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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal
Lancée en 1996, la Revue Française de Linguistique Appliquée (RFLA) est une revue internationale et interdisciplinaire consacrée à la linguistique appliquée, aujourd'hui en pleine expansion et moteur reconnu de la recherche fondamentale.

Contenu et objectifs

  • La Revue Française de Linguistique Appliquée (ISSN : 1386-1204) est ouverte à tous les domaines d'application de la linguistique ; elle est un lieu vivant d'échanges et de confrontations interdisciplinaires.
  • La RFLA se veut le témoin et le reflet de la recherche en matière de linguistique appliquée, de quelque origine qu'elle soit, mais particulièrement européenne et francophone.
  • La RFLA publie des contributions en français, mais aussi en allemand, anglais, espagnol et italien.
  • La RFLA s'adresse à tous ceux dont le domaine de spécialité suppose un rapport à la langue, et à la linguistique, et qui travaillent dans des secteurs variés - d'acquisition / apprentissage, de dysfonctionnement ou de traitement automatique du langage et des langues.

Encadrement scientifique et diffusion

  • La Revue Française de Linguistique Appliquée est pilotée par un Comité de rédaction sous la responsabilité d'un Directeur de Publication.
  • Elle est placée sous le contrôle scientifique d'un Comité éditorial constitué de membres reconnus de la communauté scientifique française et étrangère.
  • Elle est diffusée et gérée par Publications Linguistiques.
  • La RFLA paraît deux fois par an (en juin et décembre).
  • Dans chaque livraison sont rassemblés, sous la responsabilité d'un spécialiste chargé de la coordination, des articles consacrés à un thème spécifique de la linguistique appliquée.
  • Tous les numéros depuis 2001 sont en ligne en texte intégral sur le portail Cairn.
  • La RFLA est indexée dans les grandes banques de données bibliographiques internationales :
    • INIST-CNRS (BiblioSHS)
    • ISI-Web of Science :
      • Social Sciences Citation Index
      • Social Scisearch
      • Journal Citation Reports / Social Sciences Edition
      • Arts and Humanities Citation Index
    • Linguistics Abstracts
    • MLA International Bibliography
    • Scopus
    • Ulrich's Periodicals Directory


The Revue Française de Linguistique Appliquée (RFLA), which started its publication in 1996, is an international and interdisciplinary Journal of applied linguistics, a growing field of interdisciplinary activities and fundamental research.

Contents and aims

  • The Revue Française de Linguistique Appliquée (ISSN : 1386-1204) is open to all domains of application of linguistics, without any restrictions, in that it aims to be a meeting point for interdisciplinary interaction and confrontation.
  • The RFLA aims to reflect international research in the field of applied linguistics, more specifically European and Francophone.
  • The RFLA publishes articles in French, German, English, Spanish and Italian.
  • The RFLA addresses itself to those whose specialism has some link with language and linguistics, and who are active in various domains of application such as acquisition / learning of language, language disorders or automatic language processing.

Scientific responsibility and circulation

  • The Revue Française de Linguistique Appliquée is governed by an Editorial Board under the responsibility of a Chief Editor.
  • The RFLA is under the scientific control of an Advisory Board constituted by scholars of international repute.
  • The RFLA is circulated by Publications Linguistiques.
  • The RFLA appears twice a year (in June and December).
  • Under the responsibility ofan issue editor, every issue offers articles on a specific theme in applied linguistics.
  • The complete texts of all issues from 2001 onward are on line on the site of Cairn.
  • The RFLA is listed in all major international bibliographical databases:
    • INIST-CNRS (BiblioSHS)
    • ISI-Web of Science:
      • Social Sciences Citation Index
      • Social Scisearch
      • Journal Citation Reports / Social Sciences Edition
      • Arts and Humanities Citation Index
    • Linguistics Abstracts
    • MLA International Bibliography
    • Scopus
    • Ulrich's Periodicals Directory

The RFLA is managed and circulated through:
Publications linguistiques
15, rue Lakanal
75015 Paris
Tél. :+33(0)1-45-33-61-18
n° siret : 452-10-71-00017
All correspondence concerning the RFLA is to be sent to:
  • The Managing Editor of the Review for matters concerning its contents: e-mail
  • The office for administrative matters: e-mail

    Instructions to Authors

    Editorial style sheet

    1. To submit an article for publication

    1.1. At the beginnning of the article
    , indicate on separate lines
    - its title, as short as possible, and preferably not exceeding one line
    - the name or names of its author(s), followed for every author by his or her professional affiliation (and not solely his or her affiliation with a laboratory or research group).

    1.2. At the end of the article, indicate where the author(s) can be reached and where a copy of the issue may be sent (professional address, phone and fax numbers, e-mail address).

    1.3.Join 2 abstracts of the article with a maximum of 120 words each, one in French and one in English.

    1.4.Find a maximum of 4 keywords, if possible based on the (non-closed) list of keywords available on our website.

    1.5.The conventional length of an article is between 6000 and 8000 words or 46000 and 56000 signs, spaces included.
    Everything must hold in these figures (abstracts, tables, figures, bibliography).
    As every article in the Review starts on an odd page, it would be helpful if you could keep your article within an even number of pages. An odd number of pages would result in a blank (and unnecessary) page.

    1.6.The typescript has to be sent to the co-ordinator of the issue or to the editor of the Review in the formats .doc / .pdf.

    2. Formatting the article

    2.1.Type your article on format A4 with left and right margins of 4 cms in Times New Roman size 10 pts without any predetermined style sheet.

    2.2.Paragraphes will be numbered by hand according to the Dewey classification:
    - 1. / 1.1., 1.2., etc. / 1.2.1., 1.2.2., etc. /
    - 2. / 2.1., 2.2., etc.
    Titles of paragraphs should be brief, printed in bold and not exceed one line.
    A blank line made by a simple return will precede every paragraph.

    2.3.Examples will be numbered continuously over the article and the numbers of the examples will be put in parenthesis: (1), (2), etc.
    Reference in the text to preceding or following examples will be made by mentioning its number in the following way: (e.g. 'see example (12).').
    In the case of an example in non-Latin characters, add to the example, on two different lines, a word by word analysis and a translation.

    - Notes will appear at the bottom of the page and be continous and automatically applied.
    - The note reference marks will be placed automatically in superscript and not in parenthesis.
    - Notes should be used for comments only and not exceed eight lines.
    - Notes should not contain biographical references, that should be integrated in the text, and appear in full detail in the bibliography.

    2.5.Tables, figures and graphs:
    - Size: they should not exceed a width of 12 cms, frame included.
    - Since the review is printed in black and white, do not use graphics in colour. Instead, different shades of grey can be used or differently marked curves.
    - Tables, figures and graphs are to be numbered continuously in the article and should be accompanied by a brief caption.
    - The appropriate text ('Figure 2', 'Table 4') will be inserted before a Table, but after a Figure or a Graph.
    In the text, these will be referred to by their number and not by a formula like 'see the following figure' as formatting considerations can lead to displacement of the figure in question.

    2.6.Quotations in the text will be surrounded by inverted commas.
    Quotations of more than sixty words will be disconnected from the text and appear in a smaller type font and with a larger left margin.

    3. The use of special fonts and styles

    - Bold characters: only to be used in titles and numbered paragraphs.
    - Italics: to be used only in the following cases: book titles; words and phrases in the text written in another language; short examples quoted in the text.
    - Phonetic characters: phonetic transcriptions should follow the International Phonetic Alphabet, and will not go beyond the precision needed for the analysis the text demands. Different types of transcription in the same article should be avoided.
    - Other special fonts of non-Latin characters are to be indicated clearly and be accompanied by a PC-compatible copy to your text.
    - Punctuation: Keep the punctuation rules of the language of the article.
    In articles in French capitals do not receive accents.

    4. Bibliographical references

    4.1.For citations and references within the text, please mention in parenthesis the name of the author, year of publication, and, if necessary, the relevant page numbers (Dubois 2003, 41-46).
    If needed, distinguish between the publications of the same author in the same year by a small letter (a, b, c) after the year of publication.
    Multiple references will be arranged by date and separated by a semi-colon (Dubois 2003; Dupont 2004).
    For co-authors, if their names are used syntactically in a sentence, use 'and' and only put the year of publication in parenthesis (e.g. 'Dubois andt Dupont (2002) put forward that.'); if not, their names will be separated by & put in parenthesis (Dubois & Dupont 2002).
    Refrain from making reference to never published or / and inaccessible work, with the exception of doctoral dissertations (with the mention 'unpublished doctoral dissertation') since these can be consulted at the university where the degree was obtained.

    4.2. At the end of the article the complete list of quoted references without any addition of names, titles and authors not quoted in the article is presented in alphabetical order of the surnames of the authors.
    Please indicate where the work was published, the name of its publisher, and the exact pagination in the case of an article.
    In the case of a new edition of a work or an article, the year of its first publication is mentioned, and the year of subsequent publications is mentioned after the title.
    If there are more than three authors, the names of these first three will be given, followed by '& al.' in italics.
    If the article is made available on the internet (otherwise than by Google Books) the name of the URL will be given in brackets after the mention of the place and name of the publisher, followed by the date of consultation of the site in parenthesis.
    The titles of books, or articles published in reviews will be complete, and will follow the pattern of the examples underneath:

    • Benveniste, E. (1966). Formes nouvelles de la composition nominale. Bulletin de la Société de Linguistique de Paris, LXI-1, 82-95. In Problèmes de linguistique générale 2. Collection TEL, Paris, Gallimard, 1974, 163-176.
    • Cabré, M.T. (2003). Theories of terminology. Their description, prescription and explanation. Terminology, 9-2, 163-200.
    • Dury, P. (1997). Etude comparative et diachronique de l'évolution de dix dénominations fondamentales du domaine de l'écologie en anglais et en français. Thèse de doctorat de l'Université Lumière-Lyon 2. Lille, Editions du Septentrion.
    • Humbley, J. (2003). La néologie en terminologie. In Sablayrolles, J.F. (éd.), L'innovation lexicale, Paris, Champion, 261-278.
    • McNamara, T. (2000). Language Testing. Oxford, Oxford University Press.
    • Meillet, A. (1903). Introduction à l'étude comparative des langues indo-européennes. Paris, Hachette. Ed. révisée de 1908 rééditée en 2010, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge Library Collection-Linguistics.
    • Nadji, F. & Boudia, D. (2001). Guide de rédaction des références bibliographiques. Villeurbanne, Doc'INSA. (consulté le 14.03.2002).
    • Paulussen, H. (1999). A corpus-based contrastive analysis of English 'on/up', Dutch 'op' and French 'sur' within a cognitive framework. Unpublished PhD dissertation, University of Gent.
    • Pinto, S., Ozsancäk, C., Tripoliti, E. & al. (2004). Treatments for dysarthria in Parkinson's disease. Lancet Neurology, 3, 547-556.

    Editorial Board
    Editor in chief
      Hélène Huot (Paris VII - Denis Diderot) Mail
    Assistant editor
      Camille Martinez (Cergy-Pontoise)  
    Editorial board
      M. Adda-Decker (CNRS-ILPGA) Mail
      H.-L. Andersen (Roskilde, Danemark) Mail
      M.-J. Béguelin (Neuchâtel, Suisse) Mail
      M. Bilger (Perpignan) Mail
      A. Condamines (CNRS-Toulouse) Mail
      P. Desmet (Leuven, Belgique) Mail
      T. Fontenelle (Centre de Traduction-UE, Luxembourg) Mail
      N. Kubler (Paris VII) Mail
      H. Tyne (Perpignan) Mail

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