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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

A Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences

ISSN 1736-7514 (electronic)  ISSN 1406-0922 (print)
Published by the Estonian Academy of Sciences and Tartu University
since 1997

Editor: Urmas Sutrop

Trames is covered by the following abstracting/indexing services:
Academic Search Alumni Edition (EBSCO)
Academic Search Complete (EBSCO)
Academic Search Premier (EBSCO)
Advanced Placement Source (EBSCO)
Airiti Incorporation
America: History & Life (EBSCO)
Arts and Humanities Citation Index (Thomson Reuters)
CSA Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts (ProQuest)
CSA Social Services Abstracts (ProQuest)
CSA Sociological Abstracts (ProQuest)
CSA Worldwide Political Science Abstracts (ProQuest)
Current Abstracts (EBSCO)
Gale's Academic OneFile database
Historical Abstracts (EBSCO)
Journal Citation Reports/ Social Sciences Edition (Thomson Reuters)
ProQuest LLC
SCOPUS (Elsevier)
Social Sciences Citation Index (Thomson Reuters)
Social Scisearch (Thomson Reuters)
SocINDEX with Full Text (EBSCO)
TOC Premier (EBSCO)
Web of Science (Thomson Reuters)
WilsonWeb (EBSCO)

Full text electronically available in:
EBSCO online databases
Central and Eastern European Online Library (C.E.E.O.L.)

Urmas Sutrop urm@eki.ee

© Estonian Academy Publishers

Editorial Policy
1. TRAMES is an Estonian fully-refereed, internationally abstracted, English-language scholarly journal in the Humanities and Social Sciences. It is open to authors from any country and any scientific school.
2. TRAMES publishes papers from a wide range of the humanities and social sciences with preference to papers with broader theoretical attitude and a possible interdisciplinary approach. Besides this, TRAMES will be open to guest editors for theme issues which concentrate on particular topics or schools of scientific thought.
3. TRAMES is strictly refereed. The only criteria for acceptance of papers will be the originality of ideas, weight of arguments and clarity of presentation. The main principle of the editorial policy will be open-mindedness and tolerance for the heterogeneity of ideas. Each submitted paper is reviewed by two anonymous referees agreed upon by the editors. A double positive result will mean acceptance, a double negative rejection, and mixed response the involvement of a third referee, whose vote will be final.
4. TRAMES is an English-language journal. However, occasionally essays are accepted in German or French, especially - particularly in the case of German - in those disciplines in which English is not the primary language of international communication.
5. The journal will be published four times a year (spring, summer, fall, winter), each issue comprising of about 100 pages.

II Structure
6. TRAMES is so structured that there are
a) an Editorial Board, headed by a Chairman,
b) 4 Editors, including an Editor-in-Chief, and
c) a Managing Editor in charge of production.
7. The Editorial Board consists of 20 members.
a) Half of these members should come from Estonia, half from abroad. In cases of ambiguity, these differentiations can be handled flexibly.
b) The Chairman of the Editorial Board is the President of the Estonian Academy of Sciences ex officio. Vice Chairman is the Rector of the University of Tartu ex officio.
c) It should be taken care that the members of the board represent as many disciplines potentially covered by TRAMES as possible.
d) Appointment to the TRAMES Editorial Board is for five years.
e) Members should be in strong sympathy with the TRAMES philosophy and clear about their tasks and necessary involvement.
f) Duties of the members of the editorial board are
- refereeing whenever possible;
- involving other colleagues as referees;
- transmitting new authors into TRAMES and representing the journal;
- preferably publishing at least one article book review within two years in TRAMES;
- annual review of the report and activities of TRAMES, ideally in the context of an annual physical meeting.
8. There are four Editors, of which one is the Editor-in-Chief.
a) The Editors run the business of TRAMES.
b) The Editors decide on acceptance, reviews, reviewers, guest-editors, etc. They decide with majority; in the case of even split, the Editor-in-Chief has a breaking vote.
9. As Managing Editor, Tiina Randviir (Estonian Institute) will run the practical matters connected with publication of Trames. She also edits the manuscripts prior to publishing for correct English.
10. The nomination of members of the Editorial Board and of the editors is approved by the decision-making bodies of the Estonian Academy and the University of Tartu.

III Publication
11. In order to ensure on-time publication, referees are asked to submit their reports within one month from the receipt of the manuscript. If they do not meet this, immediately other referees are asked. It is up to the editor-in-chief to ask occasionally more than two referees; in this case, the first two arriving reports count.
12. Every other issue of TRAMES should be a guest-edited one, which however - especially in the case of conference proceedings - must be fully refereed also, either convincingly by the guest editors, or by TRAMES itself.

Urmas Sutrop, Editor-in-Chief
Jüri Allik, Editor
Wolfgang Drechsler, Editor
Martin Ehala, Editor
Tallinn - Tartu, 11.10.2004

Support and Contact

EDITOR: Urmas Sutrop
Roosikrantsi 6
10119 Tallinn
e-mail: urm@eki.ee
phone: +372 617 7501

PUBLISHER: Director Ülo Niine
Estonian Academy Publishers
Kohtu 6
10130 Tallinn
Eesti Estonia
E-mail: niine@kirj.ee
Phone: +372 6454 504
Fax: +372 6466 026


Instructions to Authors

Style sheet

A Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences

1. General
"Trames" publishes original scholarly and research papers from all fields of the humanities and social sciences. It is open for authors from any country. The editorial board will give preference to papers with a broader theoretical scope and an interdisciplinary approach. Review articles featuring the great names or events in the humanities and social sciences, particularly in the Eastern Europe, and book reviews covering recent books especially if published in or about the region, are also welcome. "Trames" is peer-reviewed, and is published quarterly. See also the editorial programme of "Trames".

2. Submission
Manuscripts submitted for publication should be in English with an abstract not exceeding 150 words in the same language. Manuscripts should be in electronic format (Word for Windows, WordPerfect forWindows/DOS) and should preferably be submitted through e-mail to the Editor in Chief ( urm@eki.ee). All correspondence that can not be transmitted electronically should be sent to the editorial address. The submission of a paper is taken to imply that it has not been previously published or is not being considered for publication elsewhere.

3. Style
The entire manuscript should be double-spaced with wide margins. The pages should be numbered consecutively. The papers and review articles should be reasonably divided into sections and if necessary, subsections, numbered as shown hereabouts, all with appropriate titles. The whole article should be arranged as follows:

3.1. Title page
The title page includes full title, names and affiliations of authors, mailing address, phone and E-mail of the (first) author, and short title with less than 50 characters.
3.2. Abstract page
Includes the full title, the abstract, and 6-8 keywords. If there should be any acknowledgements, they are placed at the same page below the abstract.
3.3. Text

The main body of text starts on page three. Each page has the short title at the top centred and the page num

4. Bibliographical references
References should be as complete and informative as possible.
In the text, references are made by giving in parentheses the name of the author, and, where relevant, year of publication and the page(s) referred to: (Nikolayeva 1991:24). If an author has only one work being referred to, the year is shown only when the first reference is made. If the author's name is a part of the text, it can stand outside the parentheses: "Nikolayeva (1991) has argued that...". If the work has two authors, both names are given, separated by "and": (Prigogine and Stengers 1984). For multi-authored works, only the first name is given followed by "et al.": (Rumelhart et al. 1986). Separate works referred to in the same parentheses should be listed in alphabetical order, separated by commas: (Nikolayeva 1991, Rumelhart et al. 1986, 1986a).
Quotations of no more than four lines are put in "double" quotation marks; longer quotations are to be set off from the regular text and indented by 1 cm on each side. In the final version, these quotations are given in smaller type, but without the quotation marks.
All works referred to in the text should be listed in the reference section at the end of the article. The list of authors should be alphabetically ordered, several works by one author should be ordered chronologically. References to works written in Cyrillic should be transliterated. The reference list should give the full names of authors, names of publishers and page references as completely as possible. Note the punctuation marks within references to books and articles.
Examples may be separated from the text and numbered using Arabic numerals if they are referred to elsewhere in the text. Tables and figures must be on separate sheets (and/or files), numbered separately and provided with a short title. The main body of text should be marked as for the appropriate placements for tables and figures.

4.1. Books, monographs, or collective volumes
This is how books should be referred on the list of references (note that the first names of authors should be spelled out in full whenever possible):

Heyd, David (1996) Toleration. An Elusive Virtue. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

Horton, John and Susan Mendus, eds. (1985) Aspects of Toleration, Philosophical Studies. London/New York: Methuen.

Mill, John S. (1977) On Liberty. In Collected Works of John Stuart Mill, Essays on Politics and Society XVIII. John M. Robson, ed. 213-310, Toronto: University of Toronto Press, Routledge and Kegan Paul.

4.2. Articles in periodicals or collective volumes
This is how to refer to articles in the reference list (note that the first names of authors should be spelled out in full whenever possible):
Lindblom, Björn, Peter MacNeilage and Michael Studdert-Kennedy (1984) "Self-Organizing Processes and the Explanation of Phonological Universals". In Explanations for Language Universals. Brian Butterworth, Bernard Comrie and Östen Dahl, eds. 181-203, Berlin: Mouton.
Mohanan, K. P. (1993) "Fields of Attraction in Phonology". In The Last Phonological Rule. John A. Goldsmith, ed. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Radziki, M. J. (1990) "Institutional Dynamics, Deterministic Chaos and Self-Organizing Systems". Journal of Economic Issues 24, 1, 57-102.
Smith, J. N. M. and E. Dawkins (1971) "The Hunting Behavior of Individual Great Tits in Relation to Spatial Variation in Their Food Density". Animal Behaviour 19, 7, 695-706.

5. Offprints
Payable offprints of an article (minimum 10 copies) can be ordered from
the Editorial Office at proof stage.

6. Transliteration of Cyrillic

Mailing address
A Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences

Mailing Address:
Estonian Academy Publishers
Kohtu 6
10130 Tallinn
Phone: + 372 6177 501
           +372 64 54 504
Fax: + 372 64 66 026
E-mail: urm@eki.ee

Editorial Board

Editor in Chief: Urmas Sutrop
Institute of the Estonian Language and the University of Tartu


Jüri Allik University of Tartu
Wolfgang Drechsler Tallinn University of Technology

Managing Editor
Tiina Randviir Estonian Academy Publishers

Advisory Board

Chairman Jüri Engelbrecht, Vice-President Estonian Academy of Science
Pertti Ahonen University of Helsinki
Jürgen G. Backhaus University of Erfurt
Mati Heidmets Tallinn University
Otto Kaiser University of Marburg
Alar Laats Tallinn University
Els Oksaar University of Hamburg
Eduard Mühle University of Münster
Rein Ruutsoo Tallinn University
Juha Räikkä University of Turku
Peter Senn City Colleges of Chicago
Michael Stolleis Max Planck Institute of European Legal History, Frankfurt/Main
Peeter Torop University of Tartu
Kalevi Wiik University of Turku
Björn Wittrock University of Uppsala

Editioral programme

"Trames" is both an end and a beginning. It is the end of the well established "Acta et commentationes universitatis Tartuensis (Dorpatensis) - Humaniora" and of the "Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences - Humanities and Social Sciences". It is the beginning of a new journal of the humanities and social sciences.
Why did these publications unite, and what can one hope standing in the beginning of this new trames (lat. footpath)?
The world we live in used to be divided to the East and the West. To some extent both had, and still have, a different way of looking at things. In the humanities and social sciences, where there are so few absolute truths, this intellectual division has given rise to a great diversity of thought. The seeds of the growth of scientific knowledge lie in this diversity.
However, this diversity of thought is not blessed with equal opportunities. The success of the West has given rise to the impression that it is generally more advanced. Only a few in the West bother to look at what is said in the East, when they develop their theses. And nothing else is to be expected - the linguistic and intellectual barriers have for too long been too high for this. On the other hand, only a few in the East have succeeded in making themselves heard and understood in the West. And this is hardly surprising - one has to present one's ideas in the way people in the West are used to look at things. This is not always easy.
In such a situation, "Trames" will attempt to become the connecting footpath which allows free movement of thought between East and West. It is also a footpath towards a more open and free society as well as a mirror reflecting the social processes leading to such a society.
"Trames" is open to authors from any country or any school of thought. The editors of "Trames" intend to attract the best contributions from or about the Eastern Europe, including Russia, and bring them to the international audience. The potential for this is good: as the successor of two well established journals, "Trames" will be sent by inter-library exchange to over 200 libraries in the world. The main goal for the publishers of "Trames" is to further increase the number of subscriptions and to achieve its coverage by well-known indices. This, however, will depend on the quality and weight of "Trames".
To ensure this quality, the manuscripts submitted to "Trames" will be refereed each by two anonymous referees from the relevant field of study. The only criteria for acceptance of papers will be the originality of ideas, the weight of the arguments, and the clarity of the presentation. The main principle of the editorial policy will be open-mindedness and tolerance for the heterogeneity of ideas.
As "Trames" will publish papers from a wide range of the humanities and social sciences, authors should take into account that the potential reader is not equally well acquainted with the details of all topics covered. While not intending to make any concessions from learning, the editorial board will give its preference to papers with a broader theoretical attitude and an interdisciplinary approach. "Trames" will also welcome one review article per issue featuring the great names or events in the humanities and social sciences. Each issue will also contain several longer book reviews covering recent books, especially if published in or about the region. In addition, "Trames" will be open to guest editors for occasional special issues which concentrate on particular topics or schools of thought.
The journal will be published four times a year (spring, summer, fall, winter), in English, each issue at about 100 pages.

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