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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

 Aims & Scope

The Journal of Quantitative Linguistics is an international forum for the publication and discussion of research on the quantitative characteristics of language and text in an exact mathematical form. This approach, which is of growing interest, opens up important and exciting theoretical perspectives, as well as solutions for a wide range of practical problems such as machine learning or statistical parsing, by introducing into linguistics the methods and models of advanced scientific disciplines such as the natural sciences, economics, and psychology. Specifically, JQL publishes on:

Observations and descriptions of all aspects of language and text phenomena including the areas of psycholinguistics, sociolinguistics, dialectology, pragmatics, etc. as far as they use quantitative mathematical methods (probability theory, stochastic processes, differential and difference equations, fuzzy logics and set theory, function theory etc.), on all levels of linguistic analysis.

Applications of methods, models, or findings from quantitative linguistics to problems of natural language processing, machine translation, language teaching, documentation and information retrieval.

Methodological problems of linguistic measurement, model construction, sampling and test theory.

Epistemological issues such as explanation of language and text phenomena, contributions to theory construction, systems theory, philosophy of science.

Peer Review Policy:

All articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymized refereeing by two anonymous referees.


Taylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the Content) contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis

Abstracting & Indexing

Communication and Mass Media Complete; Linguistic Bibliography, Linguistics Abstracts; Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts; M L A International Bibliography; OCLC; PsycINFO and R I L M Abstracts of Music Literature

Instructions to Authors

Note to Authors: please make sure your contact address information is clearly visible on the outside of all packages you are sending to Editors.


Please check your manuscript on the following:


For non-English speakers: a native speaker should read the article before submission.

Before submitting your paper: check on consistency of spelling, punctuation, and use of abbreviations and improve where necessary.

Manuscripts should reach high academic standards and contributors need to remember that they are writing for an international audience.

National colloquialisms and idiomatic use of language should be avoided and gender neutral language used.

The Editors and Members of the Board will be happy to give support to the authors' of articles, to look at early drafts, and to suggest amendments that will facilitate publication. This can be done informally, before formal submission of articles.


The title page should contain the following elements:

Title, author's names with affiliation, an abbreviated version of the title of no more than 40 characters (including spaces) for running heads, an abstract of approximately 100 words briefly summarizing the essential contents, and the full address of the corresponding author in a footnote: phone, fax, postal address as well as an e-mail address.

Total length of the manuscript, with illustrations, tables, figures and charts giving word number equivalents must be indicated. It is anticipated that articles will be in the order of 5000 to 8000 words.

Manuscripts must conform to the style of the American Psychological Association (APA Publication Manuel, 5th ed.), including the use of up to three levels of headings, citations and references.

Illustrations, figures and tables:

Store digital files and figures and illustrations in either .EPS or .TIF format. Freehand or typewritten lettering is not acceptable. Tables (including headings and notes), figures and figure legends must be presented on separate pages. The approximate position of figures and tables should be clearly indicated in the text. All tables and figures to be placed in the text should be referred to in the body text. The costs of colour illustrations and coloured halftones is €1000, - per page and must be met in full by the author(s). Prepayment is required and estimates can be obtained at the time of submission of the manuscript for review.

Submission of manuscripts:

Four copies of the manuscript (including halftones and illustrations) together with a diskette or CD-ROM (or e-mail attachment) should be sent to:

The Journal of Quantitative Linguistics

The Editor, Reinhard Köhler

Department of Computational Linguistics

University of Trier

P.O. Box 3825

54286 Trier


Tel.: (+49) 651 201 2270

Fax.: (+49) 655 201 3946

E-mail: koehler@uni-trier.de

Storage on Diskette:

Use a 3.5-inch diskette or CD-ROM disk to save your manuscript.

Save your electronic manuscript in a frequently used word processor format, preferably WORD 95, 97 or higher, compatible with MS Dos, Windows or Apple Macintosh. Do not submit your article in ASCII, Postscript or Works.

Please name your document according to the dos-convention, 8 characters before the period and 3 after: document.doc

Make sure to submit the final version of your manuscript, identically on hard copy (print-out) and on diskette.

Always retain a backup copy of the final version of your manuscript (both digital and hardcopy).

Free article access:

Corresponding authors will receive free online access to their article through our website (www.informaworld.com) and a complimentary copy of the issue containing their article. Reprints of articles published in this journal can be purchased through Rightslink® when proofs are received. If you have any queries, please contact our reprints department at reprints@tandf.co.uk

Copyright and permissions:

It is a condition of publication that authors vest or license copyright in their articles, including abstracts, in Taylor and Francis. This enables us to ensure full copyright protection and to disseminate the article and the journal to the widest possible readership in print and electronic formats as appropriate. Authors may, of course, use the material elsewhere after publication providing that prior permission is obtained from Taylor & Francis. Authors are themselves responsible for obtaining permission to reproduce copyright material from other sources. To view the ‘Copyright Transfer Frequently Asked Questions' please visit http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/copyright.asp. One free issue is given to the corresponding author. Reprints and/or additional issues may be ordered at proof stage.

For further information about JQL, please contact the editor

Editorial Board


Reinhard Köhler - University of Trier, Germany

Associate Editors:

Gabriel Altmann - Ruhr Universität, Germany

Sheila Embleton - York University, Canada

Royal Skousen - Brigham Young University, USA

Relja Vulanovic ¨C Kent State University, USA

Book Reviews Editor:

Sven Naumann - University of Trier, Germany

Editorial board:


Michael Cysouw - Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Germany

Andrew Hardie - Lancaster University, UK

Ludek Hreb¨ªcek - Oriental Institute AS, Czech Republic

J¨¢n Macutek - Bratislava, Slovakia

Raimund G. Piotrowski - RPU "Herzen", St. Petersburg, Russia

Pauli Saukkonen - Helsinki, Finland

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