of Oriental and African Studies, UK

Professor Andrew George
School of Oriental and African Studies, UK

Professor C. A. Gerstle
School of Oriental and African Studies, UK

Ms Grace Koh
School of Oriental and African Studies, UK

Dr M. Orwin
School of Oriental and African Studies, UK

Dr W. Ouyang
School of Oriental and African Studies, UK

Dr J. Parker
School of Oriental and African Studies, UK

Dr Justin Watkins
School of Oriental and African Studies, UK

Editorial Advisory Board

Professor David Bradley
La Trobe University, Australia

Dr Julia Bray
Université Paris VIII, France

Dr Sascha Ebeling
University of Chicago, USA

Professor Mark J Geller
University College London, UK

Professor Virginia Matheson Hooker
Australian National University, Canberra, Australia

Professor James Matisoff
University of California, Berkeley, USA

Professor Shaul Shaked
The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel

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