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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

The leading journal in its field for more than three quarters of a century, the Bulletin is the official publication of the American Association for the History of Medicine and the Johns Hopkins Institute of the History of Medicine. Each issue spans the social, cultural, and scientific aspects of the history of medicine worldwide and includes reviews of recent books on medical history. AAHM members receive the Bulletin of the History of Medicine as a benefit of membership. Please click on the Current Pricing link below for more information.

Instructions to Authors

Author Guidelines

The journal publishes articles spanning the social, cultural, and scientific aspects of the history of medicine worldwide. Articles are based on historical research in primary sources that allow the author to make interpretations and to place the story in historical context. Articles should not exceed 9,000 words of text.

Please send the manuscript in hard copy (two typescripts), as well as electronically (either a diskette or an e-mail attachment).

Submissions should be addressed to:

The Editors
Bulletin of the History of Medicine
1900 East Monument Street
Baltimore, MD 21205
Tel.: 410-955-3179
FAX: 410-502-6819
e-mail: bhm@jhmi.edu
The editors are pleased to consider for review books spanning the social, cultural, and scientific aspects of the history of medicine worldwide.

Publishers should send review copies to:

The Editors
Bulletin of the History of Medicine
1900 East Monument Street
Baltimore, MD 21205
Tel.: 410-955-3179
FAX: 410-502-6819
e-mail: bhm@jhmi.edu

The Bulletin does not publish material that is available elsewhere at the time of its publication in the journal, nor material for which we must acknowledge permission to another publisher. We regularly publish articles that later appear as chapters in books, but the journal and its publisher hold the copyright, and the book publisher obtains permission to reprint. Publication of the journal article must antedate publication of the book.

Conflict of Interest: Authors are responsible for informing the editors of any institutional or organizational funding they have received for research related to the subject of the article.

Authors funded by the Wellcome Trust : The Publisher and Editors of the BULLETIN understand that authors or articles funded in whole or in part by the Wellcome Trust are obligated to post final versions in a Wellcome Trust-approved archive such as PubMed Central. The Wellcome Trust has acknowledged the substantial investments that editors and publishers make that enhance the usability and value of scholarship. Accordingly, the Wellcome Trust has made available $3,000 per article to authors to compensate Journals and Publishers for enabling contributors to comply with this policy. Affected contributors should notify the Editors. You will then receive an invoice from the publisher, The Johns Hopkins University Press, and upon publication, the Editorial office will send a PDF of the final version to PubMed Central for posting.

Preparing Your Manuscript: General Guidelines

  • Please identify yourself only on a detachable cover sheet, as the Bulletin's reviews are double blind.
  • Please supply an abstract of 100 or fewer words with your paper.

Summary and Key Words

  • Please provide a summary of your article(100-200 words), with 4 to 8 key words for indexing purposes.


  • Double-space everything: text, notes, and quotations.
  • Use underlining rather than the italic font. Don't use bold type. Use the same type size and font for all material, including notes and block quotations.
  • Quotations of more than six typed lines should be indented from the left margin and typed in a block format (double-spaced).
  • Every quotation should be fully documented according to Bulletin style (see below, "Notes"). Very important: The Bulletin prefers to identify the source of each separate quotation with its own note; please do not "bundle" citations into a single note at the end of the paragraph.
  • Dates should be in the form "17 April 1898."
  • To answer questions about style and usage in the Bulletin, refer to the Chicago Manual of Style (15th edition).


  • Use endnotes, not footnotes. Although the printed journal contains footnotes, at this stage endnotes are required.
  • Number notes sequentially; do not re-use the same note number later in the text. Indicate notes by superscript numbers in the text.
  • Acknowledgments should appear in an unnumbered note preceding note 1.
  • Document fully. The responsibility for accurate documentation lies with the author. For books and journals, follow the Bulletin style given below; for more complex references, see the Chicago Manual of Style. In general, give as much information as possible if you are unsure of the format; excessive detail can always be deleted, but it is difficult for the editorial office to supply details not provided by the author.
    Please be sure to provide:
    Full first names and middle initial(s) for authors and editors
    Subtitles of books and articles
    Full names of foreign journals cited
    The name of the publisher for books published after 1900
    For newspaper articles, the author, title of article, and page numbers if available.
    Exact and inclusive page numbers for all quotations
  • The second and succeeding citations of references should refer back to the first full citation.


  1. Alain Corbin, The Foul and the Fragrant: Odor and the French Social Imagination, trans. Miriam L. Kochan (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1986), pp. 10-12. [This is the standard Bulletin style for citation of books.]
  2. Francis H. Davenport, "Some Gynecological Cases Treated by the Faradic Current," Boston Med. Surg. J., 1888, 119: 397. [This is the standard Bulletin style for citation of journals.]
  3. Walsh McDermott, "Evaluating the Physician and His Technology," in Doing Better and Feeling Worse, ed. John H. Knowles (New York: Norton, 1979), p. 143.
  4. Corbin, Foul and Fragrant (n. 1), p. 11.
  5. Maria R. Audubon, ed., Audubon and His Journals, 2 vols. (New York, 1897; reprint, New York: Dover, 1960), 2: 42-48.
  6. "One Malady Casts Out Another," New York Times, 7 July 1925, p. 18, col. 5.


  • Tables and charts may be submitted as computer files or typed double-spaced on separate sheets of paper.
  • Photographs may be sent as glossy black-and-white 5" x 7" prints (do not send photos in color), or as e-mail attachments in TIFF or EPS formats. Halftones (art with any shades of grey) should be 266-300 dpi; line art, 900-1200 dpi. Do not use Word, PDF, JPG (JPEG), or GIF files for illustrations.


  • You will need to provide copies of letters granting permission to reprint illustrations.
  • Unpublished theses present a particular problem. If you are quoting more than 5 sentences from such an unpublished work, please provide a letter granting permission from the author of the thesis or from the sponsoring university. The editors hope to make theme issues in the Bulletin an annual event. We welcome submissions of possible topics, with the understanding that publication would be scheduled approximately 18 months later. Our first available opening will be in 2010; the deadline for submitting proposals for this issue is 1 September 2008. Proposals should include: the names of the guest editor(s), a two-page description and rationale for the issue, and a list of potential contributors and the titles of their articles. A Special Issue can accommodate up to 10 articles, each with a maximum of 9,000 words of text. We look forward to receiving your submissions.

Editorial Board

Editors and Editorial Board



    Randall M. Packard
    Mary E. Fissell

    Emeritus Editor

    Gert H. Brieger

    Associate Editor

    Susan L. Abrams
    email: sab@jhmi.edu


    Julia A McVaugh

    Advisory Editorial Board

    Warwich Anderson
    David Barnes
    Anne-Emanuelle Birn
    James Bono
    Joel Braslow
    Ellen Dwyer
    Georgina Feldberg
    Chris Feudtner
    Christopher Hamlin
    Barron Lerner
    Ellen More
    Brian Nance

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