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About the journal

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Trabajos de Prehistoria

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Trabajos de Prehistoria fue fundada por el profesor Dr. Martín Almagro Basch en 1960. Hasta 1968 tuvo forma de serie monográfica y, entre esa fecha y 1993, de anuario. A partir de 1994 se convierte en publicación semestral. El número 1 se edita en junio y el número 2 en diciembre.

Trabajos de Prehistoria publica artículos de síntesis, estudios interdisciplinares, trabajos de teoría y metodología arqueológica que resulten novedosos. Trabajos de Prehistoria se interesa también por aspectos conectados con la gestión del Patrimonio Arqueológico. Contiene una sección de recensiones y de crónica científica.

Trabajos de Prehistoria está indizada en Web of Science (Thomson-ISI) A&HCI, SSCI y JCR, y SCOPUS.

Factor de Impacto 2012: 0,404
Posición: 20/69 (Q2, Historia)
Fuente: ©2013 Thomson Reuters, Journal Citation Reports®

Eigenfactor / Percentil 2011: 0,000191/ 9
Influencia de artículo/ Percentil 2011: 0,1210 / 14
Categoría Eigenfactor: Antropología
Fuente: © 2012 University of Washington eigenFACTOR®

SJR 2012: 0,272
Posición: 37/125 (Q2, Arqueología)
Fuente: ©2012 Scimago Research Group, Data Source: Scopus®

Trabajos de Prehistoria facilita el acceso sin restricciones a todo su contenido desde el momento de su publicación en esta edición electrónica.
Trabajos de Prehistoria was founded by Professor Dr. Martín Almagro Basch in 1960. It started as a monograph series and in 1968 it changed into an annual journal to become biannual in 1994. The first issue comes out in June and the second in December.

Trabajos de Prehistoria publishes synthesis, interdisciplinary studies as well as current trends on theory and method in Archaeology. Trabajos de Prehistoria also deals with the management of archaeological heritage and it contains book review and scientific chronicle sections.

Trabajos de Prehistoria is covered by the Web of Science (Thomson-ISI) A&HCI, SSCI and JCR, and SCOPUS.

Impact Factor 2012: 0.404
Rank: 20/69 (Q2, History)
Source: ©2013 Thomson Reuters, Journal Citation Reports®

Eigenfactor / Percentile 2011: 0.000191 / 9
Article influence/ Percentile 2011: 0.1210 / 14
Eigenfactor Category: Anthropology
Source: © 2012 University of Washington eigenFACTOR®

SJR 2012: 0.272
Rank: 37/125 (Q2, Archeology)
Source: ©2012 Scimago Research Group, Data Source: Scopus®

Trabajos de Prehistoria provides free, unrestricted access to full-text articles immediately after publication.

Mailing Address

Instituto de Historia
Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales (CCHS), CSIC
C/Albasanz 26/28
28037 Madrid

Tel: +34 91 602 2300
Fax:+34 91 602 2971

Principal Contact

Ignacio Montero Ruiz
Instituto de Historia, Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales (CCHS), CSIC, España
Email: trabajosdeprehistoria.cchs@cchs.csic.es

Support Contact

Soporte Técnico Revistas CSIC
Departamento de Publicaciones - CSIC
Email: soporte.tecnico.revistas@csic.es

Focus and Scope

Trabajos de Prehistoria is the Spanish Journal of Prehistory that appears most regularly. It has been published by the Department of Prehistory (CSIC) since its creation by Professor Dr. Martín Almagro Basch in 1960. It was a monograph series until 1968 when it was changed into annual journal. In 1994 it became the only semestral periodical of its speciality published in the Iberian Peninsula. The first issue comes out in June and the second in December. The continuous appearance of the journal, its general scope, and the quality of its content have given it a preeminent position in Iberia and an important one on the international scene.

Trabajos de Prehistoria is a specialized journal essential for every archaeologist interested in the Prehistory and Protohistory of the Iberian Peninsula. It stresses synthesis, interdisciplinary studies, papers on theory and method, and new trends in this developing discipline.

Trabajos de Prehistoria incorporates, as well, the most recent concerns of prehistorians in Archaeological Heritage management. It also contains special sections for scientific discussion, book reviews and scientific chronicle.


Section Policies

In Memoriam

Unchecked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Unchecked Peer Reviewed


Unchecked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Unchecked Peer Reviewed


Only original, research articles must be submitted to this Section. Should not exceed a maximum of 100000 characters, including notes, captions, tables and illustrations. Submissions to this Section will be peer-reviewed.

Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed


Preliminary reports on research projects, excavations, surveys and new and significant discoveries should be submitted to this Section. Maximum length should be of 45000 characters. Submissions to this Section will be peer-reviewed.

Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Book Review and Scientific Chronicle

Should have critical content, and not be merely descriptive. The maximum length should be around 10000 characters (4 pages). Contents of this Section are reviewed exclusively by the Editorial staff.
For publications to be reviewed, two copies of the work must be sent to the Journal: one for the reviewer and one to be incorporated into the Tomás Navarro Tomás (CCHS - CSIC) Library.

Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Unchecked Peer Reviewed

Publications Received

Unchecked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Unchecked Peer Reviewed

Peer Review Process

Trabajos de Prehistoria applies a doble-blind evaluation by at least two external reviewers to the submitted originals. The decision will not delay longer than four months.


Publication Frequency

Trabajos de Prehistoria is published in one yearly volume, divided into two half-yearly issues appearing in June and December.


Open Access Policy

Trabajos de Prehistoria provides immediate, unrestricted access to all contents published in this on-line edition.


Sales and Suscriptions

Subscriptions Contact
Editorial CSIC
Vitruvio, 8. 28006 Madrid
Sección de Revistas.
Phone: 91 561 28 33/91 515 97 42-44-17
Fax: 91 562 96 34
E-Mail: publ@orgc.csic.es

To purchase single print issues or to subscribe to the print edtion of this Journal, please follow this link:
Al-Qantara: purchase/subscribe to the print edition.
You may also download the subscription form.

You may purchase single full issues or subscribe to the digital collection as PDF through the following vendors:
Casalini Libri s.p.a.
Digitalia US
e-Libro Corp. e-Libro.net and e-Libro.com


Exemption of responsability

The opinions and facts stated in each article are the exclusive responsibility of the authors. The “Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas” is not responsible in any case of the credibility and authenticity of the work.



Trabajos de Prehistoria is cited or abstracted in: FRANCIS; Anthropological Literature; PIOL e ISOC. Los textos completos (1960-1995) pueden consultarse en Periodicals Archive Online.


Exchange with other similar Journals

Trabajos de Prehistoria is exchanged with any publication concerning Prehistory, Ethnology, Archaeology and Ancient History from every country. For exchange please write to the Journal address.

Instructions to Authors


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Author Guidelines


Download HERE the Guidelines for the presentation of original manuscripts in PDF
Download HERE the Good Practice Code in PDF
Download HERE the Authorship Form in PDF

Trabajos de Prehistoria is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes work on the Prehistory and Protohistory of the Iberian Peninsula and its relations with Europe and the Mediterranean. On an exceptional basis, works related to other geographical areas may be published, but only if they are considered of general interest, based on their theoretical or methodological focus or on the comparative value of their archaeological content.

The journal covers subjects related to archaeological theory and methodology, archaeometry and palaeoenviroments, and contains different sections: Articles, Reports, Book Reviews and Scientific Chronicle, Abstracts and Received Books. Since volume 51 (1994) Trabajos de Prehistoria has been published twice a year (June and December). On occasion and based on prior decision of the Editorial Board, monographic numbers may be issued.  In such cases their contents will meet the publication norms and will receive the same treatment as other manuscripts received.

The digital version of articles may include complementary material (e.g., Excel tables) if the information contained or their value should so warrant, but always with the prior consent of the Editorial Board. Only original works contributions (ones not previously published or pending publication elsewhere) will be published. These may be written in Spanish, English or French, and should have the following characteristics:

Articles (Artículos): original, research articles must be submitted to this Section. Should not exceed a maximum of 100000 characters, including notes, captions, tables and illustrations. Submissions to this Section will be peer-reviewed.
Reports (Noticiario): preliminary reports on research projects, excavations, surveys and new and significant discoveries should be submitted to this Section. Maximum length should be of 45000 characters. Submissions to this Section will be peer-reviewed
Book Review and Scientific Chronicle: These should have critical content, and not be merely descriptive. The maximum length should be around 10000 characters (4 pages). Contents of this Section are reviewed exclusively by the Editorial staff.

Trabajos de Prehistoria uses an external, “double blind” evaluation system for the submitted originals, so that both the author and the referees remain anonymous. This process will take no longer than four months. The publication of an original will in no case be financially remunerated (see note concerning copyright).

The norms have a double objective: to guarantee that standards required by international databases be followed and to streamline the publication process.

Submission of the original manuscript

Papers should be sent to the Editor of the journal:
Trabajos de Prehistoria
Instituto de Historia
Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales, CSIC
C/ Albasanz 26-28
28037 Madrid. España
E-mail: trabajosdeprehistoria.cchs@cchs.csic.es
Figures and Tables should be sent in files separately from the text and, if possible, in pdf format in order to facilitate their electronic transmission to the referees. The complete address of the author/s, telephone and e-mail including, should be indicated on a separate sheet.

For an article to be accepted, a written declaration of originality signed by all of the authors is required, stating that it has not been, nor is it to be, published elsewhere. The statement should also include a commitment to the exclusivity of the journal. In publications arising from research projects, this statement must also include the agreement of the Principal Investigator if s/he is not one of the signing authors.

Submissions must conform to the following indications: ISO A4 (210 × 297 mm) paper size, 2 cm upper, lower and side margins, double interlineate, Times or Times New Roman font size 12, with a maximum of 30 lines per page including footnotes. Pages should be numbered consecutively. Footnotes must be numbered in the order in which they are mentioned in the text. Authors are to decide the proportion of text and illustrations. One full-page illustration is the equivalent of 5100 characters.

The first page must present the title, abstract and key words in Spanish and in English/French; the complete name of the author/s with asterisks referring to the institutional affiliation, or the personal address. Both full postal and e-mail addresses are to be provided. Acknowledgements should be located at the end of the text.

The abstract should summarize the objectives, methodology, results and conclusions of the work presented, in 50 to 150 words. Key words should enable the identification of the article by computer-based searching by topic, methodology, geographic location and chronology. Book reviews must include the complete bibliographic information of the work reviewed; the full name and address of the author should be indicated at the end of the text.


Differentiation must be made between Figuresand Tables,each one to be numbered using Arabic numerals (Fig. 1: 3; Fig. 1A; Tab. 1). Figures should include a graphic scale or other indication of North in the case of maps/plans, and lettering big enough to be legible after reduction. Locations within the Iberian Peninsula and the Balearic or Canary Islands should be indicated on a standard map that will be provided by the journal.

No illustrations are to be integrated into the text, and they should be designed to fit within the space of a whole page (162 x 210 mm), half page, or 1/3 or 2/3, or in columns, as shown in the model included in the journal. Their captions should be submitted separately, together with the text, with complete data for their identification.

Once a manuscript has been accepted, the author/s should send the revised version of the text to the journal, together with illustrations having a minimal resolution of 300 ppp for colour or grayscales images, and of 900-1200 ppp for  black-and-white images (preferably in jpg or tiff formats).


In order to facilitate comprehension by foreign readers, authors who write in Spanish are requested to use a simple and clear syntax. Also the following norms should be followed:
–Capital letters should be accented.
–Abbreviations: cm, g, ha, s.n.m., m2
–Years without punctuation: 1971.
–Scale 1:25.000
–Latin expressions in italics: et al., oppida, per se, in situ, ca.
–Citation of C14 dates should include the laboratory abbreviation, sample number, type of material, and standard error; calibrated dates must include the conversion table or program used.

Bibliographical citations in the text should be in the following format: the surname/s of the author/s in small letters, without initials, followed by the year of publication and (in the case of specific quotation), by page numbers preceded by a colon, all within parentheses. If there are more than two authors, only the first is used, followed by et al. Examples: (Belen Deamos and Chapa Brunet 1997), (Fernández-Posse et al. 2008). Citation of unpublished works are not accepted. Unpublished theses should be cited in footnotes.

Only cited works are to appear in the bibliography, and only those that are in print, with full publishing data.

The full bibliographic list must be placed at the end of the manuscript in alphabetical order, as follows:

Author/s surname followed by the initial of the given name/s (for all authors, separation from one another by semicolon); year of publication, works published by an author in a single year are differentiated by use of the letters a, b, c, etc.); title of the work in inverted commas; titles of books (Belen Deamos and Chapa Brunet 1997), journals (Almagro Basch 1969) or congress proceedings in italics and without abbreviation (Raposo and Cardoso 1997).

References to books should include the publisher and place of publication (Belen Deamos and Chapa Brunet 1997); in the case of reviews should include “Review of” (Consuegra Rodríguez 2005); in the case of journals, the volume and pages (Bosch et al. 1999; Jöris et al. 2003); in the case of congress proceedings, the place and date of the congress, the pages and the place of publication (Raposo and Cardoso 1997); series of books without abbreviation (Fernández-Posse et al. 2008; Garrido Pena 2006); online publication will include doi or URL with accessed date within parentheses (Mueller et al. 2004). Examples:

Almagro Basch, M. 1969: “De orfebrería céltica: el depósito de Berzocana y un brazalete del Museo Arqueológico Nacional”. Trabajos de Prehistoria 26: 275- 287 http://www.cervantesvirtual.com/FichaObra.html?Ref=29234 (accessed 13-X-2010) .

Belen Deamos, M. and Chapa Brunet, T. 1997: La Edad del Hierro. Síntesis. Madrid.

Bosch, A.; Chinchilla, J. and Tarrús, J. 1999: “La Draga: un poblado del Neolítico Antiguo en el lago de Banyoles (Girona, Catalunya). In J. Bernabeu Aubán and T. Orozco Köhler (eds.): Actes del II Congrés del Neolític a la Península Ibèrica (Valencia 1999). Saguntum. Papeles del Laboratorio de Arqueología de Valencia, Extra 2: 315-321.

Consuegra Rodríguez, S. 2005: "Review of Molina, F. y Cámara, J. A. 2005. Guía del yacimiento arqueológico Los Millares. Consejería de Cultura, Junta de Andalucía y Molina, F. (dir.) 2004. Los Millares. Los fortines de Los  Millares: el control de un territorio. DVD. Consejería de Cultura, Junta de Andalucía; Universidad de Granada; Producciones Bosco". Trabajos de Prehistoria 64 (1) 2007: 187-189.

Fernández-Posse, M.ª D.; Gilman, A.; Martín, C. and Brodsky, M. 2008: Las Comunidades agrarias de la Edad del Bronce en la Mancha oriental (Albacete). Bibliotheca Praehistorica Hispana XXV, CSIC, Instituto de Historia; Instituto de Estudios Albacetenses. Madrid.

Garrido Pena, R. 2006: “Transegalitarian societies: an ethnoarchaeological model for the analysis of Copper Age Bell Beaker using groups in Central Iberia”. In P. Díaz-del-Río and L. García Sanjuán: Social inequality in Iberian late Prehistory. British Archaeological Reports, International Series 1525, Archaeopress. Oxford: 81-96.

Jöris, O.; Álvarez Fernández, E. and Weninger, B. 2003: “Radiocarbon evidence of the Middle to Upper Palaeolithic transition in southwestern Europe”. Trabajos de Prehistoria 60 (2): 15-38. doi:10.3989/tp.2003.v60.i2.79

Mueller, R.; Rehren, Th. and Rovira Llorens, S. 2004: “The question of early copper production at Almizaraque, SE Spain”. 34th International Symposium on Archaeometry (Zaragoza 2004): 209-215. Zaragoza.

http://ifc.dpz.es/recursos/publicaciones/26/10/_ebook.pdf (accessed 13-X-2010).

Raposo, L. and Cardoso, J. L. 1997: “Nota acerca das industrias musterienses da Gruta Nova da Columbeira”. In P. Bueno Ramírez and R. de Balbín Behrmann (eds.): II Congreso de Arqueología Peninsular (Zamora 1996) I: 27-34. Zamora.

Book Reviews

For publications to be reviewed, two copies of the work must be sent to the journal: one for the reviewer and one to be incorporated into the Tomás Navarro Tomás (CCHS - CSIC)  library. Individual articles (offprints), and second editions (except those with significant changes) are excluded. Exceptionally, based on the judgment of the Editorial Board, replies may be published, but in no case counter-replies.

Proofs and Offprints

The correction of the first proofs by the author should be strictly limited to typographic errors and small mistakes, with the commitment of returning them in a maximum of fifteen (15) days from receipt. In the case of co-authored articles, proofs will be sent to the first listed author. Authors are entitled to receive one printed copy of the journal for each article.

Download HERE the Guidelines for the presentation of original manuscripts in PDF
Download HERE the Good Practice Code in PDF
Download HERE the Authorship Form in PDF


Copyright Notice

© CSIC. Manuscripts published in both the printed and online versions of this Journal are the property of Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, and quoting this source is a requirement for any partial or full reproduction.

All contents of this electronic edition, except where otherwise noted, are distributed under a “Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial 3.0 Spain” license (CC-by-nc). You may read here the basic information and the legal text of the license. The indication of the license CC-by-nc must be expressly stated in this way when necessary.


Privacy Statement

Names and e-mail addresses used in this Journal will be exclusively used with the purposes so declared in it, and will not be made available for other purposes or to other persons.

Editorial Board


Ignacio Montero Ruiz, Instituto de Historia, CCHS, CSIC, Spain


Mª Isabel Martínez Navarrete, Instituto de Historia, CCHS, CSIC, Spain

Assistant Editors

Primitiva Bueno Ramírez, Universidad de Alcalá de Henares, Spain
Carmen Cacho Quesada, Museo Arqueológico Nacional, Spain
Teresa Chapa Brunet, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain
Pedro Díaz del Río Español, Instituto de Historia, CCHS, CSIC, Spain
Manuel García Heras, Instituto de Historia, CCHS, CSIC, Spain
Antonio Gilman Guillén, Universidad del Estado de California, United States
Pilar López García, European Research Council
Alicia Perea, Instituto de Historia, CCHS, CSIC, Spain
Salvador Rovira Llorens, Museo Arqueológico Nacional, Spain
Juan Manuel Vicent García, Instituto de Historia, CCHS, CSIC, Spain

Editorial Board

Pablo Arias Cabal, Universidad de Cantabria, Spain
Martin Bartelheim, Universität Tübingen, Germany
María Belén Deamos, Universidad de Sevilla, Spain
Joan Bernabeu Auban, Universitat de Valencia, Spain
Robert W. Chapman, Universidad de Reading, United Kingdom
Jean-Claude Clottes, Comité Internacional de Arte Rupestre, ICOMOS, Foix, France
Héctor D'Antoni, NASA, Ames Research Center, United States
Margarita Díaz Andreu, ICREA-Universitat de Barcelona, Spain
Clive Gamble, University of Southampton, United Kingdom
Manuel Gándara Vázquez, Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, Mexico
Leonardo García Sanjuán, Universidad de Sevilla, Spain
Jean Guilaine, Collége de France, París, France
Almudena Hernando Gonzalo, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain
Miguel Kunst, Instituto Arqueológico Alemán, Madrid, Spain
Linda Manzanilla, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico
Victorino Mayoral Herrera, Instituto de Arqueología de Mérida, CSIC
Miquel Molist Montaña, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, Spain
Pierre Moret, Université de Toulouse- Le Mirail, France
Margherita Mussi, Universidad La Sapienza, Roma, Italy
César Parcero Oubiña, Instituto de Ciencias del Patrimonio (Incipit), CSIC, Spain
Hermann Parzinger, Stiftung Preussischer Kulturbesitz, Berlin, Germany
Gustavo Politis, Universidad de la Plata, Argentina
Luis Raposo, Museo Nacional de Arqueología, Lisboa, Portugal
Gonzalo Ruiz Zapatero, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain
Lawrence G. Straus, Universidad de Nuevo México, United States
Xavier Terradas Batlle, Institución Milá y Fontanals, CSIC, Spain
Ignacio de la Torre Sainz, University College, Londres, United Kingdom
Pilar Utrilla, Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain
Manuel Vaquero Rodríguez, Universidad Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona, Spain
Iraida Vargas, Universidad Central de Venezuela, Venezuela
Raquel Vilaça, Universidad de Coimbra, Portugal
João Zilhão, ICREA-Universitat de Barcelona, Spain

Technical management and editorial coordination

Jorge Sanz Sande, Unidad de Apoyo a la Edición de Revistas, CCHS, CSIC, Spain

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