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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Basic Information

RLA, founded in 1963, is one of the oldest journals in the field of Chilean linguistics and has one of the most ample trajectories. It is published twice a year by the Spanish Department of the Arts and Humanities Faculty of the Universidad de Concepción and has as its main objective the fostering of theoretical and applied linguistic research in academic areas on both the national and international level. It is aimed at researchers, linguists, phonoaudiologists, academics and readers in general in both the national and international scientific communities (Latin America, Europe, USA).

The works appearing in RLA are unpublished manuscripts coming from the diverse areas of theoretical or applied linguistic research. For example, linguistics applied to foreign languages and the mother tongue, comparative linguistics, linguistics and computers, general linguistics, ethnolinguistics, psycholinguistics, sociolinguistics, etc.

Evaluation of articles is carried out by external pairs, both national and international, belonging to the Scientific Editorial Committee. They will take into account aspects such as the originality of the research or manuscript and relevance for scientific knowledge in either theoretical or applied linguistics.

Indexed in

The articles published in RLA are indexed or abstracted in:

 LLBA - Language and Language Behaviour Abstracts, San Diego, CA, USA.

 MLA - Modern and Language Association of America, Nueva York, USA.

 Francis, Institut de l'Information Scientifique et Technique - INIST, Nancy, Francia.

  Gale Group - Thompson Corporation - Michigan, USA.

 Red ALyC - Red de Revistas Científicas de América Latina y El Caribe, España, Portugal, en Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades, Toluca, México.

 SCIELO - Scientific Electronic Library on Line (www.scielo.cl)


All rights reserved. The total or partial reproduction, by any means, of articles from RLA ?Revista de Lingüística Teórica y Aplicada, should have the permission of the editor and author

Instructions to Authors

Editorial policy

  Revista de Lingüística Te rica y Aplicada has as its main objective the fostering of linguistic research in the fields of theoretical and applied linguistics on the national as well as international level. It is aimed at researchers, linguists, phonoaudiologists, academics and readers in general in both the national and international scientific communities (Latin America, Europe, USA)

The works appearing in RLA are unpublished manuscripts coming from the diverse areas of theoretical or applied linguistic research, preferentially written in Spanish or other languages such as English, Italian, French or Portuguese. Priority is given to articles that are based on research that is a product of Fondecyt (Conicyt) or equivalent projects (for example, corresponding to internal university research projects or others). Articles should strictly observe the Publication Norms of this Journal.

Evaluation of articles is carried out by external pairs, both national and international, belonging to the Scientific Editorial Committee. They will take into account aspects such as the originality of the research or manuscript and relevance for scientific knowledge in either theoretical or applied linguistics.                                                                   

Publication guidelines

 1.  Types of works or contributions: The works published in the journal RLA correspond to one of the following types:
Should have a maximum of 20 pages, including tables, graphics, bibliographical references and abstracts in Spanish and English.
Should have a maximum of 10 pages.
Reviews:Should have a maximum of 4 pages.

2.   Articles: The articles should correspond to linguistic topics pertinent to the diverse areas of theoretical or applied linguistics in which theoretical or methodological aspects are developed that propose innovative ideas o that complement and amplify previous investigations. Preference will be given to those that fall within the context of national or international research projects.

3.   Format of works. The format of the work should be letter sized paper, in New Times Roman Font, 12 point, single spaced with all four margins, left, right, top and bottom of 3cm. The following information should be included:

a) Title of work
b) Name of author(s)
c) Specialty, institution to which the author(s) belong and email address.
d) Abstract (resumen) and key words (palabras claves) in Spanish.
e) Abstract in English and key words in English.

4.   Quotations and bibliographical references. Reference quotations in the text and the final list of references should be in American Psychological Association (A.P.A) format:

      a)    When the last name of the author forms part of the narrative of the text, only the year of publication of the article is cited in parenthesis.
Example: Salas (1984) studied the linguistic situation

      b)    When the last name and the date of publication do not form part of the narrative of the text, both elements, separated by a comma, are cited in parenthesis.
Example: The study of ethnolinguistics (Salas, 1984) opened up a new

      c)    If there is more than one work/article by same author(s) appearing in the same
year, they will be cited with a consecutive letter following the year of publication.
Example: Salas, 1984a, Salas, 1984b, etc.                                       

 The bibliographical references in the final list should be in alphabetical order and by year of publication in the case of more than one work by the same author.

Journals: The last name of each author, first name or names, year of publication,
title of the work (in quotation marks), name of the journal (in italics or underlined), the volume, initial page-final page of the article.
Example: Álvarez, Gerardo. 2002. “La determinación de los sujetos del discurso? en RLA 40, pp. 25-39.

Books:Last name of each author, first name or names, year of publication, title of the book (in italics or underlined), edition, volume, chapter and/or pages, city of publication, name of publisher.
Example: Ramírez, Jos? 2001. Theory of the sign. 2a ed., vol. II. Concepción: Edit. Universidad de Concepción.

Electronic document: In the case of the use of frequent electronic sources, the veracity and reliability of the source should be strictly verified as well as the support of institutions or authors of prestige. The abuse of this type of source should be avoided. Citation should be as follows: Author, title of document, date of creation or ultimate revision. [On line]. http://address/name of archive/date of attainment of document
Example: Cassany, D. 2001. “Decálogo didáctico de la enseñanza de la composición? Glosas didácticas, 4. On line journal of the Sociedad Española de Didáctica de la Lengua y la Literatura. ISSN 1576-7809. [On line] Available at

Article or Contribution in CD-ROM:
Example: Ferreira, Anita. 1995. Verbum: learning Latin through a multimedial interactive application. CD-ROM edited by the Programa de Multimedios, Dirección de Docencia, Universidad de Concepción.

Example: Echeverría, Max. 1997. Noticias y deportes en el español de Chile in the I Congreso Internacional de la Lengua Española, Zacatecas, México.

Thesis or dissertations:
Example: Tapia, Monica. 1996. Velocidad y ritmo en el español público de Chile y España. Master’s thesis in Linguistics. Concepción, Chile: Universidad de Concepción

      4.1   All quotations in a work should appear in the final list of references and all references in the final list should be cited in the text.

5.  Tables. Tables and charts will receive the common denomination of tables and should be numbered in sequence with Roman numerals and graphics with Arabic numerals.
For graphs (bar graphs, circular graphs or others) do not use a color set. Only monochrome should be used. Distinctive elements should be presented in percentages or schemes that are clearly differentiated. Remember that they will be reproduced in black and white.
Tables, charts and graphs should be constructed in Excel software.
If the tables, charts
and/or graphs are not in the body of the text, their location should indicated.

     5.1  Illustrations or figures. Drawings and photographs should be called Figures and be numbered in sequence with Arabic numbers. They should be sent in “jpeg?archives with a resolution of 300 dpi and a minimum size of 9 x 12 cm approx. Their location should be indicated in the text with the abbreviation Fig. And the corresponding number in parenthesis. For example: (Fig. 2). They will be reproduced in black and white.                                       

6.  Notes. The notes should include information o commentaries about investigation, events, or publications related to the linguistic application of language teaching. The notes can be based on articles published in national or international publications.

      6.1   The commentaries and notes should emphasize critical commentaries that promote scientific debate and controversy. The Scientific Editorial Committee reserves the right to reject personal commentaries about the author of the reference article.   

      6.2   The notes should be presented with a title that makes mention of the investigation, event or publication dealt with in the writing.

      6.3   The commentaries and notes should follow the same style as that presented in the articles

7.   Reviews. The review should have a heading which includes the complete information on the text, including page numbers and ISBN.

      7.1   The entire text of the review should be evaluative and should express the position the author takes on the text that is reviewed.     

      7.2   The theme and central problem should be presented at the beginning of the introduction.

      7.3   Potential readers or receivers to whom the word is directed should be indicated.      

      7.4   The structure (chapters and sections) of the work should be presented with a complete summary of the contents.

      7.5   The existence of glossaries, appendixes or annotated bibliography should be

      7.6   The reviewed book should be place in relation to other works on the same theme.    

8.   Arbitration system and selection of contributions. Contributions will be submitted for the consideration of external members, both national and foreign, of the Scientific Editorial Committee.

9.   Notification of authors. The principle author will be notified of reception of the manuscript and, later, of the results of Scientific Editorial Committee.

10. Order of publication.The order for publication of papers will be up to the criteria of the Director.

11. Copyright. On acceptance a paper for publication in the Journal, it is understood that the authors yield the corresponding publication rights.


Evaluation of contributions

 The works will be evaluated by two member judges (national and/or foreign) of the Scientific Editorial Committee, paying special attention to formal aspects (specified in the Guidelines for Publication of the Journal) and to those aspects related to the scientific quality of the research (originality, relevance for scientific knowledge in applied or theoretical linguistics, adequate theoretical support, and adequate recent bibliographical references pertinent to the area of research).

A deadline of two months is set for the specialists of the Scientific Editorial Committee to inform their evaluation of the article. Depending on this evaluation, the director of the journal will inform the author of the feasibility of the publication of the work.

The Editorial Committee of the Journal reserves the right not to send for evaluation those works that do not strictly comply with the Publication Guidelines. On the other hand, the director of the Journal reserves the right to include articles accepted for publication in the volume considered most appropriate.                                          

Submission of contributions

  The deadline for reception of manuscripts for the first volume of the year is 31 March and for the second volume, 31 July. The works should be sent to:

Editora de la Revista RLA
Facultad de Humanidades y Arte
Universidad de Concepción
Casilla 160-C, Correo 3
Fono: (56-41) 2204530
Fax: (56-41) 2259108
Website: http://www.udec.cl/rla

For questions and more information, you may write to the above addresses.

Editorial Board


Dra. Anita Ferreira C.
Departamento de Español
Facultad de Humanidades y Arte
Casilla 160-C, Correo 3
Telefóno: (56-41) 2204123
Fax: (56-41) 2259108

Legal Representative

 ?Sergio Lavanchy M.                                                                                                 

Assistant to the Editor

  ?Fernando Wittig G.                                                               

Editorial Board

 ?Andrés Gallardo B.
?Humberto Valdivieso A.
?Jaime Soto B.
?Mónica Véliz de V.
?Max Echeverría W

Scientific Editorial Committee

?Raúl Avila, El Colegio de México, México
?Daniel Cassany, Universidad Pompeu Fabra, España
?Heles Contreras, University of Washington, Seattle, USA
?Ana María Harvey, Pontifica Universidad Católica, Chile
?Humberto López Morales, Academia Puertorriqueña de la Lengua Española, Puerto Rico
?Giovanni Parodi, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparíso, Chile
?Marianne Peronard, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Chile
?Carmen Silva-Corvalán, University of Southern California, USA
?Hernán Urrutia, Universidad del País Vasco, España
?Teun van Dijk, Universidad de Ámsterdam, Holanda
?Manuel de Vega, Universidad de La Laguna, España
?Claudio Wagner, Universidad Austral, Chile


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