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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Porta Linguarum is an international and inter-university journal that specializes in foreign language didactics. It aims to publish empirical studies, critical revisions, and theoretical models that relate to the many factors that influence the FL teaching and learning: -The social and school context: the family's social and cultural influence as well as the student's mother language and its influence on the L2 learning process, etc. -The students: their personal characteristics (age, gender, personality traits, etc.) as well as their attitudes, motivation, cognitive styles, etc. -The FL teacher: the teacher's mental representations, attitudes, motivation, individual characteristics, teaching behaviour, etc. -Learning conditions and the learning process: the educational/curricular treatment given, the teaching and learning strategies used, as well asthe didactic procedures, materials, and bilingual programs applied, etc. -Learning outcomes: evaluation of procedures as well as the evaluation of the students' communicative competence at different academic levels, etc.

Instructions to Authors


Papers submitted should not have been previously published nor submitted for current consideration elsewhere. They should not exceed 7,000 words including footnotes, diagrams, tables and references. The Editorial Board reserves the right to extend this limit in the case of articles of special scientific interest. Papers should also include two abstracts of no more than a hundred words each, one in English and the other in the language of the article, together with four or five key words. If the article is  in English, the second abstract and key words must be written in Spanish. All articles presented in a language which is not the author's mother tongue should be revised by a qualified native speaker. The author or authors are responsible for the content of articles submitted, and for any opinions expressed therein.



Contributions should be sent as an e-mail attachment; the title, author’s/authors’ name(s), affiliation, contact telephone number, postal and e-mail address should all be clearly indicated. 


Format and style.

Page format should be 17´24 cm and 2cm of margins. Papers should be typed using Times New Roman 10 font for the text, 9 for quotations, and 8 for footnotes.  The font used inside tables and as captions should also be 9.  Spacing should be single-space for the text and quotations. Citations should be made in the text by giving the name of the author and the year of publication, with page references where necessary – e.g. (Sánchez, 1998:15). References should be listed in full at the end of the paper.  Quotations of more than three lines should be indented 1cm from the left and right margins; inverted commas should not be used.   Footnotes should be used, and indicated in superscript consecutively throughout the text.  Graphics should be in [.tif] format. The presentation of originals and enumeration of sections should be as follows:


ABSTRACT and Key words: 9 font

RESUMEN y Palabras clave: 9 font

The main sections should be typed in capital letters. Example:

1. INTRODUCTION (capitals and bold type)


Subsections should be typed as follows:

2.1. Concept of motivation (bold type)

2.1.1. Instrumentral motivation (italics)


Book Reviews

Reviews should be no longer than 500 words, and should comply with the directions given above.  An illustration of the book cover should be included in “.tif” format.



Editorial Board



Daniel Madrid






Javier Villoria




Brigitte Urbano






Asuntos económicos:


José Luis Ortega




 Vocales del Consejo de Redacción:


Javier Villoria


Brigitte Urbano


José Luis Ortega


Stephen Hughes


Ana María Ramos


Dimitrinka Nikleva




Edición digital:


Daniel Madri

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