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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Phonology, published three times a year, is the only journal devoted exclusively to the discipline, and provides a unique forum for the productive interchange of ideas among phonologists and those working in related disciplines. Preference is given to papers which make a substantial theoretical contribution, irrespective of the particular theoretical framework employed, but the submission of papers presenting new empirical data of general theoretical interest is also encouraged. The journal carries research articles, as well as book reviews and shorter pieces on topics of current controversy within phonology

Instructions to Authors


Phonology is concerned with all aspects of phonology and related disciplines. Each volume

contains three issues, published in May, August and December. Preference is given to papers

which make a substantial theoretical contribution, irrespective of the particular theoretical

framework employed, but the submission of papers presenting new empirical data of general

theoretical interest is also encouraged. From time to time, one of the issues is devoted to one o

two topics of current interest. The editors encourage the submission of papers on proposed

themes as well as on other topics relevant to the interests of Phonology. In addition, they

welcome suggestions for future themes, as well as offers to act as guest editor for particular

themes. The language of publication is English.

 Submission of papers

Submissions should be sent to the editors in PDF format by e-mail:

Ellen M. Kaisse (kaisse@u.washington.edu )

Colin J. Ewen (ewen@let.leidenuniv.nl)

An abstract of the paper (no longer than 150 words) should be included. A hard copy of the paper

is not normally required. Manuscripts may be single-spaced; margins should be sufficiently large

to allow annotation of the manuscript by reviewers.

Submission of an article is taken to imply that it has not previously been published, and is not

currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. Authors of articles published in the

journal assign copyright to Cambridge University Press (with certain rights reserved), and receive

a copyright assignment form for signature on acceptance of the paper. 

Submitted papers will normally be read by at least two reviewers and by one of the associate


The author’s name should not appear on the paper itself, and, as far as possible, should not be

identifiable either from references in the text or from the document properties of the PDF file;

where possible, the identity of the author will not be made known to the reviewers of the paper.

Acknowledgements should not be included in the paper, but provided in a separate file. Details of

the author’s or authors?name(s), affiliation(s) and full postal and e-mail address(es) should be

submitted in a separate file; these will appear in the list of contributors to each issue. Telephone and fax numbers should also be included.

If it is not possible to submit the manuscript electronically, two copies of the manuscript may be

sent to the appropriate editorial address, together with a copy on disk, either as a PDF or in any

common word-processing format, with details of non-standard fonts used. 

 Manuscripts from North America should be sent to:

Professor Ellen M. Kaisse 

Department of Linguistics 

University of Washington 

Box 354340 

Seattle, WA 98195-4340 


Manuscripts from the rest of the world should be sent to: 

Professor Colin J. Ewen 

Opleiding Engels 

Universiteit Leiden 

P.N. van Eyckhof 4 

Postbus 9515 

2300 RA Leiden 

The Netherlands 

If the manuscript is not submitted electronically, an abstract of the paper (no longer than 150

words) should be e-mailed to the editors when the manuscript is submitted.


Notes and acknowledgements

Notes should be kept to a minimum, and contain as few examples as possible.

Acknowledgements should be made in a first note, marked with an asterisk.

Section headings

All sections and subsections should have a heading. Section headings should be numbered as in

the following:

1 Phonological structure

1.1 Metrical phonology

1.1.1 Metrical grids

Levels lower than these should be avoided.

Examples, tables, figures, etc.

All illustrative material (with the exception of tables and figures) should be treated as examples,

and should be numbered consecutively throughout the text. Tables and figures should have a


It is not necessary to put examples, tables or figures on separate sheets, except when they are very


Underlining, italicisation, etc.

Underline or italicise examples included in the text; glosses of non-English examples should

immediately follow the example, and be enclosed in single quotation marks. Technical terms

which it is desired to emphasise should be double underlined; these will appear in the printed text

as small capitals. Quotation marks or single underlining should not be used for this purpose.

Normal emphasis should be indicated by single underlining or italicisation.


Include short quotations in the text, enclosed in single quotation marks. Longer quotations should

begin a new line and be indented. Double quotation marks should only be used for quotations

within quotations.

Brackets and phonetic symbols

Enclose phonetic transcriptions, which should be no narrower than is necessary for the purpose,

in [ ] brackets. Phonemic or more ‘remote?representations should be distinguished by / /. Where

orthography is under discussion, spelling forms should be enclosed in < >. Italicisation of

phonetic symbols should be avoided.

Phonetic transcriptions should, wherever possible, make use of the symbols and conventions of

the International Phonetic Alphabet (as revised in 1993). If unusual symbols are used, these

should be clearly indicated.


Spelling conventions used in Phonology are those of British English. All -ize and -ise suffixes

appear as -ise.

Bibliographical references in the text

Reference in the text should be to author(s) and date, and, where appropriate, chapter, section or

page number(s), with co-annual publications distinguished as a, b, ? as in the following: Harms

(1973), van der Hulst & Smith (1982), Kaye et al. (1985), Kiparsky (1982a, b). References

occurring in parentheses should have the following form: (Kiparsky 1982a, b). References to

publications by more than two authors should use the form with et al. Unpublished works should

be referred to as (Jones, forthcoming) or (Jones, in press) where the work has been accepted for

publication; otherwise the reference should be to (Jones, in preparation) or (Jones, ms).


An alphabetically ordered list of all (and only) the works referred to in the text and notes should

follow the notes. Authors?names should be given in the form used in the cited publication.

References should take the following form:


Harms, Robert (1973). Some non-rules in English. Indiana University Linguistics Club.

Hayes, Bruce (1980). A metrical theory of stress rules. PhD dissertation, MIT. Distributed 1981,

Indiana University Linguistics Club.

Hulst, Harry van der & Norval Smith (eds.) (1982). The structure of phonological representations.

2 parts. Dordrecht: Foris.

Kingston, John & Mary E. Beckman (eds.) (1990). Papers in laboratory phonology I: between

the grammar and physics of speech. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Kiparsky, Paul (1982a). From cyclic phonology to lexical phonology. In van der Hulst & Smith

(1982: part 1). 131?75.

Kiparsky, Paul (1982b). Lexical morphology and phonology. In I.-S. Yang (ed.) Linguistics in the

morning calm. Seoul: Hanshin. 3?1.

Ladefoged, Peter (1982). A course in phonetics. 2nd edn. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. 

Liberman, Mark Y. (1975). The intonational system of English. PhD dissertation, MIT. Published

1979, New York: Garland.

McCarthy, John J. (1988). Feature geometry and dependency: a review. Phonetica 45. 84?08.

McCarthy, John J. & Alan S. Prince (1993). Prosodic morphology I: constraint interaction and

satisfaction. Ms, University of Massachusetts, Amherst & Rutgers University.

Maddieson, Ian (1992). Splitting the mora. Paper presented at the 66th Annual Meeting of the

Linguistic Society of America, Philadelphia.

Mascar? Joan (1976). Catalan phonology and the phonological cycle. PhD dissertation, MIT.

Distributed by Indiana University Linguistics Club.

Prince, Alan & Paul Smolensky (1993). Optimality Theory: constraint interaction in generative

grammar. Ms, Rutgers University & University of Colorado, Boulder. Published 2004, Malden,

Mass. & Oxford: Blackwell.

Schane, Sanford A. (1987). The rhythmic nature of English word accentuation. Lg 55. 559?02.

Steriade, Donca (1987). Redundant values. CLS 23:2. 339?62.

Thráinsson, Höskuldur (1978). On the phonology of Icelandic preaspiration. Nordic Journal of

Linguistics 1. 3?4.

Warner, Natasha (1999). Syllable structure and speech perception are inter-related. Paper

presented at the 73rd Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America, Los Angeles.

Page numbers should be given in full for all references to articles in journals or edited volumes.

Edited volumes should appear as separate entries if reference is made to more than one paper in

the volume; otherwise, they should appear in the form given for Kiparsky (1982b) above.

Abbreviations in references

The following periodical titles should be cited in abbreviated form:

BLS (Proceedings of the Annual Meeting, Berkeley Linguistics Society)

CLS (Papers from the Annual Regional Meeting, Chicago Linguistic Society)

IJAL (International Journal of American Linguistics)

JASA (Journal of the Acoustical Society of America)

JL (Journal of Linguistics)

JPh (Journal of Phonetics)

Lg (Language)

LI (Linguistic Inquiry)

NELS (Papers from the Annual Meeting of the North East Linguistic Society)

NLLT (Natural Language and Linguistic Theory)

WCCFL (Proceedings of the West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics).

No full stops should be used in these abbreviations.

All other periodical titles should be given in full.

(Last updated 19th

 May 2009

Editorial Board


Colin J. Ewen

Opleiding Engels

Universiteit Leiden

Postbus 9515

2300 RA Leiden

The Netherlands


Ellen M. Kaisse

Department of Linguistics

University of Washington

Box 354340

Seattle, WA 98195-4340



Book Review Editor

Andrew Nevins

Department of Linguistics

Harvard University

317 Boylston Hall

Cambridge, MA 02138


Associate Editors

Bruce Hayes

University of California, Los Angeles

Elizabeth V. Hume

Ohio State University

Larry M. Hyman

University of California, Berkeley

Professor William J. Idsari

University of Maryland


University of Utrecht

D. Robert Ladd

University of Edinburgh

John J. McCarthy

University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Keren D. Rice

University of Toronto

Editorial Board

John Alderete

Simon Fraser University

Diana Archangeli

University of Arizona

Amalia Arvaniti

University of California, San Diego

G. N. Clements ?

CNRS/Sorbonne-Nouvelle, Paris, France

Laura J. Downing

Research Centre for General Linguistics (ZAS), Berlin

Gregory K. Iverson

University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Yoonjung Kang

University of Toronto Scarborough, Canada

April McMahon

University of Edinburgh

Scott Myers

University of Texas at Austin

Marc van Oostendorp

Meertens Institute, Amsterdam

Tobias Scheer

CNRS, France

Joseph Paul Stemberger

University of British Columbia

Richard A. Wright

University of Washington

Moira Yip

University College London

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