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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Now indexed in the Social Sciences Citation Index?(Impact Factor pending)

Language and Literature is an invaluable international journal covering the latest developments in stylistic analysis, the linguistic analysis of literature and related areas. With its uniquely broad coverage, the journal offers readers easy access to all the important new research relevant to stylistics.

Authoritative Articles

Refereed articles from international scholars ensure that readers are kept fully up to date with the best research worldwide. Topics covered include: literary and non-literary stylistics, the connection between stylistics, critical theory, linguistics and literary criticism, and their applications in teaching to native and non-native speaking students.

Comment and Debate

The Notes and Discussion section provides a stimulating forum for debate on new and controversial contributions to the study of language and literature.

Book Reviews

New publications in the field are surveyed and expert reviews of the most important works are included.

Language and Literature is essential reading for students and academics working in stylistic analysis, text linguistics and literary theory. It is also an invaluable source of reference for native and non-native teachers of English language and literature in secondary and higher education.

"Language and Literature is a welcome addition to the family of first-rate international journals devoted to stylistics." - Style (US journal)

"Language and Literature is a pointer to the future." - Times Higher Education Supplement

"The articles in Language and Literature are varied and insightful; they are also full of ideas about potential areas of future research. The journal provides firm evidence that the marriage of literary criticism and linguistics is both legitimate and creative" - British Council

Electronic Access:

Language & Literature is available electronically on SAGE Journals Online at http://lal.sagepub.com

Instructions to Authors

1 Submission of manuscripts Four copies of the manuscript (typewritten), illustrations and tables should be submitted by post to: Geoff Hall, Swansea University, School of Arts, Singleton Park, Swansea SA2 8PP, Wales, UK.

Queries can be addressed to the editor at: g.m.hall@swansea.ac.uk. All manuscripts will be refereed.

2 Preparation of manuscripts Manuscripts should not normally exceed 6,000 words and should be typed double-spaced on one side only of A4 paper with a 3 cm margin all round. Pages should be numbered consecutively throughout. A cover sheet should include author(s) name(s), affiliation, full postal address and email address, telephone and fax numbers where possible. The principal author responsible for correspondence concerning the manuscript should date and sign the top copy of the manuscript. A brief (max. 250 words) abstract should be provided plus up to 10 keywords. No more than three levels of subheading should be used; the first two levels should be numbered 1, 1.1,1.2, 2, 2.1, etc. Acknowledgements should appear at the end of the text. Spelling should follow that of the Oxford English Dictionary. Endnotes, not footnotes, should be used. Quoted words or sections in running text should be in single quotes with double quotes within. Passages of more than 50 words should be indented. Please avoid 'generic' he and 'authorial' we (for I).

3 References Use the Harvard system, which in the text cites authors and year of publication, e.g. (Rose, 1995: 43) or Rose (1995: 43); use 'et al.' when citing a work by more than two authors and a, b, c, etc. to distinguish citations of different works by the same author in the same year. All references cited in the text should be listed alphabetically and presented in full after the notes, using the following style:

Articles in journals: Pilkington, A. (1990) 'A Relevance Theoretic View of Metaphor', Parlance 2(2): 102-17.

Books: Doughty, P., Pearce, J. and Thornton, G. (1972) Exploring Language. London: Edward Arnold.

Articles in books: Cooper, W.E. and Ross, J.R. (1975) 'World Order', in R.E. Grossman, L.J. San and T.J. Vance (eds) Papers from the Parasession on Functionalism, pp. 63-111. Chicago, IL: Chicago Linguistics Society.

Unpublished works: Cook, G. (1990) 'A Theory of Discourse Deviation', unpublished PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

4 Tables Tables should be typed (double line-spaced) on separate sheets and their position indicated by a marginal note in the text.

5 Illustrations All line diagrams and photographs are termed 'Figures' and should be referred to as such in the manuscript. They should be numbered consecutively. Line diagrams should be presented in a form suitable for immediate reproduction (i.e. not requiring redrawing by the Publisher), each on a separate A4 sheet. They should be reproducible to a final printed width of 104mm and a max. depth of 192mm. Half-tones are acceptable only if they are essential to the understanding of the text. Please supply clear, glossy, unmounted prints of black and white photos, with a good range of contrast. All captions should be provided as separate copy.

6 Submission and acceptance of articles Authors submitting manuscripts do so on the understanding that the work has not been published previously or is under consideration for publication elsewhere. Authors should obtain permission to use material already protected by copyright and are responsible for payment of any copyright fee. Copyright of previously unpublished material will be transferred to SAGE Ltd. On acceptance of their manuscriptuthors are asked to supply a disk of the final version of their article.

7 Proofs and offprints Authors will be expected to check the page proofs and return them to the Editor within two weeks of receipt or as advised. Authors will receive a complimentary journal copy. A maximum of 5 journal copies will be supplied for multi-authored articles. These will be supplied to the main author. And an electronic link to reproduce 25 offprints of their article.

8 Books for Review and Manuscripts of Reviews should be sent to Joanna Gavins, Dept of English Language and Linguistics, University of Sheffield, S10 2TN, UK.

English Language Editing Services: Please click here for information on professional English language editing services recommended by SAGE

Editorial Board

Assistant Editors:   Catherine Emmott                  University of Glasgow, UK

                             Joanna Gavins                        University of Sheffield, UK

Reviews Editor:     Dan McIntyre                         University of Huddersfield, UK

Editorial Board:    Derek Attridge                       University of York, UK

                             Carmen Rosa Caldas-Coulthard    University of Birmingham, UK

                             Ronald Carter                         University of Nottingham, UK

                             Barbara Dancygier                  University of British Columbia, Canada

                             Monika Fludernik                   Albert-Ludwigs University, Freiburg, Germany

                             David L. Hoover                    New York University, USA

                             Lesley E Jeffries                     University of Huddersfield, UK

                             Geoffrey Leech                      Lancaster University, UK

                             Sara Mills                              Sheffield Hallam University, UK

                             Willie van Peer                       Ludwig Maximilian Universitat, Munich, Germany

                             Roger D Sell                          Abo University, Turku, Finland

                             Dan Shen                               Peking University, China

                             Mick Short                            Lancaster University, UK

                             Paul Simpson                         Queen's University, Belfast, UK

                             Gerard Steen                          Urije Universiteit, Amsterdam

                             Peter Stockwell                      Nottingham University, UK

                             Michael Toolan                       University of Birmingham, UK

                             Peter Verdonk                        Amsterdam University, The Netherlands

                             Katie Wales                            University of Nottingham, UK

                             Jean Jacques Weber                University Centre Luxembourg

                             Sonia Zyngier                        Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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