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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

LANGUAGE AND LINGUISTICS (ISBN 1606-822X) was first published in 2000. The journal publishes a single volume yearly containing four issues. On average each issue has seven or eight articles or about 200,000 words and welcomes the submission of papers on all aspects of language and linguistic research. Information pertaining to this publication is briefly introduced below.

 I. Aim and scope

        LANGUAGE AND LINGUISTICS is an international academic journal focusing on theoretical language and linguistic study of East Asia and Pacific regions, thus compassing (inter alia) Sino-Tibetan, Austronesian, Austroasiatic and Altaic.

II. Frequency

        Four issues per year (January, April, July, and October).

 III. Manuscripts

(I)   The journal primarily publishes research papers; however, book reviews, comments and responses on specific subjects that are outlined within the aim and scope of the journal are also welcome.

(II)  The journal in general accepts papers for publication; if there is a special topic, the editor-in-chief may make a "call for papers".

(III) Manuscripts should be submitted by electronic file in Chinese (not to exceed 25,000 words) or in English (single-spaced and within 30 pages). The format of the manuscript is not limited in the first submission. Authors should provide one electronic file copy (PDF is acceptable) to: editor@gate.sinica.edu.tw

 IV. Editing Affairs:

        The editor-in-chief can decide to accept a paper (manuscript) or not on the basis of reviewersopinions. If there is difficulty in deciding the paper, then the editor-in-chief can consult the opinions of the Editorial Board. Each manuscript will be reviewed by at least two reviewers. The flow chart for manuscript processing is nine staged: (I). Manuscripts received, (II) the search for reviewers, submission for review, (III) Review, (IV) Revision, (V) Second Review (Second review after revision according to the reviewers' opinions), (VI) Additional Review (For those difficult or controversial manuscripts needing three or more reviewers.), (VII) Final review (The Editor-in-Chief makes the final decision based upon the reviewers or Editorial Boards opinions, (VIII) Typesetting, and finally (IX) Printing. It takes about 2 months for the procedure of soliciting reviewers and submission for reviewing in general; however, it actually needs about 4 months. If every manuscript is reviewed and revised one time, the procedure will takes 125 days on average.

V. Reviewers:

        The journal invites domestic and international scholars within the specialty and greater scholastic public as appointed reviewers and responsible for reviewing manuscripts in their various aspects. Reviewers are not paid but will get free copies of this journal and related publications.

 VI. Review Content:

        The manuscript is categorized (classified) within five levels, superior, good, ordinary, bad, inferior, according to the following review criteria: (I) the level of originality of the ideas, (II) the level of contribution, (III) the level of sufficiency of the material, and (IV) the level of rigor in argumentation. Basically, if the level of average review comments is below ordinary, the manuscript is not recommended for acceptance. For those manuscripts that have problems in writing mechanics (too many misspelled words or grammar), the manuscripts will be returned to the authors without any review.

        The review results are categorized as: (A) highly recommended, can be published without modification, (B) recommended, can be published after revision based upon the reviewers  suggestions, (C) barely recommended, revise according to the reviewers suggestions, then send back to be re-reviewed by editor-in-chief or other reviewers, or (D) not recommended and unsuitable for publication. (A) and (B) are at the similar category; (C) and (D) are at the similar category. If two reviewerscomments belong to (A) and (B) for a paper, the editor-in-chief can decide to accept it directly, or if two reviewers comments belong to (C) and (D) for a paper, the editor-in-chief can decide not to accept it. If the reviewers comments cross the two different categories, the paper should be re-reviewed again or reviewed by the third person.

VII. Manuscript handling procedure

1.    Manuscript submission: The format of the manuscript is not limited in the first submission. Authors should provide one electronic file copy (PDF is acceptable) to: editor@gate.sinica.edu.tw

2.    Revision: For those provisionally accepted manuscripts, the journal will provide the reviewers revising suggestions to the author who can follow the format of this journal and revise according to the reviewers suggestions. For the sake of confidentiality, the reviewers comments, if not relevant to the revision or not indicated by the reviewers, will not be provided to the author.

3.    Publishing: The revised manuscript will be published after final review. The priority (order) of publishing will be decided by the time order of the final review. When a paper is published formally, the abstract of the paper will be put on the web.

4.    Procedures for rejected manuscripts: The paper editions of the manuscripts will not be returned. Because it will not be published, revision suggestions will not be provided. For confidentiality, if not indicated by the reviewers, the reviewers¡¯ comments will not be provided.

VIII. Achievements

        LANGUAGE AND LINGUISTICS has been included in the A&HCI citation indexes (Arts & Humanities Citation Index), LLBA (Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts), MLA International Bibliography and MLA Directory of Periodicals, and SSCI (Social Sciences Citation Index).

Instructions to Authors

¡¡LANGUAGE AND LINGUISTICS is an professional and international linguistics journal for East Asia and Pacific Area languages which includes Sino-Tibetan, Austronesian, South Asia, and Altaic languages and other relative languages. It is mainly publishing research papers and comments and responses on specific topics. It is also open to public to submit all kinds of linguistics fields, theories, and methods discussing.

LL established in March, 2000 and is a quarterly journal.

Submit to:

Email: editor@gate.sinica.edu.tw
Editorial Committee
Institute of Linguistics, Academia Sinica
No. 130, Sec. 2, Academia Road, Nankang, Taipei 11529, Taiwan
Manuscripts should be submitted by electronic file in Chinese (not to exceed 25,000 words) or in English (single-spaced and within 30 pages).

If there are any questions, please contact:

Tel +886-2-2652-5020
Fax +886-2-2785-6622

Editorial Board

Editor-in-Chief:   Chih-Chen Jane Tang (Academia Sinica)

Honorary Editor: Hintat Cheung (National Taiwan University)

Executive Editor: Elizabeth Zeitoun (Academia Sinica)

Editorial Board:

Mark C. Baker (Rutgers University)
Robert Blust (University of Hawai'i, M¨¡noa)
Gennaro Chierchia (Harvard University)
Sandra Chung (University of California, Santa Cruz)
Bernard Comrie (Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology)
William Croft (University of New Mexico)
Hiroya Fujisaki (University of Tokyo)
C.-T. James Huang (Harvard University)
Larry Hyman (University of California, Berkeley)
Christine Lamarre (Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales)
Richard K. Larson (Stony Brook University)
Paul Jen-kuei Li (Academia Sinica)
Ian Maddieson (University of California, Berkeley)
Alec Marantz (New York University)
James A. Matisoff (University of California, Berkeley)
Alain Peyraube (Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales)
Elizabeth Selkirk (University of Massachusetts, Amherst)
Hsiu-Fang Yang (National Taiwan University)

English Editor:     Warren A. Brewer (Tamkang University)

Editorial Assistants: Chun-yu Kuo (Academia Sinica)
Vicky Y-K. Chen (Academia Sinica)


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