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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal



Revista Española de Lingüística Aplicada/Spanish Journal of Applied Linguistics

Published under the auspices of the Spanish Association of Applied Linguistics

ISSN 0213-2028 | E-ISSN 2254-6774
The Revista Española de Lingüística Aplicada/Spanish Journal of Applied Linguistics (RESLA/SJAL) is the biannual journal of the Spanish Association of Applied Linguistics (AESLA). International in scope, RESLA is peer reviewed and accepts for publication original high-quality scholarly contributions from anywhere around the world. Articles must be related to one of the ten research areas of the Spanish Association of Applied Linguistics:
1. Language Learning and Acquisition
2. Language Teaching
3. Language for Specific Purposes
4. Psychology of Language, Child Language, and Psycholinguistics
5. Sociolinguistics
6. Pragmatics
7. Discourse Analysis
8. Corpus Linguistics, Computational Linguistics and Language Engineering
9. Lexicology and Lexicography
10. Translation and Interpreting Studies

John Benjamins Publishing Company is the official publisher as of Volume 27 (2014). Back-volumes (1985 - 2013) are available on: http://dialnet.unirioja.es/servlet/revista?tipo_busqueda=CODIGO&clave_revista=1727

This journal is peer reviewed and indexed in: Linguistics Abstracts, Periodicals Index On-line, Annual Bibliography of English Language and Literature (ABELL), CSA Linguistics and Language Behaviour Abstracts (LLBA), MLA International Bibliography, MLA Directory of Periodicals, ISOC-Social Science and Humanities Index (CINDOC-CSIC), Spanish Index of Social Science and Humanities Journals-RESH (CINDOC-CSIC), LATINDEX (Directory and Selected Catalogue), European Reference Index for the Humanities (ERIH), Social Sciences Citation Index, Arts and Humanities Citation Index, Journal Citation Reports/Social Sciences Edition, Social Scisearch, RESH (Revistas españolas de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas, CINDOC-CSIC), and Scopus.

Main BIC Subject

CFDC: Language acquisition

Main BISAC Subject


Instructions to Authors


For the benefit of production efficiency, the publisher and the editor ask you to follow the following submission guidelines strictly. Papers that do not follow these guidelines will be returned to the author.

Contributions should be consistent in their use of language and spelling. If you are not a native speaker of the language in which you have written your contribution, it is advised to have your text checked by a native speaker.

When submitting the final manuscript to the journal, please include: a one-paragraph abstract, approximately five keywords, a short professional biography of the author, and a current mailing address.   

Electronic files

Files. Contributions should not exceed 10,000 words. They should be in English following the American Psychological Association (APA) style. Authors who are not native speakers of English are advised to have their paper checked by a native speaker before submission.

Please take care that you supply all the files, text as well as graphic files, used in the creation of the manuscript, and be sure to submit the final version of the manuscript. And please delete any personal comments so that these will not mistakenly be typeset and check that all files are readable.

File naming conventions. When naming your file please use the following convention:  use the first three characters of the first author’s  last name; if that name is Johnson, the file should be named JOH.DOC, JOH.WP5, etc. Do not use the three character extension for things other than the identification of the file type (not JOH.ART, JOH.REV). Figures can be named as follows JOH1.EPS, JOH2.TIF, JOH3.XLS, etc. Please write the file names down on the corresponding hard copy.

Software. Word (PC/Mac) is preferred. If you intend to use other word processing software, please contact the editors first.

Graphic files: Please supply figures as Encapsulated Postscript (EPS) or Tagged Image File Format (TIFF) conversion in addition to the original creation files.
For graphics that are not available in digital format, such as photographs, spectrographs, etc., please provide sharp and clear prints (not photocopies) in black & white.


In order to facilitate smooth production it is important that you follow the journal’s style for consistency. In this respect we advise you to make use of our electronic styles in addition to these guidelines. 

Do not add running heads, implement full justification or hyphenation, or the exact margin settings as used by Benjamins in printing. It is sufficient to characterize elements such as examples, quotations, tables, headings etc. in the formatting in a clear and consistent way, so that they can be identified and formatted in the style of the journal.

Formatting that should be supplied by you is the formatting of references (see below) and font enhancements (such as italics, bold, caps, small caps, etc.) in the text.

Whatever formatting or style conventions are employed, please be consistent.

Tables and figures. All tables, trees and figures must fit within the following page size (if necessary, after – limited – reduction) and should still be legible at this size:
11.5 cm (4.52”) x 19 cm  (7.48”).

Suggested font setting for tables: Times Roman 10 pts (absolute minimum: 8 pts).

Tables and figures should be numbered consecutively, provided with appropriate captions and should be referred to in the main text in this manner, e.g., “in table 2”, but never like this “in the following table: “. Please indicate the preferred position of the table or figure in the text.

Running heads.  Please do not include running heads with your article. However, in case of a long title please suggest a short one for the running head (max. 55 characters) on the cover sheet of your contribution. 

Emphasis and foreign words. Use italics for foreign language, highlighting and emphasis. Bold should be used only for highlighting within italics and for headings. Please refrain from the use of FULL CAPS (except for focal stress and abbreviations) and underlining (except for highlighting within examples, as an alternative for boldface),unless this is a strict convention in your field of research. For terms or expressions (e.g., ‘context of situation’) please use single quotes. For glosses of citation forms, use double quotes.

Transliteration. Please transliterate into English any examples from languages that use a non-Latin script, using the appropriate transliteration system (ISO or LOC).

Symbols and special characters. In case you have no access to certain characters, we advise you to use a clear convention to mark these characters. You can use our font table (Appendix A) or any other regular table to list the correspondences between your symbols and the required ones. If you use any phonetic characters, please mark these by the use of a character style if possible. This will enable us to retrieve those characters in your document.

Chapters and headings. Chapters or articles should be reasonably divided into sections and, if necessary, into sub-sections. If you cannot use the electronic styles, please mark the headings as follows:
Level 1        =   bold italics, 1 line space before, section number flush left. Text immediately below.

Level 2        =   italics, 1 line space before, section number flush left. Text immediately below.

Level 3ff      =   italics, 1 line space before, section number flush left. Heading ends with a full stop, with the text following on the same line.
Numbering should be in arabic numerals; no italics; no dot after the last number, except for level 1 headings.

Quotations: In the main text quotations should be given in double quotation marks. Quotations longer than 3 lines should be indented left and right, without quotations marks and with the appropriate reference to the source. They should be set off from the main text by a line of space above and below.

Listings: Should not be indented. If numbered, please number as follows:
1. ..................... or a. .......................

2. ..................... or b. .......................
Listings that run on with the main text can be numbered in parentheses: (1).............., (2)............., etc.

Examples and glosses

Examples should be numbered with Arabic numerals (1,2,3, etc.) in parentheses.
Examples in languages other than the language in which your contribution is written should be in italics with an approximate translation. Between the original and the translation, glosses can be added. This interlinear gloss gets no punctuation and no highlighting. For the abbreviations in the interlinear gloss, CAPS or small caps can be used, which will be converted to small caps by our typesetters in final formatting.
Please note that lines 1 and 2 are lined up through the use of spaces: it is essential that the number of elements in lines 1 and 2 match. If two words in the example correspond to one word in the gloss use a full stop to glue the two together (2a). Morphemes are seperated by hyphens (1, 2b).
Every next level in the example gets one indent/tab.

                (1)          Kare wa    besutoseraa  o          takusan kaite-iru.
                              he     TOP best-seller     ACC    many     write-PERF
                              “He has written many best-sellers.’”                              

                (2)         a.            Jan houdt.van Marie.
                                            Jan loves         Marie
                                            “Jan loves Marie.”
                             b.            Ed en   Floor   gaan samen-wonen.
                                            Ed and Floor   go      together-live.INF
                                           “Ed and Floor are going to live together.”


Notes should be kept to a minimum and should be submitted as numbered endnotes.
***Note: footnote indicators in the text should appear at the end of sentences and follow punctuation marks.


It is essential that the references are formatted to the specifications given in these guidelines, as these cannot be formatted automatically. Please use the reference style as described in The APA Publication Manual (6th ed.).

References in the text: These should be as precise as possible, giving page references where necessary; for example (Fillmore 1990; Clahsen 1991: 252-253) or, as in Brown et al. (1991: 252). All references in the text should appear in the references section.

References section: References should be listed first alphabetically and then chronologically. The section should include all (and only!) references that are actually mentioned in the text.


Görlach, M. (2003). English words abroad. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Spear,  N. E., & Miller, R. R. (Eds.). (1981). Information processing in animals: Memory mechanisms. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.

Article (in book):
Adams, C. A., & Dickinson, A. (1981). Actions and habits: Variation in associative representation during instrumental learning. In N. E. Spear & R. R. Miller (Eds.), Information processing in animals: Memory mechanisms (pp. 143-186). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.

Article (in journal):
Claes, J., & Ortiz López, L. A. (2011). Restricciones pragmáticas y sociales en la expresión de futuridad en el español de Puerto Rico [Pragmatic and social restrictions in the expression of the future in Puerto Rican Spanish]. Spanish in Context, 8, 50–72.

Rayson, P., Leech, G. N., & Hodges, M. (1997). Social differentiation in the use of English vocabulary: Some analyses of the conversational component of the British National Corpus. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics, 2(1), 120–132.

Additional Style Guidance

Please use in-text citations, numbered endnotes, and works cited.

1.  Please do not justify the right margin of your manuscript or the electronic version on disk.  Leave a ragged right margin.

2.  Please double space everything, including quotations and footnotes.

3.  Please use American spellings and punctuation, including

  • spellings in -ize, -or, etc.
  • punctuation that includes a comma before and or or in a series of 3 items (e.g. lexis, morphology, and syntax)
  • commas to set off any preceding dependent clause of a complex sentence or to divide a compound sentence
  • double quotes to enclose a quotation and single quotes to indicate a quote within a quote;
  • end quotes after punctuation (i.e., “to be done.”)
  • comma after i.e. and e.g.
  • do not punctuate lists

4.  Section headers, if used, should simply be phrases with no numbers. Please restrict headers to three or four per essay. They may be italicized.

5.  Miscellaneous

  • indicate a new paragraph with a single tab
  • set off any introductory phrase of five words or more with a comma, e.g. “Toward the end of World War II,...”
  • dates should be of the form “15 December 1998”
  • decades should be of the form “the 1980s”
  • spell out centuries, e.g., “eighteenth century”
  • at first mention of an author in your text, provide the full name, e.g., “Anne Ross...”; all following in-text references should use only the last name
  • use “and” in place of “&”, and “see” in place of “cf.”
  • use minimal capitalization, e.g., “translation studies”, “the Roman Catholic church”;
  • use minimal hyphenization, e.g., “postcolonial”
  • possessives of names ending in “s” should take the form of “Yeats's”
  • please avoid inappropriately gendered language, finding locutions as well that avoid    awkward forms like “his/her” whenever possible
  • represent dashes as two hyphens, no spaces, e.g., “despite the difficulty--however great.”


Appendixes should follow the References section.

Author’s Submission Checklist

When submitting the revised version of your accepted manuscript, in addition to following the guidelines above, please be sure that you also include:

  • a one-paragraph abstract of your article
  • a list of approximately five keywords to aid in searching and indexing
  • a short (2-3 sentence) professional profile, including key publications
  • a mailing address

Proofing procedure

The first author of a contribution will receive a PDF of first proofs of the article for correction via email and will be requested to return the corrections to the journal editor within 7 days of receipt. Acrobat Reader can be downloaded for free from www.adobe.com which will enable you to read and print the file. Please limit corrections to the essential. It is at the publisher’s discretion not to implement substantial textual changes or to charge the author. If it is absolutely necessary to change larger chunks of text (i.e. more than just a few words), it is best to submit the changes on disk (with identical hard copy).

Please contact the journal editor if you cannot handle proofs for your article in electronic format (i.e., receive the proofs as a PDF-attachment at your email address).


Submission of Research Papers and Reviews should be sent to:

Olga I. Díez Velasco
Francisco Santibáñez Sáenz
Managing Editors of RESLA

E-mail: reslaATaesla.org.es

Editorial Board
Editors María Sandra Peña Cervel | University of La Rioja, Logroño | resla@aesla.org.es
Bill VanPatten | Michigan State University
Managing Editors Olga I. Díez Velasco | University of La Rioja, Logroño
Francisco Santibáñez Sáenz | University of La Rioja, Logroño
Review Editor Francisco Gonzálvez-García | University of Almería
Editorial Board Eva Alcón-Soler | University Jaume I
Joe Barcroft | Washington University
Joyce Bruhn de Garavito | University of Western Ontario
María Inés Castro Ferrer | University of Puerto Rico, Ríos Piedras
Jasone Cenoz | University of País Vasco
Joseph Collentine | Northern Arizona University
Francisco J. Cortés Rodriguez | University of La Laguna
Robert Davis | University of Oregon
Sabine De Knop | Facultés Universitaires, Saint-Louis, Brussels
Idoia Elola | Texas Tech University
Victoria Escandell-Vidal | National University of Distance Education, Madrid
Pamela Faber | University of Granada
Susan M. Gass | Michigan State University
Dirk Geeraerts | University of Leuven
Gregory D. Keating | San Diego State University
Michael J. Leeser | Florida State University
Juana M. Liceras | University of Ottawa
Rosa M. Manchón | University of Murcia
Maria Antònia Martí | University of Barcelona
Juana I. Marín Arrese | Complutense University of Madrid
Javier Martín Arista | University of La Rioja, Logroño
Pedro Martín Butragueño | Colegio de México, D.F.
Rafael Monroy | University of Murcia
Carmen Muñoz | University of Barcelona
Susanne Niemeier | University Koblenz-Landau
Ignacio M. Palacios Martinez | University of Santiago de Compostela
Carmen Pérez Vidal | University Pompeu Fabra
Kim Potowski | University of Illinois at Chicago
Fernando Rubio | University of Utah
Cristina Sanz | Georgetown University
Rita Temmerman | Centrum voor Vaktaal en Communicatie, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels
AESLA Governing Board Ricardo Mairal Usón | Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, Madrid
Marisa Carrió Pastor | Universitat Politècnica de València
Juan Manuel Hernández-Campoy | Universidad de Murcia
Francisco Lorenzo | Universidad Pablo de Olavide de Sevilla
Silvia Molina | Universidad Politéchnica de Madrid
María del Pilar García Mayo | Universidad del País Vasco (UPV/EHU)
Javier Pérez-Guerra | Universidad de Vigo

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