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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal


The Journal of Semantics publishes articles, notes, discussions, and book reviews in the area of academic research into the semantics of natural language. It is explicitly interdisciplinary, in that it aims at an integration of philosophical, psychological, and linguistic semantics as well as semantic work done in logic, artificial intelligence, and anthropology


Journal of Semantics aims to be the premier generalist journal in semantics. It covers all areas in the study of meaning, and particularly welcomes submissions using the best available methodologies in semantics, pragmatics, the syntax/semantics interface, cross-linguistic semantics, experimental studies of meaning (processing, acquisition, neurolinguistics), and semantically informed philosophy of language.

Types of articles

Journal of SemanticsJournal of Semantics welcomes all types of research articles–with the usual proviso that length must be justified by scientific value. Besides standard articles, the Journal will welcome ‘squibs? i.e. very short empirical or theoretical contributions that make a pointed argument. In exceptional circumstances, and upon the advice of the head of the Advisory Board, the Journal will publish ‘featured articles? i.e. pieces that we take to make extraordinary contributions to the field.

Editorial decisions within 10 weeks The Journal aims to make editorial decisions within 10 weeks of submission.


Articles can only be accepted upon the advice of anonymous referees, who are asked to uphold strict scientific standards. Authors may include their names on their manuscripts, but they need not do so. (To avoid conflicts of interest, any manuscript submitted by one of the Editors will be handled by the head of the Advisory Board, who will be responsible for selecting referees and making an editorial decision).

Contributions must be of good quality (to be judged by at least two referees) and must report original research relating to questions of comprehension and interpretation of sentences, texts, or discourse in natural language. The editors welcome not only papers that cross traditional discipline boundaries, but also more specialized contributions, provided they are accessible to and interesting for a general readership in the field of natural language semantics. Empirical relevance, sound theoretic foundation, and formal as well as methodological correctness by currently accepted academic standards are the central criteria of acceptance for publication. It is also required of contributions published in the Journal that they link up with currently relevant discussions in the field of natural language semantics.

Abstracting and Indexing Services

The Journal of Semantics is covered by the following abstracting/indexing services:

ABELL: Annual Bibliography, English Language & Literature

ABES (Annotated Bib. For English Studies)

Bibliographie Linguistique/Linguistic Bibliography


Humanities Index/Abstracts/Full Text


Linguistics & Language Behavior Abstracts

Periodicals Index Online (PIO)

Literature Online (LION)

PROQUEST DATABASE : Arts & Humanities Full Text


PROQUEST DATABASE : ProQuest 5000 International


PROQUEST DATABASE : ProQuest Computing


Wilson OmniFile Full Text Mega Edition

The Standard Periodical Directory

Instructions to Authors

SUBMISSION PROCEDUREAll submissions are handled electronically. Manuscripts should be emailed in PDF format to the Managing Editor who will forward them to one of the Editors. The latter will be responsible for selecting referees and making an editorial decision. Receipt of a submission is systematically confirmed. The Journal aims to make editorial decisions within 10 weeks of submission.

Papers are accepted for review only on the condition that they have neither as a whole nor in part been published elsewhere, are elsewhere under review or have been accepted for publication. In case of any doubt authors must notify the editor of the relevant circumstances at the time of submission. It is understood that authors accept the copyright conditions stated in the journal if the paper is accepted for publication.

SUBMISSION FORMATThe following style requirements of the Journal of Semantics are binding for the final version to be prepared by the author after acceptance of the paper for publication.

The final version must be provided both as a PDF or Postscript file and a MS-Word file or Latex file with the required supplementary files.

The page size should be A4.

The paper must be headed by its title and the name(s) and affiliation(s) of the author(s).

The author's correspondence address (post office street address and email) must appear immediately at the end of the paper's main text under the separate heading "Author's address", before any Acknowledgements, Appendices, Notes, or References.

The paper starts, after its title and the author's name and affiliation, with an abstract of approximately 200 words, headed "Abstract".

Full bibliographical references must appear under the heading "References" at the very end of the paper, after the Author's address and any Acknowledgements, Appendices, or Notes, alphabetically ordered by author's surname and chronologically ordered per author. Each reference takes the form of surname of author, first name of author [, middle initial], year of publication in round brackets (in case of more than one publication per year, add small letters to the year), for books: title (in italics), publisher, place of publication; for journal papers: title of paper, name of journal (in italics), volume number (in boldface), colon, page numbers; for papers in collections: title of paper, In, editor's name, (ed.), title of collection (italics), publisher, place of publication, page numbers; for unpublished theses: title of thesis (in italics), type of thesis, name of department, name of university, place.Examples:

Burzio, Luigi (1986), Italian Syntax: A Government-Binding Approach. Reidel. Dordrecht.

Armstrong, Sharon L., Lila R. Gleitman, & Henry Gleitman (1983), What some concepts might not be. Cognition 13:263-308.

Dahl, Östen (1981), On the definition of the telic-atelic (bounded-nonbounded) distinction. In Philip J. Tedeschi and Annie Zaenen (eds.), Tense and Aspect. Academic Press. New York. 79-90.

May, Robert (1977), The Grammar of Quantification. Unpublished Ph.D. thesis. Dept. of Linguistics and Philosophy. MIT. Cambridge, MA.

Smith, John (1999a), The Complete Tszabashi Grammar. Beevier University Press. Beevier.

Smith, John (1999b), A Learner's Guide to Tszabashi. Unpublished MS.

All bibliographical references in the text must be given by author's surname and year of publication enclosed in round brackets (e.g., "... as Smith (1999b) argued..."or "...as was shown already in the Seventies (cf. May 1977).")

Notes must appear as footnotes rather than endnotes. They are identified by consecutive superscript Arabic numbering. Please avoid excessive use of notes.

Acknowledgements appear immediately after the main text of the paper and the Author's address and before any Appendices, Notes, and References in a separate paragraph headed "Acknowledgements". Acknowledgements should not appear in footnotes.

Appendices may be used for the presentation of detailed material supplementing the text. They appear under the separate headings "Appendix 1", "Appendix 2", etc. after the main text and Author's address and any Acknowledgements and before Notes and References.

The text of the paper should be structured in sections, decimally hierarchically numbered (i.e., 1, 1.1, 1.1.1, etc). No more than three levels of numbering should be used. Each section should bear a section title. The section numbering does not cover the Abstract and starts with the first section of the main text of the paper. Appendices, Acknowledgements and References are not numbered sections.

Linguistic example sentences and formulas should be numbered on the left start of the line for cross reference by Arabic numbers enclosed in round brackets.

Linguistic example sentences from languages other than English must be accompanied by a literal word-by-word English gloss as well as an English translation.

Linguistic examples from languages not using the Latin alphabet must be given in an appropriate standard transliteration.

Diagrams and Figures should be submitted in electronic files in addition to a camera-ready print on paper.

Tables, Diagrams, or Figures of any kind should be numbered for cross reference consecutively and are named "Table 1", "Table 2", "Figure 1", "Figure 2", etc.

COPYRIGHTIt is a condition of publication in the Journal that authors assign copyright to Oxford University Press. This ensures that requests from third parties to reproduce articles are handled efficiently and consistently and will also allow the article to be as widely disseminated as possible. In assigning copyright, authors may use their own material in other publications provided that the Journal is acknowledged as the original place of publication, and Oxford University Press is notified in writing and in advance.


Offprints may be purchased at the rates indicated on the order form which must be returned with the proofs

Editorial Board

Managing Editor:Philippe Schlenker

Institut Jean-Nicod, Paris; New York University


Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Manfred Krifka

Humboldt University Berlin; ZAS, Berlin

Rick Nouwen

Utrecht University

Maribel Romero

University of Konstanz

Robert van Rooij

University of Amsterdam

Bernhard Schwarz

McGill University

Yael Sharvit

University of Connecticut

Jesse Snedeker

Harvard University

Anna Szabolcsi

New York University

Zoltán Gendler Szab?o:p>

Yale University

ADVISORY BOARD:Gennaro Chierchia

Harvard University

Bart Geurts

University of Nijmegen

Lila Gleitman

University of Pennsylvania

Irene Heim

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Laurence R. Horn

Yale University

Hans Kamp

Stuttgart University and University of Texas, Austin

Beth Levin

Stanford University

Barbara Partee

University of Massachusetts, Amherst

François Recanati

Institut Jean-Nicod, Paris

Roger Schwarzschild

Rutgers University

Arnim von Stechow

University of Tübingen

Thomas Ede Zimmermann

University of Frankfurt


University of Amsterdam

Pranav Anand

University of California, Santa Cruz

Nicholas Asher

IRIT, Toulouse; University of Texas, Austin

Chris Barker

New York University

Sigrid Beck

University of Tübingen

Rajesh Bhatt

University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Maria Bittner

Rutgers University

Peter Bosch

University of Osnabrück

Richard Breheny

University College London

Daniel Büring

University of California, Los Angeles

Emmanuel Chemla

Institut Jean-Nicod, Paris; LSCP, Paris

Jill G. de Villiers

Smith College

Paul Dekker

University of Amsterdam

Josh Dever

University of Texas, Austin

Regine Eckardt

University of Göttingen

Martina Faller

University of Manchester

Delia Fara

Princeton University

Lyn Frazier

University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Jeroen Groenendijk

University of Amsterdam

Elena Guerzoni

University of Southern California, Amherst

Martin Hackl

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Pauline Jacobson

Brown University

Andrew Kehler

University of California, San Diego

Chris Kennedy

University of Chicago

Jeffrey C. King

Rutgers University

Angelika Kratzer

University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Peter Lasersohn

University of Illinois

Jeffrey Lidz

University of Maryland

John MacFarlane

University of California, Berkeley

Lisa Matthewson

University of British Columbia

Julien Musolino

Rutgers University

Ira Noveck

L2C2, CNRS, Lyon

Francis Jeffry Pelletier

University of Alberta

Colin Phillips

University of Maryland

Paul M. Pietroski

University of Maryland

Christopher Potts

University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Liina Pylkkänen

New York University

Gillian C. Ramchand

University of Tromsoe

Mats Rooth

Cornell University

Uli Sauerland

ZAS, Berlin

Barry Schein

University of Southern California

Benjamin Spector

Institut Jean-Nicod, Paris

Robert Stalnaker

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Jason Stanley

Rutgers University

Mark Steedman

University of Edinburgh

Michael K. Tanenhaus

University of Rochester

Jos van Berkum

Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen

Rob van der Sandt

University of Nijmegen

Yoad Winter

Utrecht University

Henk Zeevat

University of Amsterdam


Emmanuel Chemla

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